<div>放暑假了,说实话啥都想搞,没思考清楚这么做的目的是啥,所以混乱了一段时间,目前加入了写字营,自己也开启了读书小打卡,跟同频的妈妈们一起陪伴孩子读书,指读的路上不孤单,一点点积累,加油。</div><div>想了想,偷的懒迟早要还,主题课还得继续进行,毕竟已经备完了整个级别,不玩可惜了。所以,我们又回归了。</div><div><br></div>2021.7.22 打卡记录<br>--指读 牛5,海尼曼(3本);<br>--复述Peppa pig-S3-40-47;<br><br>1. Listening & Vedio:<br>--3b-unit1 Who took the cookie from the jar-day1<br>--拼音、识字,书写;<br>--数学:<br>本单元重点: 烘焙食品,面包师蛋糕师,偷窃行为。<br><br>2. Reading:<br>童话故事,正好找到little match girl,再读来看看。 3. Cartoon and discussion SSS经典曲目 Cookies V.S. Biscuits A cookie is a sweet dessert made from flour. Cookies are made in an oven. Most cookies are flat and round like a disc. Cookies often have flavours added to them, like spices, chocolate, butter, peanut butter, nuts or dried fruits. Most cookies are very sweet.<div>Biscuit: In American English, a "biscuit" is a small form of bread, made with baking powder or baking soda instead of yeast. In British English, biscuits are usually sweet and can be eaten with tea, milk or coffee. In North America these are called "cookies".</div> <div><b>讨论了如何制作cookies,以及cookies和biscuits的区别。</b></div><b>4. Games:<br>(1) Act it out</b><br>M: Look Eric, I have a jar of cookies. Would you like one?<br>E: Yes, I would.<br>M: Ok, here you go. Let's eat the rest later. Come on let's go.<br>D: Oh, a jar of cookies. Yum! I am going to take some.<br>M: Eric look, someone has eaten our cookies. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Eric stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>E: Who? me?<br>M: Yes, you!<br>E: Not me! M: Then who?<br>E: Mommy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.........<br>D: Hello Mommy, hello Eric. What are you doing?<br>M: Daddy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>D: Who? Me?<br>E: Yes, you!...... (2) Rock, paper, scissors<br>M: Let's play a hand clap game Eric.<br>E: Ok Mommy.<br>M: Great. When we say, Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? we will play rock, paper, scissors. The loser will be the person who stole the cookies.<br>E: Ok.<br>Together: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar? Rock, paper, scissors.<br>M: I got paper, you got scissors.<br>E: Mommy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Who?Me?<br>E: Yes, you!<br>M: Not me! <br>E: Then who?<br>M: Eric stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>E: Who? Me?<br>M: Yes,you!<br>E: Not me!<br>M: Then, who? (3)Which animal stole the cookies?<br>M: Look Eric, I have some pictures of different animals. Can you tell me what animals you see?<br>E: Yes, I can see a lion, an elephant, a dog and a cat.<br>M: Very good. Look at these pictures. What are these?<br>E: Cookies!<br>M: Yes, cookies. Now cover your eyes Eric. I am going to hide the cookies behind one of the animals. You need to guess who stole the cookies.<br>E: Ok.<br>M: Ok look now. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?<br>E: Lion stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Who?Him?<br>E: Yes, him!<br>M: Not him! Then who?<br>E: Cat stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Who?Her?<br>E: Yes, her!<br>M: It is her! Well done Eric. Let's play again. 哪只小动物偷吃了cookies. <b>(4)Guess who</b><br>M: Let's get everyone to join us. Ok, we are going to play a game. I have some pictures of different animals. I am going to hide cookies under one of them. You have to guess who took the cookies. Got it?<br>Everyone: Got it.<br>M: Ok, cover your eyes. Now look. Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?<br>D: Tiger stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>E: Monkey stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Panda stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Teddy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Ok, let's see who is right. Look, Panda, stole the cookies from the cookie jar. Grandma gets one point. Let's play again. The first person to get five points is the winner. <b>(5) Who took my cookies?</b><br>M: Here everyone I have some finger puppets.Pick one to wear and be that animal. Now we will act out the song.<br>M: Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?<br>E: Bunny stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>E: Who? Me?<br>M: Yes, you!<br>E: Not me!<br>Everyone: Then who?<br>E: Panda stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br>M: Who?Me?<br>Everyone: Yes, you!<br>M: Not me!<br>Everyone: Then who?<br>M: Piggy stole the cookies from the cookie jar.<br> <div><br></div>