路易维尔和辛辛那提之行 July 4th Weekend in Louisville & Cincinnati


<p class="ql-block">2021年暑假,Amy在俄亥俄州的辛辛那提工作。乘着美国独立日 July 4th weekend,我们全家在Amy这相聚。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Amy特意安排我们来看看Louisville。</p> Louisville is Kentucky's largest city – home to both the Kentucky Derby and Muhammad Ali, sits on the Ohio River along the Indiana border. Here, you can sip some of the world's finest spirits along the Urban Bourbon Trail, visit landmarks honoring some of history’s greatest influencers and dine at award-winning restaurants – all in the same day. Every May, its race course Churchill Downs hosts the Kentucky Derby, a renowned horse race whose long history is explored at the Kentucky Derby Museum. <p class="ql-block">参观Kentucky Derby的赛马场 Churchill Downs<br></p> Louisville’s official cocktail, the bourbon-based Old Fashioned. Prohibition-Themed Distillery Tour & Taste. 参加肯德基品酒Prohibition-Themed Distillery Tour & Taste 晚上走在热闹的Fourth Street上。很写意的一天![玫瑰][玫瑰] Walk across the Big Four Pedestrian Bridge, which spans the river from Louisville Waterfront Park to Jeffersonville, Indiana. The bridge was originally constructed in 1895 and revitalized in 2013 with an array of colorful lights illuminating its . <p class="ql-block">美国独立日从徒步走过路易斯维尔Louisville的Ohio河上的Big Four人行桥看日出开始</p> Try the Hot Brown sandwich at the Brown Hotel, where it was invented in 1926. This open-faced sandwich, piled with sliced turkey and bacon and covered in a French Mornay sauce (a béchamel with cheese in it) and broiled, is a true taste of Louisville. 随后我们一家去了这里经典的The Brown Hotel酒店品尝路易斯维尔的传统食品The Hot Brown和Derby Pie。 The Brown Hotel has been a beloved Louisville landmark, attracting many social and political elite, since opening in 1923. Baseball is celebrated at the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory, where Major League bats are produced and a giant baseball "slugger" marks the entrance. 随后参观了路易斯维尔有名的做棒球球棒的Slugger工厂和博物馆。 再见了路易斯维尔,我们在这儿玩得很开心! 辛辛那提是美国中部俄亥俄州西南端重要工业城市和河港。位于俄亥俄河向北大弯的顶端北岸,俄亥俄、肯塔基和印第安纳3州交界处附近。市区面积202平方公里,人口301,301(2017),大市区包 括分属3州的7县,面积5579平方公里;城市坐落在三面为丘陵环抱的平坦盆地中,大、小迈阿密河和俄亥俄河3河在此汇合。年降水量1000毫米。<br><br><div>1788年首批欧洲人来此定居。1819年建市。1827年后随着迈阿密运河和俄亥俄河-伊利湖运河先后建成,逐渐成为美国中西部主要河港和商业中心,以后又因铁路的兴建,城市迅速发展,为美国中西部较早兴起的工业城市之一。<br><br>与匹兹堡和纳什维尔一样它是一个美国向西扩展时期的边界城市。而作为一个内陆港口和运河城市它可以与路易斯维尔、圣路易斯和新奥尔良相比。作为一个移民和工业城市它可以与布鲁克林区、费城、克里夫兰、芝加哥和底特律相比。<br><br>由于它有滨河景致以及许多公园,许多评论者突出了它的美丽。温斯顿·邱吉尔称辛辛那提为美国内陆最美的城市。当地的肥皂公司宝洁公司所赞助的众多肥皂剧中的一部就是使用辛辛那提的市容拍的。<br><br></div><div>从许多角度上来看辛辛那提是一个前锋城市。1850年这里建立了美国第一座犹太医院。同年这里出产了第一张贺卡。1853年这里建立了美国第一个县立消防队。1867年成立的辛辛那提红人于1869年成为世界上第一个职业垒球队。1880年辛辛那提是世界上第一个建造和拥有一条大铁路的城市,这条铁路连接美国东西。1902年市内建造了世界上第一座加强水泥摩天大楼。美国男童子军是1905年从辛辛那提起家的。由于市内有许多德国移民,在禁酒期以前辛辛那提是美国啤酒工业的先驱。到1939年为止辛辛那提的电台是美国第一家以50万瓦功率发射的电台。1954年这里建立了第一家公共电视台。<br></div><div><br></div><div>辛辛纳提特有的地理形式使得它的市区总是集中在小山谷和周围的山坡上,因此每个市区都有其特有的风格。外部的市区过去是独立的村镇,还保留着过去的市中心部分。一个市区(Over-the-Rhine)对德国美国人的历史非常重要。辛辛纳提还有东边和西边之分。两边有一些点小小的竞争,东边住的是“有钱和花钱”的人,西边住的是“有钱但不花钱”的人。</div> Cincinnati is a city in Ohio, on the Ohio River. The Over-the-Rhine district is known for its 19th-century architecture, including Findlay Market, which has food and craft vendors. To the north is the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden. The Cincinnati Museum Center encompasses history, science and children's museums in the art deco Union Terminal. Works spanning 6,000 years are on display at the Cincinnati Art Museum. Cincinnati also has two major sports teams: the Cincinnati Reds and the Cincinnati Bengals. 温斯顿·邱吉尔称辛辛那提为美国内陆最美的城市。辛辛那提具有迷人的城市风光,俯瞰壮丽的俄亥俄河,是景色绝美的大都市,游客从未如此渴望品尝美食、参观优质博物馆并体验刺激的体育活动。辛辛那提坐拥令人叹为观止的罗布林吊桥(Roebling Suspension Bridge),从北部滨水区蔓延,包含现代风格社区、城市绿地、知名大学和德国元素。<div><br></div> <b>俄亥俄州辛辛那提约翰奥古斯特罗布林吊桥(John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge)</b> 辛辛那提坐拥曾经令人叹为观止的约翰·奥古斯都·罗布林吊桥(John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge),这座美丽宏伟的蓝色吊桥横跨俄亥俄河,连接了此岸俄亥俄州的辛辛那提(Cincinnati,Ohio)与肯塔基州卡温顿(Covington,Kentucky)。它1866年开放,当时是世界上最长的吊桥。 John A. Roebling也是Brooklyn Bridge的设计者,一年后他设计的布鲁克林大桥,超越了 罗布林吊桥的记录。 The John A. Roebling Suspension Bridge, originally known as the Cincinnati-Covington Bridge, spans the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Ohio, and Covington, Kentucky. When opened on December 1, 1866, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world at 1,057 feet (322 m) main span, which was later overtaken by John A. Roebling's most famous design of the 1883 Brooklyn Bridge at 1,595.5 feet (486.3 m). Pedestrians use the bridge to get between the sports venues in Cincinnati (Paul Brown Stadium, Great American Ball Park, and U.S. Bank Arena) and the hotels, bars, restaurants, and parking lots in Northern Kentucky. The bar and restaurant district at the foot of the bridge on the Kentucky side is known as Roebling Point. <b>Riverfront</b> 辛辛那提许多最受欢迎的景点位于滨水区,可俯瞰临近的肯塔基州。罗布林吊桥两侧是这座城市两个最大的体育场:大美利坚棒球场(Great American Ball Park),这里是辛辛那提红人(Cincinnati Reds)棒球队主场以及名人堂博物馆(Hall of Fame museum)所在地 (红人队是美国职业棒球大联盟中历史最悠久的球队);另一个体育场是保罗布朗体育场(Paul Brown Stadium),这里是辛辛那提猛虎(Bengals)美式橄榄球主场。 <b>Union Terminal</b> Cincinnati Union Terminal is an intercity train station and museum center in the Queensgate neighborhood of Cincinnati, Ohio. Commonly abbreviated as CUT, or by its Amtrak station code, CIN, the terminal is served by Amtrak's Cardinal line, passing through Cincinnati three times weekly. The building's largest tenant is the Cincinnati Museum Center, comprising the Cincinnati History Museum, the Museum of Natural History & Science, Duke Energy Children's Museum, the Cincinnati History Library and Archives, and an Omnimax theater.<br><br>Union Terminal's distinctive architecture, interior design, and history have earned it several landmark designations, including as a National Historic Landmark. Its Art Deco design incorporates several contemporaneous works of art, including two of the Winold Reiss industrial murals, a set of sixteen mosaic murals depicting Cincinnati industry commissioned for the terminal in 1931. The main space in the facility, the Rotunda, has two enormous mosaic murals designed by Reiss. Taxi and bus driveways leading to and from the Rotunda are now used as museum space. The train concourse was another significant portion of the terminal, though no longer extant. It held all sixteen of Reiss's industrial murals, along with other significant art and design features. 辛辛那提联合车站,英文名为Cincinnati Union Terminal,现在的正式名称为辛辛那提联合车站博物馆中心(The Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal),是一个火车客运站及博物馆中心,美铁的红雀号列车(Cardinal)在此站经停。<div><br></div>在19世纪末、20世纪初,辛辛那提曾是东北部、中西部与南部之间重要的铁路中转枢纽,市中心不少于5个车站[2],经过漫长的协商过程,在1928年,7条铁路(巴尔的摩-俄亥俄铁路、切萨皮克-俄亥俄铁路、克利夫兰,辛辛那提,芝加哥和圣路易斯铁路、路易斯维尔-纳什维尔铁路、诺福克-西部铁路、宾夕法尼亚铁路和南方铁路)在西区新建联合车站。1931年开工建造,1933年3月31日该站正式开通。该项目的总成本为4150万美元。在铁路客运的鼎盛时期,联合车站具有每天到发108对列车的能力。<div><br><div>该建筑为艺术装饰风格,拥有西半球最大的半圆顶,宽180英尺,高106英尺[3]。德国艺术家赖斯设计两幅描绘辛辛那提历史的壁画,以及14幅描绘当地产业的壁画(钢琴制造、无线电广播、屋顶制造、制革、飞机和零部件制造、油墨制造、洗衣机制造、肉类包装、药物和化学处理、印刷及出版、铣床、钢板制造、制皂、机床制造),许多壁画现已迁移至辛辛那提国际机场。<br></div></div> <b>Cincinnati Music Hall & Over-the-Rhine (OTR)</b> "Cincinnati is a beautiful city; cheerful, thriving, and animated," said celebrated novelist Charles Dickens. And we quite agree. Although some of Cincy's neighborhoods are a little run-down, the winds of revitalization are blowing through the city with force. Only look to the historic Over-the-Rhine (OTR) district for proof: This neighborhood features vibrant Findlay Market, which gathers hordes of foodies on the weekends, and Cincinnati Music Hall, home to the prestigious Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. 辛辛那提的建筑堪称一绝。在十九世纪末期,它被称作“美国的巴黎”,原因就是它的城市中心有许多保存完好的老建筑,历史超过200年。比较著名的是我们这次去的音乐大厅,还有辛辛那提酒店和希利托百货。 辛辛那提音乐大厅在Over-the-Rhine街区,这个街区的老建筑众多。之前说过辛辛那提有很多德国移民,所以这个街区的名字Rhine莱茵就来自德国的莱茵河。 这里的老建筑,被认为可以跟纽约的格林威治村,新奥尔良的法国区,佐治亚州的萨凡纳和南卡的查尔斯顿媲美。 这座音乐大厅的气势非常恢弘,红色墙砖鲜艳夺目,一点不显老旧。它的面前会有轻轨经过。 <b>21C Museum Hotel</b> 21C Museum Hotel: The former landmark Metropole Hotel is now an art-centric hotel with its own collection, as well as rotating installations and exhibits. <p class="ql-block">美国国庆之夜,我们全家在Ohio州的辛辛那提度过,去了Riverbend Music Center听辛辛那提交响乐团(Cincinnati POPS)的音乐会。</p> 音乐会结束后,我们躺在草地上,烟花就着辛辛那提交响乐团的伴奏音乐,在我们的上空绽放。 What a perfect Holiday!