<p class="ql-block"> 红旗渠,八百里太行的一条红色飘带。</p><p class="ql-block"> 林州,有山、有水、有精神。</p><p class="ql-block">The Red Flag Canal, a red ribbon of 800 li Taihang. Linzhou, there are mountains, water, spirit.</p> <p> 红旗渠,1960年代引漳河水入林县的人工灌渠,被人称之为“人工天河”,国家5A级景区。</p><p>The Red Flag Canal, an artificial irrigation canal that brought water from The Zhang River into Lin County in the 1960s, was called "artificial Tian river" and was a national 5A scenic spot.</p> <p> 河南安阳的林州市,处于河南、山西交界处,历史上严重干旱缺水。</p><p>The city of Linzhou in Anyang, Henan province, which lies at the junction of Henan and Shanxi provinces, has a history of severe drought and water shortage.</p> <p> 近500年来,林州发生自然灾害100多次,大旱绝收30多次。每逢大旱,河干井涸,庄稼颗粒不收,人、畜用水及其困难。</p><p>In the past 500 years, there have been more than 100 natural disasters and more than 30 droughts. Whenever there is a great drought, the rivers run dry and the crops are not harvested. It is very difficult for people and livestock to use water.</p> <p> 红旗渠,1960年3月开始动工,1965年4月5日主干渠通水。</p><p>The Red Flag Canal began construction in March 1960 and the main canal was opened to water on April 5, 1965.</p> <p> 1966年4月,三条干渠同时竣工。</p><p>In April 1966, three main canals were completed simultaneously.</p> <p> 1969年7月,完成干、支、斗渠配套建设。至此,以红旗渠为主体的灌溉体系基本形成。灌区有效灌溉面积达到54万亩。</p><p>In July 1969, the supporting construction of main canal, branch canal and douqu canal was completed. At this point, the irrigation system with the Red Flag canal as the main body was basically formed. The effective irrigated area reached 540,000 mu.</p> <p> 杨贵,原河南林县县委书记,红旗渠的总设计师,主持修建了这一举世瞩目的人工天河。</p><p>2006年3月,中央批准职级为副部长级,享受国家机关部长级待遇。Yang GUI, former communist Party secretary of Lin County in Henan province and chief designer of the Red Flag Canal, presided over the construction of the world-renowned artificial Tianhe river.</p><p>In March 2006, the Central Government approved the rank as vice-ministerial level, enjoying the treatment of ministerial level of state organs.</p> <p> 当时,人们就是用这些原始的劳动工具,加上自己制造的炸药,修建了红旗渠这样的伟大工程。</p><p>At that time, people used these primitive tools of labor, coupled with their own manufacture of explosives, built such a great project as the Red Flag Canal.</p> <p> 青年洞,为表彰青年们艰苦奋斗的业绩而命名。洞长623米,岩石坚硬,开通难度巨大。郭沫若先生亲笔题写了洞名。</p><p>Youth cave, named for the achievement of the young people's hard work. The cave is 623 meters long, hard rock and difficult to open. Mr. Guo Moruo wrote the name of the cave in his own handwriting.</p> <p> 红旗渠,全长1500公里。这条“人工天河”,是人与自然和谐共生的一个典范。</p><p>The Red Flag Canal is 1500 kilometers long. This "man-made heavenly River" is a model of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.</p> <p> 前国家主席李先念题写“山碑”。</p><p>Former Chinese President Li Xiannian inscribed "Mountain monument".</p> <p class="ql-block"> 红旗渠小镇的家庭旅馆还不错!</p><p class="ql-block">The family hotel in Red Flag Canal Town is not bad!</p> <p class="ql-block"> END</p>