愿望清单上的camping,今天终于如愿了,还约到了Judy和Daniel一起,小伙伴们又一次聚在一起了,3个大家庭分工合作,这次露营真是让大家开心到起飞。<div><b>分工:</b></div><div><b>Daniel家找营地,准备火锅用具,零食。</b></div><div><b>Judy家负责烧烤用具和食材,相当美味给力。</b></div><div><b>Eric家负责饮料水果,又一次完美的配合,谢谢大家。</b><br><div><b>1. Preparation</b><br>Camping gear 露营装备:<br>Tent 帐篷/Sleeping bag 睡袋/Bed roll 睡垫/Picnic mat 野餐垫/Water bottle 水壶/Backpack 书包/insect repellent 杀虫剂/Sunscreen 防晒霜/flashlight 手电筒<br><b>2. Shopping:</b><br>Let's go to the supermarket to buy some fruits and drinks. Then we can enjoy them together with Judy, Daniel. For our kids, we can have watermelon, banana, litchi, yogurt, orange juice, coconut milk, soda water. For adults, you can drink some beer, haha.<br></div></div> <b>3. On the way to camping site:</b><br>M: Let's set out, we will spend two days at the camping site. We have prepared a lot of games for you and your friends.<br>E:Yes, I am so excited.<br>M: It will take 1 hour for us to be there, you can listen to some stories you like.<br>E: Ok, I wanna listen Curious George with my listener.<br>M: Here you are, let's go, if you are tired, you can have a nap. I will wake you up when we arrive there. <b>4. Arrival at the camping site</b><br>M: We are arrived, what a beautiful view. Take your baggage, let's check-in first, this way please.<br>M: There are different camping site, we should find site B, we can read the map first and then we will know where should we go.<br>E: I know, follow me…This one.<br>M: Oh, what do we have here, we have twin beds here, the mattress is air cushion, would you like to have a sit.<br>E: Yes, they are kind of bouncy.<br>M: Ok, then let's go to join Judy and Daniel. 美好的时刻总是从冰激凌开始,比赛谁的嘴巴就可爱。<div><b>5. BBQ dinner time</b><br>M: It's dinner time.<br>M: We have BBQ and hot pot. Let's collect sticks to make a fire. Dad will light it.</div> 小朋友们捡树枝,爸爸们来生火,一起享受做饭的乐趣。<div>E: I want some roasted chicken wings.<br>M: OK, let's start now. Moms have prepared the ingredients and supplies.<br>Children: Yay! That sounds good.<br>M: Could you come here to set up the table? Now, we need your help to set up the table. Go and get the plates, napkins, chopsticks for everyone. Thanks for your help.<br>Children: Yes.<br>M: The meat is ready, how many kebabs do you want?<br>E: One please.<br>M: We have also prepared hot spot, what are you gonna have?We have lettuce, potato, fish, beef, mutton?</div><div>Children: No, we want coconut milk.</div><div>M: Here you go. We also have some noodles, who want?<br></div><div>J: I want some noodels, please.</div><div>M: Ok, be careful, it is hot.</div> 爸爸们负责烤串,妈妈们负责摆放,小朋友们负责吃,Judy妈妈买的食材超级棒,赞一个。 一起举杯庆祝我们的camping,爸爸们啤酒,妈妈们鸡尾酒,小朋友椰汁就好了,cheers! 夜幕来临,小朋友们放烟火,加入到集体的篝火舞会,虽然没几个人会跳,热闹就好。 <b>6. Games<br>(1) Camping scavenger hunt</b><br>M: Children, here are some camping scavenger hunt worksheets for all of you, you need to go around and try to find the items on the worksheet, check each box as you find the items. Ready, steady go! 吃饱喝足出发去hunt。 Eric负责分发worksheets,出发寻找camping items。Daniel的变声小话筒玩起来,看看谁更像机器人。<div><br></div><div><b>(2) Musical chair</b><br></div> 变形版本,音乐停止找rocking horse,哈哈。 <b>(3) Twister</b> <b>(4) Daniel / Judy says</b> Daniel小老师,Judy小老师发指令了,一起来玩。<div><b>(5) Water ball fight</b></div> 扔了一轮又一轮,最适合夏天。 <b>Happy ending以吃瓜结束。</b> 再次感谢所有家庭的付出,为了娃我们聚在一起,这就是同频的快乐。 <div><b>备课参考资料:小西妈公号camping,damon妈妈备课群春季备课系列,感谢那些无私付出的妈妈们。</b></div><div><b>Tools for grill (Barbecue)准备工具</b><br> Barbecue grill 烧烤架<br> Hot coals 热炭<br> Tongs 钳子/夹子<br> Charcoal 木炭<br> Fire starters 点火器<br> Grid 网格烤板<br> Basting brush 酱料刷<br> Fan 扇子<br> Skewers / satay sticks 串肉杆<br> Paper Plates 纸盘子<br> Fork 叉子<br> napkin 餐巾纸<br> Basting sauce 调制酱<br> Seasoning 调料<br> Soy(a) sauce 酱油<br> Cooking oil 油<br> cumin 孜然<br> Cutting board 砧板<br></div><div><b>Food for the BBQ:</b><br> 烤羊肉串Shish kebab<br> 烤牛肉串 Grilled beef kebabs<br> 烤鸡肉串 Roast chicken kebabs<br> 烤鸡翅 Roast chicken wings<br> 烤牛排 Broiled steak<br> 烤玉米 Roasted corn<br> 烤茄子 Roasted eggplant<br> 烤土豆 Baked potatoes<br> 烤尖椒 Roast pepper<br></div><div><b>How to barbecue</b><br>M: We have a coal grill, so we need some coals and lighter fluid.<br>(1) Clean up the grill清理烤架:<br>We have to clean the grill before we start a fire. There could be some dirt on it.<br>(2) Fire up/turn on the grill , preheat it 打开烤架,预热: Whether you're using a gas grill or a charcoal grill, you'll need to preheat the grill before adding your food.<br>(3) Start cooking: Be careful, children, don/t touch, it is very hot.<br>M: All done, let me put rib/shrimp/mutton skewer/chicken wings on the grill. Then flip to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement. Don't burn the meat.<br>I'm gonna brush some BBQ sauce on it.我要在上面刷些烧烤酱。<br>Then I'll grill it for a few more minutes.然后再烤几分钟<br>I need to sprinkle some spices on the chicken wings。.<br>Could you please sprinkle the barbecue seasoning on it?</div>