1⃣️Listening:<br><br>1.英文教材儿歌及场景对话:2a U9~U12<br><br>2.英文动画:粉猪S1-03 Best friends<br><br>3.中文教材儿歌:第三册 U1拍手猜拳<br><br>2⃣️Reading:<br><br>汉语:<div>《我的情绪小怪兽》<br><br>英文:<br><br>海尼曼E指读<br><br>理解性阅读牛津树6</div> 3⃣️Games:<br><br>1汉语:<br><br>2英语:2aU9 Eentsy Weentsy Spider<div>(1)Game1 Movement time<br>Mum: Family time, everyone.<br>Dad: Ok<br>Baby: Ok. What shall we do?<br>Mum: We are going to do some movements with the song eentsy weensy spider<br>Dad: But how?<br>Baby: Will you tell us the rules?<br>Mum: Ok, now listen carefully! First I will sing the song. When you hear the eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout, you two pretend to climb. When you hear Down came the rain and washed the spider out, you squat down. When you hear out came the sun and dried up all the rain, you stand up. When you hear the eentsy weentsy spider went up the spout again, you climb up again. Is that ok? Got it?<br>Dad: Ok<br>Baby: Ok.<br>Mum: Then we will change roles.<br><br>(2) Family time<br>Mum: Look, your arm is a water spout What's this?<br>Baby: This is a spider.<br>Mum: Yes, a spider.<br>Mum Baby: The eentsy weentsy spider went up the water spout. Down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain And the eentsy weensy spider went up the spout again<br>(Mum tickles baby)<br>Mum: Good, next time my arm will be the water spout, ok?<br>Baby: Ok.<br>Mum Baby: (Sing the song together)(Baby tickles mom)<br></div>