【父亲节】Father's Day


<h3>有人说母爱如春雨,温柔细腻,润物细无声,那父爱则如高山,遮风挡雨,默默地守护,少言但是可靠。父亲节,顾名思义是为了感谢父亲对我们的奉献而成立的节日,本期专题哆爸就带大家走近父亲节,感受如大海般深沉而宽广的父爱。<br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3>父亲节是一个特别的日子,可以庆祝和欣赏你生活中重要的男人,无论是一个父亲,两个父亲,继父,爷爷,妈妈的朋友,叔叔或哥哥,无论这些特别的男人是谁,这里有一些活动来帮助你一起享受这个特别的一天。这是一种表达感谢他们为我们所做的一切的方式。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Father's Day is a special day to celebrate and appreciate the important men in your life, whether that be one dad, two dads, stepdad, grandad, mum's boufriend, uncle or older brother Whoever those special men are, here are some activities to help you enjoy this special day together.It is a way of saying thank you for everything they do for us.<br></br></h3></br><h3><strong>When Is Father’s Day?</strong></h3></br><h3>全世界都在庆祝父亲节。在大多数国家,例如加拿大、英国和美国,它是在6月的第三个星期天庆祝的。日期每年都有所不同,但总是在每月的第三个星期天。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide.In the majority of countries, for example,Canada, the U.K. And the United States,it is  celebrated on the third Sunday in June.The date varies every year, but it is  always on the third Sunday of the month.</h3></br><h3> <h3>在澳大利亚,父亲节是在九月的第一个星期天庆祝的。在天主教欧洲,几百年来3月19日庆祝父亲节。葡萄牙和西班牙等国家都会在这一天举行庆祝。<br></br></h3></br><h3>In Australia, Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.In Catholic Europe, Father’s Day has been celebrated on March 19th for hundreds of years. Countries such as Portugal and Spain celebrate on this day.<br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>The Origin &amp; History Of Father's Day</strong></h3></br><h3>父亲节始于20世纪初的美国——不到100年前。一位名叫索诺拉·斯马特·多德的夫人开始庆祝父亲节。她没有妈妈,所以她爸爸独自照顾她和她的五个兄弟姐妹。她觉得父亲应该以像母亲在母亲节一样的方式得到认可。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Father’s Day began in America in the early 20th century – less than 100 years ago.A celebration of Father’s Day was started by a lady named Sonora Smart Dodd. She didn't have a mom, so her dad looked after her and her five brothers and sisters on his own.She felt that fathers should be recognised in the same way in which mothers were on Mother’s Day.</h3></br><h3> <h3>她去了教堂、基督教青年会、店主和政府,试图获得支持。她获得了成功。<br></br></h3></br><h3>She went to churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers and the government to try to get support.She was successful.</h3></br><h3> <h3>索诺拉原本想在她父亲的生日那天庆祝,也就是6月5日,但没有时间好好组织。相反,1910年6月19日。索诺拉花了一天的时间给城里所有病重无法离开家的父亲送父亲节礼物。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Sonora originally wanted the day to be celebrated on her father’s birthday, which was the 5th June, but there wasn’t time to organise it properly.Instead, the 19th June 1910 was chosen.Sonora spent the day delivering Father's Day gifts to all fathers in the city that were too ill to leave their homes.</h3></br><h3>尽管,一开始,父亲节被认为不像母亲节那么重要,而且实际上被认为是一个笑话。有些人认为这只是在商店里卖东西的一个借口。</h3></br><h3>Although, at first, Father’s Day was not thought to be as important as Mother’s Day, and was actually considered a bit of a joke. Some people saw it as just an excuse to sell things in shops.</h3></br><h3> <h3>索诺拉很愤怒地说:我们要么尊重父母,要么停止尊重任何一方。但是只挑出我们两个父母中的一个而忽略另一个是可以想象得到的最严重的侮辱。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Sonora was outraged and said:</h3></br><h3> <h3>最后,在1972年,理查德·尼克松总统将父亲节作为一个正式的国家假日,并表示这应该是“恢复我们对父亲的爱和感激的机会”。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Finally in 1972, President Richard Nixon made Father’s Day an official national holiday and stated that it should be, ‘an occasion for renewal of the love and gratitude we bear to our fathers.’</h3></br><h3> <h3>今天,世界各地都在庆祝父亲节。这不仅仅是爸爸们!你可能有一个你可以感谢的爷爷、叔叔或特别的朋友。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Today, Father’s Day is celebrated all around the world. It's not just dads! You may have a grandpa, uncle, or special friend you could thank.</h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>The Custom Of Father's Day</strong></h3></br><h3>传统上,玫瑰是父亲节的一部分(不,它们不仅仅是为了妈妈们!)。父亲节会戴红玫瑰,表示一个人的父亲还活着,而白玫瑰意味着他的父亲已经死了。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Traditionally, roses are a part of Father's Day (nope, they aren't just for moms!). Red roses are worn on Father's Day to signify that one's father is living, while white roses mean one's father has died.</h3></br><h3> <h3><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong>Germany</strong><br></br></h3></br><h3>在德国,人们可以庆祝父亲节。传统上,一群人聚集在一起,拉着一辆木车在城里四处庆祝。</h3></br><h3>Father’s Day is celebrated on Ascension Day in Germany. Traditionally, groups of men gathered together to pull a wooden cart around town and celebrate.</h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong>Russia</strong></h3></br><h3>在俄罗斯,父亲节也被称为“男人节”。庆祝活动包括在镇上游行。有趣的是,所有女性都会送礼物给生活中重要的男人,而不仅仅是父亲。</h3></br><h3>In Russia, Father’s Day is also known as ‘Men’s Day’. The celebration includes parades around town. Interestingly, all women give gifts to important men in their lives, not just father figures.</h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong>India</strong></h3></br><h3>父亲节在印度是一个相当新的庆祝活动。孩子们送卡片和鲜花来表达他们的感情。人们也经常出去吃饭和野餐。</h3></br><h3>Father’s Day is a fairly new celebration in India. Children give cards and flowers to show their affection. People often go out for meals and picnics too.</h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong>Thailand</strong></h3></br><h3>在泰国,父亲节是在前一位国王的生日那天庆祝。泰国人通过给他们的父亲和祖父美人蕉百合来庆祝。</h3></br><h3>In Thailand, Father’s Day is celebrated on the birthday of a past king. Thai people celebrate by giving their fathers and grandfathers canna lilies.</h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>How To Celebrate Father's Day With Our Kids?</strong></h3></br><h3>你可以有很多不同的方式庆祝父亲节。重要的是要记住,告诉你的父亲或特别的人,他们对你有多重要,并感谢他们为你所做的所有事情。拥抱他们一下,让他们感觉非常特别:<br></br></h3></br><h3>There are many different ways in which you can celebrate Father’s Day. It is important to remember to tell your dad or special person how important they are to you and thank them for all the things they do for you. Give them a cuddle and make them feel very special:<br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3><strong><strong>▍</strong>Tell The Story of Father’s Day<br></br></strong></h3></br><h3>像这个动画这样的儿童友好型资源可以用来帮助解释这个故事。</h3></br><h3>Child-friendly resources like this animation can be used to help explain the story.</h3></br><h3><strong>▍All about your father<br></br></strong></h3></br><h3>把所有的孩子的父亲节庆祝活动聚集到一个房间。把所有的父亲都送出房间,问孩子们五个关于爸爸的一般性问题。让每个孩子写下他们认为他们父亲的答案。把爸爸们送回房间,问他们同样的问题。所有匹配的答案都能赢得一分。得分最多的孩子赢得了比赛。</h3></br><h3>Gather all of the kids at your Father’s Day celebration to one room. Send all of the fathers out of the room and ask the kids five general questions about dads. Have each child write down what they think their dads’ answers will be. Return the dads into the room and ask them the same questions. All matching answers earn a point. The child who scored the most points wins the game.</h3></br><h3><strong>▲Ask your children about their fathers</strong><br></br></h3></br><h3><strong><strong>▍</strong>Make a card for dad<br></br></strong></h3></br><h3>However, a homemade card  can be even more special.</h3></br><h3><strong>▲</strong><strong>20+贺卡制作模板及视频见备课资料</strong></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong>A poem or for father:Read or write a poem to your father</strong></strong><br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>▲20+诗歌及表白对话见备课资料</strong><br></br></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong>Reading a picture book with dad.Best children’s books about Father's Day:</strong></strong></strong><br></br></h3></br><h3>《海尼曼 Dad》、《小毛怪 Just Me and My Dad》、《小毛怪 Just Helping My Dad》、《what daddies do best》、《Nothing for Father's Day》、《Bigger than Daddy》、《Biscuit Loves Father's Day》...<br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>▲15+电子绘本及音视频见备课资料</strong></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong></strong></strong><strong>Make some coupons( [ˈkuːpɑːn优惠券) for dad:<br></br></strong></h3></br><h3>这些优惠券可以用来兑现你爸爸经常做的事情:洗车,扔垃圾,擦桌子,还有你自己的特殊想法。</h3></br><h3>These coupons are redeemable for what your dad always does:wash the car、 take out the trash、wipe the table,and your own special ideas.</h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>▲C<strong>oupons</strong> Activity详细玩法见备课资料</strong><br></br></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍Coloring or drawing a picture for dad</strong></strong></strong></strong><br></br></h3></br><h3> <h3><strong>▲30+涂色模板见备课资料</strong></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍Craft project</strong></strong></strong></strong><br></br></h3></br><h3>这是一起度过高质量时光的好方法,同时也有乐趣!使用旧的纸板箱或报纸,创建你自己的工艺项目。这可以是一个玩具城堡,一个3D怪物,一艘飞船-无论你选择做什么!当你设计和制作你的项目时,你们会有很大的乐趣。</h3></br><h3>This is a great way to spend quality time together and have fun at the same time! Using old cardboard boxes or newspapers , create your own craft project. This could be a castle for a toy, a 3D monster,a spaceship- whatever you choose to make! You'll have great fun together as you design and make your project.<br></br></h3></br><h3> <strong>▲50+手工模板及视频见备课资料</strong></h3></br><h3><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍</strong></strong></strong></strong>Bike ride photo adventure<br></br></strong></strong></strong></strong></h3></br><h3>一起计划一次骑自行车,然后带着数码相机或手机。在旅途中,给你看到的和做的事情拍照。它可能是当地的建筑或感兴趣的地方,你所骑的地方和街道的标志,你看到的自然和动物——任何真正让你感兴趣的东西!记得在你冒险的不同地点一起自拍。然后,当你回到家,把照片放在一起制作一个幻灯片或打印它们,并创建一个你特别的父亲节冒险的剪贴簿。这将是一个伟大的记忆纪念品,以帮助记住你的特别的一天。你也可以骑自行车冒险野餐。</h3></br><h3>Plan a bike ride together and take a digital camera or your phone with you.On your journey, take pictures of things that you see and do.It could be a local building or place of interest, signs of the places and streets you ride along, nature and animals you see-anything that takes your interest really! Remember to take selfies together in the different locations on your adventure.Then, when you get back home, put the pictures together to make a slide show or print them and create a scrapbook of your special Father's Day adventure together. This will make a great memory keepsake to help remember your special day.You could also take a picnic on your cycling adventure.</h3></br><h3> <h3><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong><strong>▍Bowling<br></br></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></strong></h3></br><h3>无论你是用锡罐和球做自己的DIY保龄球馆,还是去tenpin保龄球馆,保龄球都是所有家庭的活动。如果你的父亲或特别的男人喜欢运动和游戏,他会非常喜欢这个活动!</h3></br><h3>Whether you make your own DIY bowling alley using tin cans and a ball in your garden or visit a tenpin bowling alley, bowling is afun activity for all the family.If your dad or special man enjoys sports and games, he will thoroughly enjoy this activity!</h3></br><h3> <br></br></h3></br><h3><strong>Ending</strong></h3></br><h3>最重要的是,这一天应该是关于玩得开心,度过美好的时光在一起。试着不要通过试图拥有“完美的一天”来制造压力。所以,最好有一些想法,但要灵活一些。记住,这一天是关于你生活中那些特别的男人的,所以试着专注于他们喜欢做的事情,让他们知道你有多么欣赏他们(我们都喜欢感觉很特别,并不时被告知一些美好的事情!)。<br></br></h3></br><h3>Above all, the day should be about having fun and spending quality time together. Try not to create pressure by trying to have 'the perfect day'-fathers . So, it's best to have a few ideas in place but to be flexible with these. And remember, the day is about those special men in your life,so try to focus on the things they like doing and let them know how much you appreciate them (we all like to feel special and be told nice things from time to time!).</h3></br><h3> <p class="ql-block"><b>电子资源清单</b>:</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">1.备课全文PDF原稿</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">2.儿歌和绘本音频、视频</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">3.推荐游戏和绘本可打印资料</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><b>如何领取备课资料:</b></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">1.关注“<b>Domi成长计划</b>” 公众号</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">2.公众号对话框回复数字“<b>13”</b>,获取下载方法</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p>









