

<p class="ql-block">&nbsp; 今天是六月五日,星期六,是我领取工资的日子。我要完成几个任务。上午9时30分,楼下的工商银行开始营业。我进了银行,办好了数字人民币APP的登记。只等两天以后的通知,才能知道是否获得了200元的红包。这是我第二次参加此类活动了。上一次,自己没有能够中签。我今天的第二个任务是取出现金。我平时不需要去银行。所有的消费,包括理财,都用支付宝解决了。第三个任务是去附近的平安银行存钱。因为这两个银行之间转款需要付一些手续费。我得亲自去平安银行走一趟,省钱,又健身。我有两张信用卡。平安银行信用卡捆绑在微信上面,工商银行的信用卡绑在支付宝上。每个月领到工资,信用卡就会自动执行还款。我希望将来普及了使用数字人民币以后,不同银行之间转款就简单了。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp; 完成了任务,我就在一家便利店买了中午饭。我爱吃这个店做的糖醋鱼,鱼块大,又无鱼刺。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp; 今天晚上,我要上课,学习《游戏原画人物》。</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;&nbsp; Today is Saturday, the fifth of June, my salary day. I have several tasks to do. The ICBC opens at 9:30. I entered and have the digital renminbi App registered. need to wait for two days to know the result if I can get the red bag of 200 yuan. I remember that I failed in such game last time. Then I took my money out from the ATM. Then I went to the Ping An bank to deposit the money. Because It costs some charge to change money between the two banks above. I would do it by myself to save the charge and do physical exercises as well. I usually do money business all on my Aipay. I have two credit cards. The Ping An credit card is tied to Wechat and the ICBC credit card to the Alipay. The two credit cards will receive the returning money automatically each month. I hope things will be easy when the digital renminbi become popular in future.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp; I bought my lunch at a shop. I like to eat the fish cooked at this shop. The fish is sour and sweet, without small fishbones.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp; I shall have a lesson of this evening.</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;</p><p class="ql-block">&nbsp;</p>