<p class="ql-block">2021年的五月,有几件令我振奋的事。女儿的个人画展成功开展了。她在开展首日当场作画,并且成功售出一幅油画。没过几天,又售出了第二幅画。她亲自在网上联系了一家实体展厅,成功签约。她的勤奋和创造力得到了人们的认可。我为她骄傲。</p><p class="ql-block"> 我本人在日益昌盛的伟大祖国的怀抱里,尽情地学我所想。我同时学习了钢琴,国画,声乐和游戏原画人物。艺术给了我一个又一个惊喜,同时给了我快乐生活的力量。当那个复印店里的年轻的工作人员看到我要求复印的资料,惊讶地问我“这是您自己做的?您厉害呀!”我答道,“是的!”当时我心中的喜悦油然而生。那份资料是我编辑的摘自钢琴曲《胜利》的五线谱。我选择了《阿拉伯风格舞曲》和《清澈的溪水》两首钢琴曲来练习。每当《小叶子》里的可爱的手拿着指挥棒的动漫人物摸样的机器人说“太棒了!”,我就说“太难了!”我用了比较多的时间练习,终于能够完整地它们了。《小叶子》给了我一个评语“未来之星”。</p><p class="ql-block">关于学习声乐,我又高兴地遇见了一位好老师。这位老师教授了独特的细胞呼吸法的声乐课程。我终于在理论上明白了唱歌应该如何呼吸。今后我可以有的放矢地练习歌唱了。</p><p class="ql-block"> 我曾经想过学习做动漫。我喜欢《狮子王》和《一修》</p><p class="ql-block">这样的电影。当我得知,学动漫需要好几万元的学费,而且,做动漫节目不是一个人能够完成的,我就打消了念头。没想到,今年五月,我有幸碰到了潭州教育里面的《游戏原画人物》的课程。我立即报名学习。这就圆了我的又一个梦想。</p><p class="ql-block"> 上了三四节的课,学得很开心。我常常用QQ向老师咨询遇到的问题,老师都会及时解答,甚至用遥控的方式帮我解决我的疑难问题。我现在会用数位板和电子笔作画了。我会用一点儿笔和一点儿颜色了,就一口气画了好几幅画,比如画了我的国画作业案例,画了我家墙壁纸上的关于蔬菜的画。上完了第二次课,我会用多个图层进行绘画,比如,画好了草稿,需要建立一个新图层,用来画线稿,然后再建立一个新图层,用来画钢笔稿。然后再建立一个新图层,作进一步的修饰。总之我对电子画充满了兴趣。</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">There were some exciting things to me in May of 2021. The first one was that my daughter’s personal painting exhibition has been on from May to July. She found a real exhibition hall from the net and signed the contract with the company. She painted for the people on the first day of the exhibition and one painting was sold </p><p class="ql-block">at the same time. A few days later, another painting was sold. I am very proud of her.</p><p class="ql-block"> I have being learned what I want in my great peaceful motherland. In this May I learned Chinese painting, singing, piano playing, and original characters of the game. I have got pleasant surprise again and again from learning arts. I have got the power of happy life.</p><p class="ql-block"> When the young staff of the copy shop looked at my material which I needed to copy, he was surprised and asked, “Is this done by you? You are great!” “Yes.” I replied. AT the moment I felt pleased in my mind. The material was a staff music which I took from the piano music . I decided to play it to test my ability again. I had had a comments from a software named after I finished playing two pieces of music and . It said I was a “future star”. Actually I had learned the lesson . But that lesson emphasis on theoretical education. I wanted to do exercise.</p><p class="ql-block"> I am lucky to find an outstanding vocal music teacher in the net. I have understood how to do singing breath and I am sure I will sing better.</p><p class="ql-block"> I also find a net lesson . I began learning it. When I had the first class and I knew how to use the electric pencil on the digital plate, I drew five pictures with only one layer. I began to draw new pictures with three layers when I had another two new classes later. I like the lessons very much.</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p>