<p class="ql-block">The itsy bitsy spider游戏拓展: </p><p class="ql-block">磁力片搭建场景 </p><p class="ql-block">Let's build a water spout with the magnetic blocks. Pick out some squares and tubes. Connect them to each other. Here is a water spout. Put it in the basin, so that the water won't get on the floor. </p> <p class="ql-block">情景游戏 </p><p class="ql-block">It's a cloudy day. Clouds is drifting across the sky. A little bug goes out for a walk. It sees a water spout and decides to go up the spout. Can you help it climb to the top? (拿着小虫沿着水管向上爬) One step, two steps...It climbs halfway up. Oh, no, it's gonna rain. (Mommy fills up the watering can with water. You hold the watering can and pour water from the top. We pretend it's raining.) The rain is running through the spout and washes the little bug out of the spout. Help! Can you give it a hand? You can take out the sun. Clouds drifts away, revealing the sun. The sun comes out and dries up all the rain. The rain has stopped and the sun is coming out. What's the weather like now? It's sunny. And it's getting hot. The water spout is not wet and slippery any more. So the little bug can continue its journey. Help it go up the spout again. Now here comes a strong wind. Can you blow like the wind? The little bug is blown away. The wind has died down. So the little bug can continue going up. Step by step. Move up slowly.</p>