<p class="ql-block">今天读了Maisy交通工具书:Maisy's race car,并搭建场景做了拓展游戏。场景游戏非常有助于帮助宝宝理解书上的句子。</p><p class="ql-block">游戏前准备工作:剪纸画图做小旗子。</p><p class="ql-block">Baby, let's do some paper cutting. Let's make a plaid flag. Fold the paper in half and cut along this line. Draw some straight lines on the paper and colour some of these squares black. Here is a tube of glue. Let's glue this stick and this paper together. Now we have a new plaid flag. It is similar to that the ostrich holds in hand. </p> <p class="ql-block">赛车游戏: 用家里地垫做赛道,用多美卡小赛车比赛,用海绵擦车,同步还原书中场景</p><p class="ql-block">Here are three race cars. Let's wash them first. Wet the sponge and hold it to scrub the race car. Look, the sponge is dripping. The water gets on the floor. The car is clean now. Let's have a race. Your daddy pretends to be a judge. He waves the flag. Now the race is about to start. Everyone lines up at the starting line. When you hear daddy say 'go', then you can zoom out. Drive along this track. Who is in front? Mickey takes the lead. Who is in the back? Goofy and Donald Duck. They are chasing Mickey. Go around the corner. Goofy zooms past. Goofy takes the lead now. Your daddy is waving a red flag and says 'slow down'. What happened? Oh, a tortoise is blocking the track up ahead. We must wait for the tortoise to cross the track. The tortoise walks very slowly, so we must wait for a long time. Finally, the tortoise crosses safely. The race is back on. Mickey crosses the finish line first. Mickey is the winner. The race is done.</p>