<p class="ql-block">1.The <span style="font-size: 18px;">flowers you ignore smile to you</span> ;the person you smile to ignores you . 2.The person supposed to protect you from storms brings you the worst storms. 3.The person saying never hurting you hurts you most. 4. The closest relation can make a heart break into the smallest pieces. 5. When you smile to the world, the world will smile to you; When you smile to a man, he will put a sharp knife into your heart deeply. 6. The most efficient way to avoid being hurt is to be indifferent. 7. Care Who cares about you; ignore who ignores you. 8. Teenagers are not in love, they are in hormone. 9.Blood is thicker than water. So blood is blood, water is water. 10. To avoid loneliness, you go into marriage; in marriage, you are accompanied only by loneliness. 11. You can put your household rubbish into a dustbin; you can put your emotional rubbish into writing.</p>