<font color="#167efb"><b><u>Reading:</u></b></font><br>Heinemann<br>Oxford Tree Reading<br>Oxford Traditional Tales<br>Little Critter<br>Let’s Read and Find Out Science 1 <b><font color="#167efb"><u>Listening:</u></font></b><br>English Songs from Kinder Power<br>Heinemann<br>Oxford Tree Reading<br>Oxford Traditional Tales<br>Peppa Pig <h1 style="text-align: center"><b><font color="#ff8a00">Filed Trip-Grain Rain (谷雨)</font></b></h1> <b><font color="#167efb"><u>About Grain Rain (谷雨)</u></font></b><br><br><div>Grain Rain is the sixth solar term in the twenty-four solar terms,which is from an old Chinese saying – “ Rain brings up the growth of hundreds of grains”. This means the rain is extremely important for the growth of grain and crops at this time of year. As the last term in Spring, starts on around April 20 and ends about May 04. Grain Rain signals the end of cold weather and a rapid rise in temperature. </div><div><br></div>谷⾬,⼆十四节⽓的第六个节气,有“⾬生百谷”的说法, 暗示了了此时降雨对于⾕物⽣长的重要性。 作为春季最后一个节气,谷雨常发生在4月20日左右,5月4日左右结束。 谷雨标志着寒冷天气的结束和气温的快速上升。<br> <div>The Chinese name of Grain Rain was originated from a folk story. When Cang Jie, an official in the Yellow Emperor period, created characters, countless grain came down from the sky like rainfall. So the Emperor named this day as “Gu Yu”. </div><div><br></div>对于谷雨的由来,大家较为熟知和认可的是,它来源于一个民间传说。传说黄帝时期,官员仓颉创造文字时, 无数谷米从天⽽而降,如同下雨一般。因此,黄帝把这天命名为“⾕雨”。<br> <div><font color="#167efb"><b><u>Characteristic of Grain Rain ⾕雨特点</u></b></font></div><div><br></div><div>The Grain Rain signals the end of cold weather and a rise in temperature, which is a golden period for the growth of the crops. They grow faster and stronger. It's also a key time to protect the crops from insect pests.</div><div><br></div>谷雨节气到来时,气温升高,降水持续增加,是作物⽣长的⻩金时期,谷物⽣长得更快、更强壮。这是保护农作物免受虫害的关键时刻。<br> <div>During this time, it is also the best time to sow. In the field, farmers are busy sowing corn, soybean, potatoes, peanuts and so on. </div><div><br></div>这期间,也是播种的最佳时间。在田间,农民们忙着播种⽟米、大豆、⼟豆和花⽣等。<br> <div><b><font color="#167efb"><u>Custom of Grain Rain ⾕雨习俗</u></font></b></div><div><br></div>The custom of Grain Rain varies according to different areas in China. <br>⾕雨习俗,各地不一。<br> <div>In northern China, the rich fishermen hold a solemn ceremony of “sea offering” to offer a toast to the goddess of the sea, and then set sail for fishing. </div><div><br></div>在中国的北方,富裕的渔民举行隆重的“祭海”仪式,向海神娘娘敬拜。<br> <div>People in northern China have the tradition to eat the vegetable toona sinensis during Grain Rain. An old Chinese saying goes "toona sinensis before the rain is as tender as silk". The vegetable is nutritious and can help to stengthen the immune system. It is also good for the stomach and skin.</div><div><br></div>在中国北方,人们还有在谷雨期间吃香椿的传统。中国有句古话叫“雨前香椿嫩如丝”. 这种蔬菜营养丰富,可以帮助增强免疫系统,它对胃和皮肤也有好处。 <br>酒,然后扬帆出海捕鱼。 <div>In southern China, people drink tea this day. The fresh spring tea picked up during Grain Rain is rich in nutrients, which can help clear heat in the body, and can be good for the eyesight. No matter what the weather is like, people will go to the tea mountain to pick up some spring tea this day. </div><div><br></div>在中国南方,人们在这一天喝茶。⾕雨期间采摘的新鲜春茶营养丰富,可以帮助清除体内的热量,对视力也有好处。无论天气如何,人们都会在这⼀天去茶山买一些春茶。<br> <b><font color="#167efb"><u>Phonics-Little teacher</u></font></b> <b><font color="#167efb"><u>Retell</u></font></b> <p class="ql-block">Peppy Pig-Hiccups </p> <p class="ql-block">Oxford Tree Reading-Olympic Adventure</p>