

为了总结近年山东省的英文名著阅读教学工作,推进该工作向纵深发展,努力克服功利性、碎片化阅读和刷题依赖倾向, 发展学生的英文素养,改善英文学习生态,更好地助力我省的新课改和新高考,4月26-29日,“全省高中英文名著阅读教学优秀课例展示活动”,在德州一中新校区举行。<div>  本次活动的执教素材主要有:《简爱》 (Jane Eyre ),《远大前程》(Great Expectations ),《野性的呼唤》(The Call of the Wild)和《老人与 海》(The Old Man and the Sea )。</div> 内容课型是聚焦某个主题、人物、情节、修辞或文化元素,包含听说、阅读、读写结合(续 写、改写、简写、概要等)、影视欣赏(配音)、戏剧、演讲和 辩论课等,并引入“阅读圈“ (Reading Circle )。<br> 26 日上午 第一节:阚小鹏 德州市教科院 The Old Man and the Sea阅读评价<div>Background of CSC Literature Reading<br>a.Cursory Reading<br> Activity: Read the novel (simplified edition) for character profile, plot and other information. (Literature group) Decide the favorite part from the original edition for further reading (no more than two pages) .<br>b.Selected Reading<br> Activity: (Pre group) Read their own selected part and prepare a group presentation. (Feedback group) Read all the selected parts and make a preparation for Feedback.<br>c.Critical Reading<br>  Activity: (Pre group) Make a presentation in turns. (Feedback group) Evaluate and connect. (Teacher and groups) Make a further communication in Bonus time.<br><br>Rudiment of CSC Literature Reading<br>a.Finish a novel in three lessons. Little teachers’ preparation needed in advance.<br>b.Read together and share in class. Not an one-sided obligation of teacher, but an investment of both teachers and students.<br>c.Effective peer assessment for critical thinking.<br></div> 26 日上午 第二节课 白祥未 广饶县第一中学 Great Expectations阅读汇报<div>文本分析<br>《远大前程》描述了贫苦的小主人公 Pip 渴望摆脱现实生活,后因机缘巧合得人资助去伦敦过了一段奢靡的“绅士”生活,最后因资助人被捕并去世,而再次回归的故事。小说人物关系复杂,主题繁多,关于自我提升、关于阶级差异、关于犯罪等主题均有展现。但其中,Pip 和 Joe 之间的关系发展和变化值得关注,因为这个微小的角度,也反应出绅士品格、阶级差异、自我提升等宏大主题。本节课选取了《远大前程》改写本其中两章的内容,充分展示了 Pip 和 Joe 之间,从一开始作为家人、朋友的亲密无间,到后来因生活环境的差异而逐渐疏远,再到最后回归亲密的整个过程,可以引发学生关于人际关系、关于绅士品格的思考。<br>学情分析<br>学生已经进入高二下学期,选择性必修课程已经完成大半,有足够的词汇基础。大部分学生能够从阅读 文本中获取事实性细节,但是多数学生可能在理解和整合知识、逻辑推理和分析论证观点,以及批判思维方 面的能力有所欠缺。另外学生用英语自信地表达观点的能力也需要继续加强。<br>教学目标<br>1.理解事实性信息,跟随故事情节的推进,梳理人物关系的发展;<br>2.通过阅读圈活动,基于自主学习与小组合作学习,进一步梳理和整合所读的文章信息,对文本从不同 角度进行分析和深度解读;<br>3.基于所读文本讨论绅士品格的真正含义,联系自身或实际生活,发表个人观点。<br>教学重点<br>通过阅读圈活动,组内成员独立完成不同的任务,再经过合作讨论和相互交流,深化对文本和主题的理<br>解。<br>教学难点<br>发展批判性思维,深入理解主题,归纳体会绅士品格,并与实际生活相联系。<br></div> 26 日上午 第三节课 王菊济南市历城第一中学The Call of the Wild阅读<div>一、 教学材料分析<br>《野性的呼唤》 是美国作家杰克伦敦的杰作,反映了他个人的成长经历和当时的社会风气,体现了适者生存的自然真理。节选的第五章,主要讲述了雪橇犬 Buck 和 Spitz,为争夺领队位置,矛盾激化,大战一触即发,按照大战的原因、过程及结果这一顺序展;同时,Buck 在努力适应环境中所表现出的耐心、机智、勇敢、富有想象力和拼搏精神,给学生们以心灵的启迪,对同学们适应未来生活、为未来而拼搏具有启发和正面引导作用。<br>二、学情分析<br>德州一中的学生,有较好的基础和表达能力,男生为主,思维活跃。对预习文本能有较好的态度,对于课堂的适应能力较强。但对知识进行整合利用,批判性地进行信息评价的能力比较欠缺;另外能否用准确的英语,正确地表达自己的思想,值得继续了解和关注。<br>二、 教学目标<br>经过学习本课,学生能够:<br>1.了解文章大意,梳理文章情节和人物特点等事实性信息;<br>2.通过阅读圈活动,基于自主学习和小组合作学习,进一步梳理和整合文章信息,对文本进行深度理解,体会环境和天性对人的影响,并能充分表达自己的看法,学会辩证思考问题,学会倾听和学习,学会梳理和记录重要信息;<br>3.理解文章背后反映出的英雄主义价值观,并能具备文化对比意识;<br>4.学到具体的适应环境的方法,将所学延伸到生活,树立对未来的信心和希望。<br>三、 教学重难点<br>教学重点:<br>1.梳理大战发生的原因、过程和结果,并能总结 Buck 获胜的原因;<br>2.辩证地看待环境和天性对人发展的影响,并认识到通过自己的主观努力才能实现人生价值。<br>教学难点:<br>如何引导学生意识到主观能动性比如决心、行动、耐心等在个人发展中的重要性。<br>四、 教学方法<br>运用阅读圈理论,提高学习效率,整合课堂资源。<br>第一步:学生课上阅读,完成角色任务卡(task card),详见附件 1;<br>第二步:通过阅读圈,学生生成角色日志(character diary),将小组讨论意见记录在白版上;<br>第三步:进行小组交换并展示角色日志,能通过看、听别人的意见,实现信息的交流; 第四步:教师引导课堂,以学生为主,共享信息,深度挖掘有效信息,最后总结升华。<br></div> 26 日上午 第四节课 刘丽丽青岛第一中学Great Expectations阅读<div>I. Teaching aims:<br><br>At the end of the lesson, the students will be able :<br><br>1.To learn how to do “literature circles” (especially 3 roles: text summarizer, culture ambassador, team leader) and apply it in reading non-fictional novels.<br>2.To get to the family background, the experience at church yard and the personality of the leading role Pip.<br>3.To develop their critical thinking, sense of the world and their learning confidence.<br>Key points: how to do literature circles (especially roles of text summarizer, culture ambassador, discussion leader) when reading novels.<br>Difficult points : How to get students to know how to do their roles in literature circles.<br></div> 26日下午第五节 曹凤英 聊城莘县第一中学 Jane Eyre 读写结合<div>【Reading Goals】<br><br>Chapter 22 Sudden wealth<br><br><br>1.To find out the outline of the chapter and link it with the former ones.<br>2.To appreciate the touching language and experience the themes better.<br>3.To rewrite the extract of Jane Eyre’s reaction after having cousins unexpectedly.<br>4.To fire your imagination to write logically beyond the lines.<br>5.To reflect on the messages you can get from this chapter.<br><br>【Key and difficult learning content】<br>1.To picture a clear context mind map.<br>2.To read beyond the lines.<br>3.To write fluently, vividly and logically.<br></div> 26日下午第六节 张娜 泰山中学 Jane Eyre 读写结合<div>Learning aims<br>Knowledge and skills:(语言能力\学习能力)<br>1.To get some basic information about the story between Jane and Mr. Rochester.<br>2.To get the basic rules of three main sentence structures - repeated rhetorical questions, empathic sentence and repetition.<br>3.To know how to show our strong attitude to Nike, H&M.<br>4.To learn to appreciate the beauty of language and feel the power of language.<br>Process and methods:(学习能力)<br>1.To encourage students to take an active part in the learning activities by giving them clear instructi ons on what to do while reading a new passage.<br>2.To encourage the students to cooperate with others by working in pairs or in groups.<br>Emotion, attitude and value:(文化意识和思维品质)<br>1.To help students learn the basic knowledge about the story between Jane and Mr. Rochester. 2.To help students realize the importance of power of language.<br><br>Key points<br>1.To help students learn to read a passage in a proper way and improve their reading skills. 2.To help the students get much more information about Jane’s characteristics.<br>3.To help the students know how to use three main sentence structures - repeted rhetorical questions, empathic sentence and repetition to make our expressions more powerful.<br>Difficult points<br>1.To help the students get much more information about Jane’s characteristics.<br>2. To help the students know how to use three main sentence structures - repeted rhetorical questions, empathic sentence and repetition to make our expressions more powerful.<br></div> 26日下午第七节 刘爽龙口第一中学The Call of the Wild读写结合<div>【学生背景分析】<br><br>本课教学对象为德州一中高二年级的学生。<br><br>通过提前泛读,学生在课前已了解故事梗概。通过初次阅读,学生能提取和分析小说表层信息,但如何挖掘更深层次含义、生成合理故事续写,还有待教师引导。<br>考虑到“阅读圈”课型特点,要求学生提前根据导学案要求,形成固定的 4 人一组“阅读圈”,分别承担一个角色并完成相应任务,在组内讨论并分享阅读成果。<br>【教学目标】<br><br>在本课结束时,学生能够在以下四个方面学会:<br><br>文化意识:理解时代背景、作者经历对其文学作品的的影响;<br><br><br>语言能力:通过故事山梳理故事情节;通过小说片段推断Buck 的性格变化; 赏析作者语言,并为读后续写提供借鉴;<br>思维品质:通过概括提炼文章脉络,形成结构化思维;培养学生联系生活实际, 积极面对挫折的品质;<br>学习能力:运用阅读圈提升学生自主学习和合作学习的能力。<br><br>【教学方法】<br><br>交际教学法和任务型教学法。通过阅读圈内、阅读圈之间的交际任务来帮助学生深化对文本的理解,并锻炼语言输出能力。<br>【教学手段】<br><br>运用《野性的呼唤》电影片段激活学生的学习兴趣;运用图片、路线图、文本高亮和醒目的板书设计,引导学生深入理解文本。<br></div> 26日下午第八节 付用林淄博第六中学The Old Man and the Sea读写结合<div>Objectives<br>1.To set up a discussion of what it means to be a code hero.<br>2.Students will study the theme of the importance of resolution in reaching one’s goal.<br>3.Students will be given the chances to practice reading aloud and silently to improve their skills in each area.<br></div> 27日上午第一节 孙明伟 北镇中学 Jane Eyre 戏剧<div>教学内容<br>本节阅读片段是牛津英汉双语读物《简爱》第十七章:简和罗彻斯特的婚礼。 教学目标<br>1.Analyze characters through actions and speeches.<br>2.Practice a play in groups.<br>3.Act it out and assess it.<br>教学重点与难点<br>1.通过阅读寻找小说中的 actions 和 speeches 线索,解读人物相应的情感及心理变化。<br>2.能够将人物情感变化通过戏剧表演呈现。<br>3.能够基于文本的理解对表演进行从多角度评价。教学设计<br>本节课分为四大板块(导入、读前活动、阅读活动与拓展活动),其中导入活动为教师引用培根读书名言快速进入主题。读前活动主要是学生分享小说的几个要素,如场景、人物、主要情节等信息;阅读活动主要是通过细读,从人物动作和语言方面分析男主情感变化。阅读后进行拓展,小组分角色进行教堂这一场景的戏剧展演,然后按照教师给出评价标准选出最佳表演者并说明理由。由导入,到阅读,到戏剧表演,到戏剧评 价,最后到续写后续情节发展。每个环节训练的侧重点各不相同,但能力要求逐步深入,形成了完整的语言 输入——语言输出的过程。<br></div> 27日上午第二节 杜若凡 菏泽第一中学 Great Expectations 影视欣赏(配音)<div>I.Learning Aims<br>1.Learn to appreciate a film from its main elements such as the setting, character, language and theme.<br>2.Dub (配音) for a character based on relationship as well as emotional and social status.<br>3.Reflect on the importance of friends and reexamine the value of money.<br><br>II.Key & Difficult Points<br>1.Key points:<br>(1)Capture the three stages of Pip’s great expectations on screen.<br>(2)Model voice actors to dub a film clip in class.<br>2.Difficult points: How to guide the students to reexamine the value of money and form correct perspectives to friends and wealth.<br><br>III.Teaching Approaches:<br>1.Audio-lingual Approach<br>2.Whole Language Teaching<br>3.Cooperative Learning Approach<br></div> 27日上午第三节 钱秀惠 临沂一中 The Old Man and the Sea读写结合<div><br><br><div><br></div></div> 27日上午第四节 高梦心 日照实验高级中学 The Old Man and the Sea 读写结合<div>I.Learning Aims<br>The Old Man and the Sea (Excerpt)<br>1.To learn about Hemingway and the writing style of the excerpt;<br>2.To understand the main plots of this excerpt;<br>3.To learn to analyze the old man’s character traits and summarize the theme of the novel.<br></div> 27下午第五节 王稳稳 金乡县第一中学 Great Expectations 阅读<div>文本分析</div><div>语篇主题:人与自我</div><div>语篇内容:<br>本堂课所选章节故事背景为 1812 年圣诞节前夕,主角孤儿皮普(Pip)以自传式手法,叙述在乡间的童年生活。一次偶然的机会他遇见了一名逃犯。并偷了家里 的东西帮助他。<br>选材理由:<br>书中以充满同情和细致入微的笔触塑造了乔、皮普和毕蒂等朴实善良的小人 物。通过阅读本章节,学生体会狄更斯小说一贯的语言的特点----生动人物的刻 画以及幽默讽刺的语言。比如 Pip 在遇到逃犯后的恐惧,Mrs Joe 暴躁爱唠叨的特点,Joe 温和敦厚的品性都跃然纸上。<br>语篇背景:<br>《远大前程》一书属于查尔斯·狄更斯的晚期作品,着重反映了社会环境和人的意 识行为互为关联的问题。<br>学情分析 本课授课班级为高二年级学生。高二学生在经过两年的高中学习后,具备专注长篇<br>章节阅读的能力,具备一定的整合信息、推理判断的能力。<br>教学目标 经过本节课的阅读学习,学生能够<br>1.使用小说要素----人物和情节梳理故事。<br>2.根据文章描述分析人物特点,发表个人观点。<br>3.概况故事情节。<br>4.根据本章特点积累句型和词汇。<br>教 学 重 难点</div><div>教学重点:<br>加深对故事和人物的理解</div><div>教学难点:<br>分析人物性格<br></div> 27下午第六节 陈守迪 潍坊市文华学校 The Old Man and the Sea CRC 英文名著阅读课<div>教学目标<br>By the end of this period, students will be able to<br>1.explore CRC reading method in the book The Old Man and The Sea.<br>2.express their opinions based on the the different CRC characters .<br>教学重点<br>Lead students to explore CRC reading methods in the book .<br>教学难点<br>(1)Enable students to figure out the CRC reading method.<br>(2)Lead students to express their opinions on the the different CRC characters.<br></div> 27日下午第七节 杜丽欣 枣庄市第一中学 Jane Eyre 影视欣赏(配音)<div>Learning Objectives<br><br>① Be familiar with the plot outline and can analyze the characters in the novel ;<br><br>② Cultivate the awareness of learning the information of the writer and background before reading;<br>③ Appreciate the highlights in the movie;<br><br>④ Master basic dubbing skills.<br></div> 27日下午第八节 曲凌雁 威海市第二中学 The Old Man and the Sea Reading Circles<div>教学目标:<br>学生通过本章的阅读和“文学圈”的讨论,能够生成与外貌有关的词块;能<br>够就情节、隐含意义、文化现象等提出问题,并就问题进行讨论、发表观点;能够向老人学习坚韧乐观不服输的精神。<br>教材分析:<br>For 84 days, the old fisherman Santiago has caught nothing. Alone, impoverished, and facing his own mortality, Santiago is now considered unlucky. So Manolin (Santiago's fishing partner until recently and the young man Santiago has taught since<br>the age of five) has been constrained by his parents to fish in another, more productive boat. Every evening, though, when Santiago again returns empty-handed, Manolin helps carry home the old man's equipment, keeps him company, and brings him food. 从第一部分我们可以看到老人的基本生活状况:一个运气糟透了的老头儿,<br>每天饥不果腹,受到众人的怜悯和嘲笑,只有 Manolin 陪伴着他,照顾他,相信<br>他。但老人保持着乐观和坚强的生活态度,依然对明天充满希望。<br>期待通过第一章节的阅读与思考,学生能初步领略老人的不屈服不放弃的精神,并以更大的热情继续阅读。<br>教学设计:<br>Before class<br>确定小组任务<br>把班级分为 6 个小组,每两个小组承担一个角色的任务。小组呈现方式:<br>小组可以选一名代表进行讲解,也可以小组成员细化分工讲解。<br>Group 1: word master<br>Draw an image of the old man.<br>State the reasons why you draw it this way. List the words or expressions<br>Collect words in terms of the old<br>man’s figure, eyes, hands, neck, cheeks, shoulders, shirt etc. on cardboard. Share the word chunks with the class through the projector.<br>Group 2: Word master<br>Describe the living condition of the old man. Find evidence.<br>Draw a picture if possible.Group 3 & 4: Discussion Leader Explain the title -- The Worst Kind of Luck.<br>Raise some questions to be discussed in class. Choose one or more reporters to lead the discussion.<br>Write the questions on cardboards and present them through projector.<br>准备讨论的问题需包含 1 个信息类问题,1 个推理判断类。最好有一个批判性问题。<br>Group 5 & 6: Passage Decoder<br>Analyze the structure and state your reasons.<br>List the expressions indicating the old man’s attitude.<br>Share some expressions and sentences that are either important or difficult to understand. Try to explain them.<br></div>









