

放学后带他去小区里捡垃圾,一边捡一边讨论如何保护地球,捡到的几乎全是烟头和纸片,Eric不断弯腰,最后说自己累了,虽然只是偶尔这么一次捡垃圾,但这种体验带给他的意识我希望是长久的。 制作了保护地球的手工,不会写字,就画图代替,最想做的三件代表事情是种树(植树节我们种过树),骑自行车少开车,随手关灯,谢谢你,小Eric 提前找了关于recycling的课件发给老师,希望老师可以跟他讨论,果然,我们捡垃圾时的对话Eric全都用来回答老师,算是巩固复习了吧,谁能想到我们讨论的正是老师问的,哈哈。 今年的重点是再生和非再生能源,先是讨论各种能源的定义,其中hydropower ernergy(水利能量), geothermal energy(地热),biomass(生物能)等都是我第一次听说,一起学习了。然后采用游戏的形式复习下,虽然Eric说的不是很完美,但他有自己的理解。<div><br></div><div>------------------备课资源------------------------------------</div><div> <b> What is World Earth Day</b><br></div> World Earth Day, April 22 of each year, is a special festival for the protection of the world's environment. It aims to raise people's awareness of existing environmental problems and mobilize people to take part in the environmental protection to improve the overall environment of the earth through green and low carbon life. On April 22,1970, the United States held its first Earth Day event, the first large-scale mass environmental event in human history. Since the 1990s, our country has held World Earth Day on April 22 every year, and has set a theme every year. (来源于Damon备课团队)<br>世界地球日即每年的4月22日,是一个专为世界环境保护而设立的节日,旨在提高人们对于现有环境问题的意识,并动员人们参与到环保运动中,通过绿色低碳生活,改善地球的整体环境。1970年4月22日,美国举行第一次地球日活动,这是人类有史以来第一次大规模的群众性环保活动。20世纪90年代以来,我们国家每年4月22日都要举办“世界地球日”活动,并且每年确定一个主题。<div><br></div><div><b>1. Why the Earth Needs saving (参考公号Domi成长计划)</b></div>At present, there are ten environmental problems on the earth. These problems endanger human existence, and most of them are caused by human beings themselves. So the earth needs us humans to protect.目前,地球上存在十个环境问题。这些问题危及了人类的存在,其中大多数是由人类自己造成的。所以地球需要我们人类来保护地球。 <b>(1) Global warming全球变暖</b><br>The earth is getting hotter and the ice at the North Pole is melting that makes polar bears lose their homes. <b>(2) Ozone depletion and destruction臭氧层的消耗和破坏</b><br>In the open air we are more vulnerable to eye damage and even blindness. Plants also grow slowly. <b>(3) Reduction in biodiversity生物多样性减少</b><br>We will lose a lot of animal friends. Like dinosaurs, People may only see giraffe fossils in the future. <b>(4) Acid rain spread酸雨蔓延</b><br>Our food will be less and less, such as no fish and shrimp in the river, no rice in the farmland. <b>(5) Forest reduction森林锐减</b><div>Forest animals will lose their homes.<br></div> <b>(6) Land desertification土地沙漠化</b><br>The land will no longer grow plants. Animals die slowly because they have no food to eat. <b>(7) Air pollution</b>大气污染<br>The air quality is getting worse.Children cough more easily. <b>(8) Water pollution水污染</b><br>If the water quality goes bad, drinking water will make us sick.<div><br></div><div><b>2. How can we help the earth</b></div> 很喜欢这2首歌,小朋友很容易理解。 There are many ways kids can help the planet! Here are a few tips to get you started. <b>3. 3R's</b> 牢记3R。 <b>重点1: All about recycling</b> <b>重点2:了解再生和不可再生资源。</b> <b> </b><br><br>









