<b>学习内容:1b unit 9 Baby bye</b><div><b> 1BUnit 10 dance your finger<br>1.Listening:</b>1a 1-12<br> 1b 1-12<br> 清华汉语二 1-12单元<br><b>2.Reading:</b></div> <p class="ql-block">#佑佑阅读打卡# 2y11m5d</p><p class="ql-block">4.16/17/18/19/20新增英文输出:<span style="font-size: 18px;">mommy I can spray a stinky smell on you、I don‘t have two sripes down my back、I have a long bushy tail、stripe or not stripe ,I am a skunk (for)sure、they land in the pond with a splash、mommy can you get me my teddy bear、I want to show you my duck doll、</span>Do you like rice、Is it a pear、we can play a touching game、</p> <b>3.video:Peppa pig:</b><br>Treasure hunt <b>3.Fly</b> A fly is an insect. It has three body parts: head, thorax and abdomen and six legs.Just like the bees, <br>it can taste with their feet. You can feel it.<br>The feets are hairy and sticky. <br>It can stick to almost any surface. It can walk on the walls and even walk across the ceiling.<br><br>A house fly has 2 large red compound eyes. It can see all the things around it.<br><br>A typical fly has two flight wings on its thorax. The buzzing sound is from the rapid moment of its wings.It can fly up and down, side to side and even backward.<br><br>It has 2 little antennae and it can smell with its antennae.<br><br>Flies mouths are like a sponge.They absorb to eat. It doesn't have teeth and can't chew things. So it eats the sugary liquid and different kinds of organic waste. all the food need to be turned into liquid before ingestion. It spits digestive juices onto the food to decompose it before swallowing. <b>4.How to get rid of house flies</b> ⭐Keep your homes clean.<br>⭐Remove trash regularly and seal密封 your garbage cans.<br>⭐Use fine mesh screens 细网纱窗 on doors and s to prevent flies from getting into your home.<br>⭐UV fly electric traps.<br>⭐Use chemical fly sprays.<br>⭐Electronic handheld flyswatters.<br>⭐Fresh orange peel.<br><br>Flies are bad for us because fly flies are carriers of very deadly diseases. The bad germs can infest meat and other food items. flies can spread bad bacteria/germs when It moves back and forth between food and garbage. <p class="ql-block"><b>5.Morning Exercise</b></p> “The good morning train's coming, how are you, choo-choo!” <div>Good morning, Jason.<br>Good morning. I'm good.<br>Get on the train. Let's go to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.<br>Done. <br>Now, let's drive to the living room and do morning exercise.<br>“The good...” <br>Let's start. “I'm stretching very tall...”</div><div> Let's do finger exercise.<br>Where are your fingers?<br>Here.<br>Follow me. </div><div>“ Dance your fingers up...”<br>Let's do it in another way. Please stand on the sofa. Face to face. Show me your fingers. <br>“Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down...Dance them on your shoulders”. </div><div>Put your fingers on my shoulders. </div><div>“Dance them on your head.<br>Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to bed.”<br><br></div><div>Tip:<br>dance your toes up/down/to the side, dance them all around. And put them all to bed. </div> <p class="ql-block"><b>6.Mommy Says</b></p> <p class="ql-block">I want to show you a surprise. Now, I'll cover your eyes with a piece of cloth.</p><p class="ql-block">Show me your pointer, I'll let you touch it.</p><p class="ql-block">Ok. Now, listen to me and then you will catch it. </p><p class="ql-block">Dance your fingers up/down/to the side/to the opposite side. Oh, you move slowly. </p><p class="ql-block">It ran away. Try to move quickly. Oh, you got it. </p><p class="ql-block">Remove your cover.</p><p class="ql-block">Do you want to get more toys?</p><p class="ql-block">Ok, try to catch more toys.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">Tips:</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block">Hold it and touch it. Guess,what's this?</p><p class="ql-block"></p><p class="ql-block">Hold it and touch it. </p><p class="ql-block">Is it soft/smooth/rough/hot/cold/scratchy/hard? </p><p class="ql-block">What's this?</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>7.Dance Your Bear</b></p> Here are two bears. One is for you. One is for me. <div>Bears want to dance.<br>Let's help them.<br>“Dance your bear up, dance your bear down. Dance your bear to the side, dance it all around. </div><div>Dance it on your shoulder, dance it on your head.<br>Dance it on your tummy, and let it go to bed.” </div><div>Do you want to dance?<br>Yes.<br>Come here.“Dance my baby up, dance my baby down, dance my baby to the side. Dance him/her all around. </div><div>Put him/her on the chair/car/table. </div><div>And let him/her go to bed. ”</div> <p class="ql-block"><b>8.Yummy Fingers</b></p> I'm a big bad wolf. I want to eat your fingers. <div>This is the start. You stand here, then walk to me and listen to me. </div><div>When I turn my head, you should stop<br>and do the action as I said. Let's have a try.<br>Dance your fingers up. /Dance your fingers on your shoulders.</div><div>Oh, you should dance your fingers up. /You should stop and keep still. I'll eat your fingers.<br>And put them all to bed. Now, you should run! Go back to the start.<br>Tips:<br><br>带着孩子走的家长,走慢点,尽量不要让孩子碰到狼,或者当看到孩子快接近狼的时候,直接唱最后一句,就开始抓人。<br><br>dance your fingers on your knees/toes/hip/legs/arms<br>dance your thumbkins up<br>dance your tall men down<br>dance your pointers to the side</div>