<h1> 赛出风采 美在磨练</h1> ——记海滨街道英语教师“讲故事,展师技”大赛 2021年4月9日,天气晴朗,春意盎然,暖风微熏,海滨街道迎来了小学英语教研盛事。海滨街道英语教师“讲故事,展师技”英语故事大赛在美丽的清源小学举行。<br>April 9th, 2021, the weather was beautiful. Spring was in the air with warm breezes. English Story—telling Competetion“Tell English stories, practice teaching skills”was held at the beautiful school—— Qingyuan Primary School, Haibin Street. 海滨区各校收到吴川市教育局教师发展中心教研员吴志芳老师发出的通知后,高度重视,立即组织老师们备赛。After receiving the invitation from education research fellow— Ms Zhifang Wu, all the schools were high value this event and getting prepared for the competition immediately.<br> <div>选手们开始全力以赴地为比赛做准备。</div><div>All the candidates started the preparation without any delay.</div> <div>各种各样可爱的道具。</div><div><br></div><div>All kinds of lovely props. 不用改</div> <div>海滨中心小学老师们在进行初赛,筛选选手进行下一轮的海滨区决赛,现场精彩纷呈。</div><div>The teachers of Haibin Centre presented beautifully in the first around.</div><div><br></div><div><br></div> <div align="left">海滨街道清源小学的老师们在进行预演,在预演过程中,教导主任林丽珍、副主任杨国珍、教研组长潘锦亮老师给选手们出谋划策,力争协助选手发挥最好水平,展望在海滨区决赛中有出彩的演绎。<br>During the preparation, our Dean Ms Lizhen Lin, deputy dean Guozhen Yang and team leader Jingliang Pan provided us the most valuable advices to achieve the best outcome in the future.<br></div>