Volcano - 小西妈双语工程2001期29号Haytone 20210411 D86

Haytone BB

海尼曼的理解阅读终于挑战N级了,就着All about volcanoes这本书,做了2个小实验,通过实验,让BB输出关于volcano的特性,并按书的内容提问了一些问题来梳导理解,感谢娃,令我这个文盲妈也懂得了关于火山的一些常识哈! 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Experiment 1 -- Coca cola burst</b></font> 这个实验相对简单,只需要准备一瓶可乐或雪碧就好,一共做了3次,每次BB都玩得非常开心!<div>通过这个实际,让BB理解了2种火山的区别,如何得知火山准备喷发,喷发的3种表达方式!</div> 🌿🌿 <font color="#167efb"><b>Experiment 1 -- Vinegar burst</b></font> <font color="#ed2308"><b>Part 1: 实验过程,让BB懂得各种实验道具名称,实验过程,为什么会喷发</b></font> What we need: <div>containers (such as a volcano, some test tubes)容器,比如小火山或者试管 </div><div>a tray 托盘, </div><div>vinegar 白醋, </div><div>a funnel 漏斗, </div><div>baking powder/soda 食用小苏打<br>food colorings食用色素,</div><div>goggles 护眼镜, Measuring cup. 量杯<br>Look at this. It looks like water, but.. It's not water, so don't drink it. You can smell it, and guess. Haha! It is sour, isn't it?<br>This is called vinegar. Vinegar is sour. Here is a tray<br>This tray is very important because you want to keep your table clean.<br>We also need some baking powder, okay.<br>Alright, so the first step is open our baking powder. You can do it carefully or I may help you .Just take that off, just like this. And then open it up. Make a little crase there so you can pour easy. Ok, here we go.<br>You don't need too much. Ok, that's enough.<br>Then next part is we must put in color to make our experiment more exciting.<br>When a volcano erupts, lava flows out.<br>Do you know what color is lava?<br>The lava from the volcano is red. we put a few little drops of red. Maybe four drops are enough. Alright, now.<br>We've got our baking soda into the volcano. We've got out color put inside.<br>Now it will erupt. We take our vinegar.<br>Are you ready?<br>We are going quickly pour the vinegar into the volcano. Ready? Here we go!<br>my god. Amazing! So beautiful.<br>They look like a real volcano.<br>Do you like it? Yes. I like it.<br>Mommy, please tell me, why there are so many red bubbles, like the lava?<br>Well. That's very simple.<br>You see when the baking soda and the vinegar mixed together.<br>They create a chemical reaction.<br>And that causes the bubbles to come out. Like the lava.<br>We added the color <br>So that our bubbles look more colorful and more beautiful.<br>We don't want to just see clear lava, right?<br></div> <font color="#ed2308"><b>Part 2: 利用实验,让BB理解火山的定义、组成,2种火山的区别,如何得知火山准备喷发,喷发的3种表达方式, 夏威夷岛的形成过程</b></font> 🌿🌿 <b><font color="#167efb">Reading discussion </font></b> 1. How did scientists know Mount Saint Helens erupt?<div>2. What's meaning for erupt/burst & blast?</div><div>3. What's volcano?</div><div>4. What's made of volcano?</div><div>5. How many kinds of volcano?</div><div>6. How is active volcano?</div><div>7. How is dormant volcano?</div><div>8. What's lava?</div><div>9. When lava cools, what it will be become?</div><div>10. How did the islands of Hawaii formed?</div><div>11. Why did people live near volcano?</div><div>12. What do people use volcanoes heat to make?</div><div>13. What are the signs that a volcanoes will erupt?</div><div>14. Why do scientists work near active volcanoes?</div><div>15. How do they work near active volcanoes?</div><div><br></div> The end, thank you for reading!









