

1、Listening:三字经、唐诗、0a、0b、牙牙学语、海尼曼、粉猪。<br><br>2、Reading:<br><br>分级:(牛1)10本、(中)2本<br><br>中文绘本:如下图<br><br>英文绘本:如下图<br><br>3、Video:0b(7)、牙牙学语2(7)、粉猪2集. Game1: I am a witch<br>1. 家长扮演女巫(床单,扫把,罐子),拿五个玩偶出来,让宝贝藏<br>P: I’m a witch. I’m a witch. I have a broom. It’s a magic broom.<br>I can fly with my magic broom. I can fly here. I can fly there. Look, I’m high<br>in the air. This is my jar. Now, you hide these animals in this room, or I'll put<br>them in my jar.<br>K: Ok.<br>P: I close my eyes.<br>P&K: “Hush, baby. Hush, baby. Don't go far...” (宝贝藏的过程中,家长唱<br><br>2. 宝贝藏好了,家长开始去找<br>P: Have you finished? Can I open my eyes now?<br>K: Yes.<br>P: Here I come! I'll catch them. I'll put them in my jar.<br>“Hush, baby. Hush, baby. Don't go far...”<br>P: I catch one/a piggy. I'll put it/you in my jar. “Hush, baby. Hush,<br>baby. Don't go far...” (家长继续去找小玩偶,直到找齐)<br><br>3. 宝贝当女巫,家长藏, 宝贝找<br>P: Do you want to be a witch?<br>K: Yes.<br>P: Ok, ride on the broom. Hold the jar. Close your eyes. I'll hide these<br>animals.<br>P&K: “Hush, baby. Hush, baby. Don't go far...”<br>P: Little witch. You can find them now.<br>K: “Hush, baby. Hush, baby. Don't go far...” (宝贝唱着儿歌去找)<br>活动目的: 表演儿歌动画中女巫捉小动物的核心情节,让孩子<br>整体感知儿歌大意。<br>Tip: 如果宝贝年龄较小,可以家长事先藏好小玩偶,和宝贝<br>一起当女巫,边唱儿歌边去找。We are witches. Let's catch<br>some animals.<br>P: what do you want to be ? (妆扮游戏)<br>B: I want to be a zombie...可以拓展zombie Game 2: We are Witches 准备沙包<br>1. 家长和宝贝扮演女巫,出去找小动物<br>P: Hello, I'm a witch.<br>K: Hello, I'm a witch too.<br>P: Let's catch some animals.<br>P&K: “Hush baby...”<br>2. 家长提前将0a 0b幼儿卡片中的小动物卡片找出来,摆在卧室地上<br>P: Look, there are many animals! I'll catch them. I'll put them in my<br>jar.<br><br>3. 家长拿出工具,示范如何抓小动物<br>P: Look, let's use this tool to catch the animal.<br>Look at me, throw it. (在瞄准的过程中可以唱起儿歌)<br>Oh, look, I catch a bear.<br>“I'll catch you. I'll put you in my jar.” (边唱边把小动物放进罐子里)<br>4. 轮到宝贝用工具抓小动物<br>P: It's your turn. Here you are. Throw it. “Hush baby...” (宝贝瞄准的<br>过程中,家长在旁边唱起儿歌。)/Try again. (没套中,让宝贝继续<br>P: Oh, look.<br>K: I catch a frog. “I'll catch you. I'll put you in my jar.”<br>5. 最后家长和宝贝把动物拿出来,看看都套中了什么,比比谁的多<br>P: We catch a lot of animals! Take them out.<br>I catch a fly...(依次念出动物名称). One...(最后再数一下)<br>I got 10 animals. How about you?<br>K: I catch a bird...(依次念出动物名称)One...(最后再数一下)<br>I got 12 animals. I win!<br>Tip:儿歌歌词是可以拆解的,在相应的场景下唱相应的<br>词,可以更准确地帮宝贝理解语句的意义。









