1、Listening:<br>牛津树 L1-L4 循环播放<br>1B U1-U10 循环播放<br>汉语(二)U1-U6循环播放<br>字母歌《ABC Song》 2、Reading: 3、Video:<br>1B U10《Dance your fingers 》<br>汉语(二)U6《小兔乖乖》<br>字母学习<br>《ABC Song in Alphabet Water Park》<br>《ABC Song little flyers》 4、Game:<br>Game 1 : Act it out<br>Mommy: Jacky, today we will sing the song and do the actions. You need to follow what I said . Ok, Are you ready? <div>Jacky: Yes, I'm ready.</div><div>Mommy: Dance your fingers up (stretch your arms up), dance your finger down(put your arms down). dance your fingers to the side(move your arms side to side), dance them all around (move your arms in a circle), dance them on your shoulders, dance them on your head, dance them on your tummy, and putthem all to bed(put hands together beside your head to show you are sleeping).</div> Game 2 : Catch the candy<br>Mommy: Jacky, I will sing the song "dance your fingers", and you need to show me your fingers. Can you dance your fingers like this? Good. Look what's this? <div>Jacky: Candy.<br>Mommy: I will hold the stick. Dance your fingers up, up, up to catch the candy. Dance your fingers down, down ,down to catch the candy. Do you know?</div><div>Jacky: Yes.</div><div>Mommy: Ok, let's do it.</div> 5、汉语(二)<br>U6 《小兔乖乖》<div>小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开,快点儿开开,我要进来。</div><div>不开不开不开,我不开,妈妈没回来,谁来也不开。</div><div>小兔子乖乖,把门儿开开,快点儿开开,我要进来。</div><div>就开就开就开,我就开,妈妈回来了,我这就把门儿开。</div> 亲子表演 识字 古诗 <h3 style="text-align: right">2021年3月31日</h3>