小西妈双语工程2008期66号Jacky打卡 Day139


1、Listening:<br>牛津树 L1-L4 循环播放<br>1B U1-U10 循环播放<br>汉语(二)U1-U5循环播放<br>字母歌《ABC Song》 2、Reading: 3、Video:<br>1B U10《Dance your fingers 》<br>汉语(二)U5《盖花楼》<br>字母学习<br>《ABC Song in Alphabet Water Park》<br>《ABC Song little flyers》 4、Game:<br>Game 1 : Morning Exercise<br>Mommy: " The good morning train is coming, how are you, choo-choo!" Good morning, Jacky.<br>Jacky: Good morning.<br>Mommy: Get on the train. Let's go to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth.<br>Mommy: Now, let's drive to the living room and do morning exercise.<br>Mommy&Jacky: " The good morning train is coming...."<br>Mommy: Let's start. ' I'm stretching very tall , and now i'm so small, now tall, now small, now i'm a tiny ball." Let's do finger exercise. Where are your fingers?<br>Jacky: Here.<br>Mommy: Follow me . " Dance your fingers up..."<br>Mommy: Let's do it in another way. Please stand on the sofa. Face to face. Show me your fingers.<br>Mommy&Jacky: " Dance your fingers up, dance your fingers down...Dance them on your shoulders." Put your fingers on my shoulders. " Dance them on your head. Dance them on your tummy, and put them all to be." Game 2: Mommy Says<br>Mommy: I want to show you a surprise. Now, I'll cover your eyes with a piece of cloth.<br>Mommy: Show me your pointer, I'll let you touch it.<br>Mommy: Ok, Now, listen to me and then you will catch it. Dance your fingers up /down /to the side/to the opposite side. Oh, you move slowly. It ran away. Try to move quickly. Oh, you got it. Remove your cover.<br>Mommy: Do you want to get more toys?<br>Jacky: Yes.<br>Mommy: Ok, try to catch more toys. 5、汉语(二)<br>U5《盖花楼》<br>盖!盖!盖花楼。<br>花楼低,碰着鸡。<br>鸡下蛋,碰着雁。<br>雁叨米,碰着小孩就是你。 汉语文化启蒙 识字 古诗 <h3 style="text-align: right">2021年3月29日</h3>







