[1AU11 Jonhnny hammers 】Day108万思乐学V-Learn小西妈双语工程2003期NO.345 20210317


<p class="ql-block">一、动画</p><p class="ql-block">Johnny hammers、公鸡母鸡和小鸡</p><p class="ql-block">二、音频</p><p class="ql-block">Johnny hammers、公鸡母鸡和小鸡</p><p class="ql-block">粉猪第一季</p><p class="ql-block">三、阅读</p> <p class="ql-block">四、英语学习情况</p> <p class="ql-block">1. let us get moving</p><p class="ql-block">Honey, come here. </p><p class="ql-block">Let us watch cartoon. Today we will watch Johnny hammers.</p><p class="ql-block">Cartoon is over. Can you sing the song now? How about we sing the song together and do some actions.</p><p class="ql-block">Mommy will teach you how to do these actions. Show me your fists. Stick out one fist. Good. It is your first hammer. Stick out your the other fist. Good, it is your second hammer. </p><p class="ql-block">When I sing Johnny works with 3 hammers, you stomp one foot. And the other foot is your forth hammer. What is your fifth hammer? Haha, your head is your last hammer. How do you work with your last hammer. Nod your head like this.</p><p class="ql-block">Mommy sing and dance first. Watch carefully.</p><p class="ql-block">Are you ready? Let us get moving together.</p><p class="ql-block">.....</p><p class="ql-block">How about ask grandpa to be our audience. Good, ask grandpa sit on the sofa. We will perform on the stage. Are you ready? Here we go.</p> <p class="ql-block">2. Body hammers </p><p class="ql-block">跟西妈学用头,手,脚当锤子的游戏,“叮叮铛铛叮叮当”一边唱一遍做动作。尤其bottom作为第6个锤子,Johnny works with six hammers的时候,会爆笑。</p><p class="ql-block">Now ,we play this game as the video.</p><p class="ql-block">Look at me. I have 6 hammers on my body.</p><p class="ql-block">My left hand is the first hammer. "dingdingdangdangdingdingdang”</p><p class="ql-block">My right hand is the second hammer </p><p class="ql-block">My left foot is the third hammer </p><p class="ql-block">My right foot is the fourth hammer </p><p class="ql-block">My head is the fifth hammer </p><p class="ql-block">My bottom is the sixth hammer "dingdingdangdangdingdingdang”</p><p class="ql-block">now you say some number between 1 to 6 and I will do the actions.</p><p class="ql-block">Now let's change the mission, I say you do.</p><p class="ql-block">说到数字几就是几个“锤子”一起动。</p><p class="ql-block">第一和第二个游戏一起玩,类似的游戏。</p><p class="ql-block">这2个游戏一边看视频,一边看我们演示,小宇自己不肯做动作。</p> <p class="ql-block">3. Play with the drill.</p><p class="ql-block">I have some pictures of different kind of tools.</p><p class="ql-block">Show baby a drill. This is a drill. Before you have to play with it.</p><p class="ql-block">Baby ask me. What is it?</p><p class="ql-block"> grandpa Has a drill. Maybe you can </p><p class="ql-block">show the picture to him and borrow it from him.</p><p class="ql-block">When you see it.</p><p class="ql-block">You will know what it is.</p><p class="ql-block">And then we come together to borrow the drill from grandpa.</p><p class="ql-block">So this is the drill.</p><p class="ql-block"> You can press the , then it will begin to work.</p><p class="ql-block">Let's use the box to be the wall.</p><p class="ql-block">You Can drill through the wall.</p><p class="ql-block">Now you have drilled so many holes on the wall. </p><p class="ql-block">Let's count how many holes, okay?</p><p class="ql-block">That some different drill point.(钻头) You can change another one. </p><p class="ql-block">Let's have a try.</p><p class="ql-block">这个游戏非常喜欢玩,玩了好久。</p><p class="ql-block">输出: The wall is too hard. The drill is broken.</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block">What can you see in this picture?</p><p class="ql-block">The house is on fire. There is a fire here.</p><p class="ql-block">We need to call 119 immediately. The fire truck and firemen will come soon.</p><p class="ql-block">This is the fireman coat. This is the helmet. The coat and helmet can protect the fireman from fire and danger.</p><p class="ql-block">This is a fire extinguisher. ./ik'stingwifa/灭火器</p><p class="ql-block">It had water or chemicals inside for putting out the small fires.</p><p class="ql-block">This is a fire hydrant.消防栓。 We can see it in the street. It can send water to the fire truck or watering truck.</p><p class="ql-block">This is an ax. It can be used to chop or cut things.</p><p class="ql-block">This is the faucet. Water is dripping from that faucet.</p><p class="ql-block">This is a hose. At the end of the hose, we can see a nozzle.</p><p class="ql-block">This is a ladder. A man is climbing the ladder.</p><p class="ql-block">We can also see the ambulance and paramedic医护人员 here. </p><p class="ql-block">The injured can be taken to the hospital immediately.</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 18px;">这几天爸爸带小宇睡觉,我单独睡,简直太爽了。哈哈。爸爸带娃的日子多来一些。多多益善。</span></p>