[1b unit2-2]小西妈双语工程2005期+189号+Jaden 打卡 Day90(2021.03.19)


<ul><li><b>写在前面:</b></li></ul><div>这部分内容我挺苦恼的,一直不知道要怎么跟孩子讲,孩子才能老实听并且感兴趣。直到我发现了下面的网站,发现内容很简单易懂,游戏孩子也喜欢。</div><div>如果一直找不到适合孩子的教学方法,我就感觉每天都是瓶颈期。经分析,米果是喜欢模仿的,看完动画里的真人演示,他玩游戏的情绪都很高涨,看完绘本进行模仿复述,他也是很积极的,今天根据游戏进行模仿也同样是喜欢的。这样的学习状态真的是我很喜欢的,但是奈何不是所有的拓展主题我都能找到合适的游戏和视频作为引导,要耗费的时间也很多。所以我还是要尽快把这种教学方式成型,这要求家长内化程度要很高,说到这里,感觉给自己挖了个很大的坑……</div><div>就是下面这两个网址,用来开展食物链的课程不错:</div><div>https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/science/animals/games/food-chain/<br>https://www.sheppardsoftware.com/science/animals/games/producers-consumers/<br></div><div>因为孩子小啊,我不要求他充分理解什么是生产者、消费者和分解者,能明白什么吃什么就可以了。还有植食性动物、肉食性动物和杂食性动物,也是有个大概的认知就行,不强求。</div> <ul><li><b>Listening:</b></li></ul>清华幼儿英语1b2a全部音频<br>汉语2全部音频(听得特别入迷)<br>小猪佩奇第一季1-20集音频<br>以上只要在家就打开播放器进行循环磨耳朵。 <ul><li><b>Reading:</b></li></ul>分级阅读:遇到不懂的发音,用点读笔来查,还挺方便的。<br>绘本阅读:每天晚上争取给孩子最少读3本中文绘本。 <ul><li><b>Video:</b></li></ul>清华幼儿英语1b unit2《I am hungry》 <ul><li><b>Extend:</b></li></ul><div>The food chain</div><div>Energy Pyramid<br></div><div><br></div> <ul><li><b>Extend1:The Food Chain</b></li></ul> <b>1.用RAZ《The Food Chain》做导入,简单易懂。</b> <b>读完绘本,整理输出:</b><div>Jaden, mum is a grasshopper, I can hop hop hop. I am hungry, I want to eat some grass. Oh, there are lots of green grass. Yummy, yummy, yummy. I am full now, let me take a nap.</div><div>Jaden, now you are a frog, you are hungry. You want to eat something. Look, there is a grasshopper. He is napping, go and eat it. You sing the song, frog hungry,growl,growl...I want to eat. Wow, you catch the grasshopper, you can eat it. Is it delicious?</div><div>Now mum is a fish, I can swim in the water. I am hungry too, oh, there is a fat frog, I want to eat it. Ha, mum catch you, now the fish eat the frog.<br><div>Jaden, who can eat the fish? Right, bear. Now you are the bear, try to catch me! Oh, I must run away! Oh my god, you catch me, please don't eat me!</div></div><div>Jaden, who can eat the bear? Can you eat the bear? Do you want to eat the bear?</div><div>No.</div><div>Why not?</div><div>因为有毛。</div><div>(哈哈哈哈哈哈……)</div> <b>2.What is a food chain?</b><br>Every living thing needs energy in order to live. Everytime animals do something (run, jump) they use energy to do so.<br><br>Animals get energy from the food they eat, and all living things get energy from food. Plants use sunlight, water and nutrients to get energy (in a process called photosynthesis). Energy is necessary for living beings to grow.<br> <br><b>Photosynthesis(光合作用) - </b>The cycle of plants and how they make energy! The sun(light energy), water, minerals and carbon dioxide are all absorbed by the plant. The plant then uses them to make glucose/sugar, which is the energy/food for the plant. Oxygen is also produced by the plant in this cycle, which is then let off into the air! Have you noticed how clean and pure the air feels when there are plants around? They are filling the air with oxygen! A food chain shows how each living thing gets food, and how nutrients and energy are passed from creature to creature. Food chains begin with plant-life, and end with animal-life. Some animals eat plants, some animals eat other animals. A simple food chain could start with grass, which is eaten by rabbits. Then the rabbits are eaten by foxes. <b>3.Bigger Food Chains</b><br>Here's another food chain, with a few more animals. It starts with acorns, which are eaten by mice. The mice are eaten by snakes, and then finally the snakes are eaten by hawks. At each link in the chain, energy is being transferred from one animal to another.<br> There can be even more links to any food chain. Here another animal is added. It goes Grass to grasshopper to mouse to snake to hawk.<br> There is actually even more to this chain. After a hawk dies, fungi /ˈfʌŋɡi/(真菌) (like mushrooms) and other decomposers /,dikəm'pozər/ (分解者) break down the dead hawk, and turn the remains of the hawk into nutrients/ˈnuːtriənt/ (营养物), which are released into the soil. The nutrients (plus sun and water) then cause the grass to grow.It's a full circle of life and energy!! So food chains make a full circle, and energy is passed from plant to animal to animal to decomposer and back to plant! There can be many links in food chains but not TOO many. If there are too many links, then the animal at the end would not get enough energy. <b>4.Parts of the Food Chain </b> <b>The SUN </b>is usually the beginning of most food chains.<br>Nearly all of the energy used by living things on earth to survive originally/əˈrɪdʒənəli/(最初的) came from the sun. <div><b>Producers,</b>which are plants, produce their own food from sun, water, air (carbon dioxide), and soil.</div><div><br></div><div>Plants are called producers. This is because they produce their own food! They do this by using light energy from the Sun, carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil to produce food - in the form of glucouse/sugar.<br>The process is called photosynthesis. Click on the image below to learn about photosynthesis.<br></div> <b>CONSUMERS,</b> which are usually animals, consume other plants and animals.<div><br><div>Animals are called consumers. This is because they cannot make their own food, so they need to consume (eat) plants and/or animals.There are 3 groups of consumers. <br></div><b>Herbivore /ˈhɜːrbɪvɔːr/ :</b></div><div>Animals that eat only plants.<br><b>Carnivore/ˈkɑːrnɪvɔːr/:</b></div><div>Animals that eat only animals.</div><div><b>Omnivore/ˈɑːmnɪvɔːr/:</b></div><div>Animals that eat both animals and plants. </div><div>Humans are also omnivores!</div> Herbivore<div>These are animals that eat maily plants. This includes leaves, grass, flowers, seeds, roots, fruits, bark, pollen and much more.<br><ul><li>Some herbivores are deer, horses, rabbits, cows, bees, sheep, greasshoppers.</li></ul></div> Carnivore<div>These are animals that eat mainly meat. This includes insects and all animals. Some canivores are:</div><div><ul><li>felines(lions, tigers, all cats) 猫科动物</li><li>birds of prey( eagles, hawks, owls etc.) 猛禽</li><li>sharsks, frogs, spiders</li></ul></div><div><br></div> Omnivore<div>These are animals able to eat plants and animals.</div><div>Some ominvores are:</div><div><ul><li>humans</li><li>most bears</li><li>racoons</li><li>most primates(apes and monkeys) 灵长类动物</li><li>seagulls and other birds</li></ul></div> <b>Decomposers, </b>which include fungi, bacteria, and worms, eat decaying plants and animals, and decompose them back into soil. The soil can then be used by plants to grow.<div><br>Bacteria/bækˈtɪriə/ 细菌and fungi 真菌are decomposers. They eat decaying/dɪˈkeɪɪŋ/ 腐烂的matter - dead plants and animals and in the process they break them down and decompose them When that happens, they release nutrients/ˈnuːtriənt/ (营养物) and mineral/ˈmɪnərəl/ 矿物质 salts back into the soil - which then will be used by plants!</div> Fungi and bacteria play an important role in nature. They break down the unused dead material and turn them into nutrients in the soil, which plants use to grow. They are an important part of the food chain. <b>5.A food web</b><br>Many FOOD CHAINS make up a FOOD WEB. <b>6.Games about food chains</b> 这是我录制的游戏过程,因为孩子还不会用电脑,都是我一边引导一边操作的,第一次玩带他挨个认识这个食物链的每一部分,然后问他谁吃谁,第二次的时候就开始角色扮演。这种方式孩子接受起来还不错。 (1)simple chain starts with flower, which is eaten by caterpillar. Then the catepillar is eaten by bird. (2)Here's bigger food chain, with a few more animals. It starts with acorns, which are eaten by mice. The mice are eaten by snakes, and then finally the snakes are eaten by hawks. At each link in the chain, energy is being transferred from one animal to another. (3)This a bigger food chain in marine. It starts with algae, which are eaten by small fish. The small fish is eaten by big fish, and then finally the big fish is eaten by dolphin. (4)This is a mixed food chain, there are five parts in the food chain. It starts with flower, which are eaten by insect. The insect is eaten by small fish, small fish is eaten by big fish, and then finally the big fish is eaten by seagull. (5)This is a full chain. It starts with plants, which are eaten by grasshopper. The grasshopper is eaten by lizard, lizard is eaten by eagle, and then finally the eagle dies, fungi (like mushrooms) and other decomposers break down the dead eagle, and turn the remains of the hawk into nutrients, which are released into the soil. The nutrients (plus sun and water) then cause the grass to grow.It's a full circle of life and energy!<div>So food chains make a full circle, and energy is passed from plant to animal to animal to decomposer and back to plant! <br></div> (6)This is a full marine chain. It starts with plankton, which are eaten by fish. The fish is eaten by jellyfish, jellyfish is eaten by turtle. The turtle is eaten by shark, and then finally the shark dies, bacteria break down the dead shark, and turn it into nutrients, which can help plankton to grow.The energy is passed from plant to animal to animal to decomposer and back to plant! (7)This is a chain with human. It starts with plankton, which are eaten by mussel. The mussle is eaten by small fish, small fish is eaten by big fish. And then the human uses a fishing rod to catch the big fish, and then eat it. (8)找一些常见的食物,跟孩子进行食物链接龙<div>Look, I am a carrot, who like to eat carrot? Rabbit!<div>I am a fox, I am hungry, I will eat the rabbit.</div></div><div>Rorr, I am a lion, lion will eat the fox.</div><div>Haha, I am a hunter, I have a gun, I can use the gun to shoot the lion. The lion die, and then the fungi break down the dead lion, and turn it into nutrients, which can help carrot to grow.</div><div>我变成了花,他说了蜜蜂,熊,猎人。</div><div>我变成了草,他说了牛,老虎。</div> <b>7.Games about the producers,consumers,decomposers</b> (1)Producers,which are plants, produce their own food from sun, water, air (carbon dioxide), and soil.<div>(2)Consumers, which are usually animals, consume other plants and animals.This is because they cannot make their own food, so they need to consume (eat) plants and/or animals.There are 3 groups of consumers.</div><div>Herbivore:Animals that eat only plants.<br>Carnivore:Animals that eat only animals.<br>Omnivore:Animals that eat both animals and plants.Humans are also omnivores!<br></div><div>(3)Decomposers, which include fungi, bacteria, and worms, eat decaying plants and animals, and decompose them back into soil. The soil can then be used by plants to grow.<br></div><div>玩游戏的时候就不断的重复上面这几句话,然后再简单解释解释。</div> <b>8.Do some exercises</b><div><b><br></b></div> <ul><li><b>Extend2:Energy Pyramid 生态金字塔(备课未拓展)</b></li></ul><div><b>1.What is Ecological Pyramid?</b><br>An ecological pyramid is a graphical representation of the relationship between the different living organisms at different trophic levels. It was given by G.Evylen Hutchinson and Raymond Lindeman.<br>生态金字塔是用图形表示不同营养层次的不同生物之间的关系。它是由g.e evylen Hutchinson和Raymond Lindeman颁发的。</div><div><br>It can be observed that these pyramids are in the shape of actual pyramids with the base being the broadest, which is covered by the lowest trophic level, i.e., producers. The next level is occupied by the next trophic level, i.e., the primary consumers and so on.<br>可以观察到,这些金字塔是实际金字塔的形状,底部是最宽的,被最低的营养级,即生产者所覆盖。下一个层次由下一个营养层次占据,即主要消费者,依此类推。</div><div><br>All the calculations for construction of these types of ecological pyramids must take into account all the organisms in a particular trophic level because a sample space of a few numbers or a few species will end up giving a huge level of errors.<br></div><div>建造这些类型的生态金字塔的所有计算都必须考虑到在一个特定的营养层次上的所有生物,因为只有几个数量或几个物种的样本空间最终会产生巨大的误差。<br></div> <b>2.Types of Ecological Pyramid</b><br>Three types of ecological pyramid exist. They are as follows: <b>(1)Pyramid of Numbers</b><br>In this type of ecological pyramid, the number of organisms in each trophic level is considered as a level in the pyramid. The pyramid of numbers is usually upright except for some situations like that of the detritus food chain, where many organisms feed on one dead plant or animal. <b>(2)Pyramid of Biomass</b><br>In this particular type of ecological pyramid, each level takes into account the amount of biomass produced by each trophic level. The pyramid of biomass is also upright except for that observed in oceans where large numbers of zooplanktons depend on a relatively smaller number of phytoplanktons. <b>(3)Pyramid of Energy</b><br>Pyramid of energy is the only type of ecological pyramid, which is always upright as the energy flow in a food chain is always unidirectional. Also, with every increasing trophic level, some energy is lost into the environment. <b>3.Importance of Ecological Pyramid</b><br>The importance of ecological pyramid can be explained in the following points:<br><ul><li>They show the feeding of different organisms in different ecosystems.</li><li>It shows the efficiency of energy transfer.</li><li>The condition of the ecosystem can be monitored, and any further damage can be prevented.</li></ul> <b>4.Limitations of the Ecological Pyramid</b><br><ul><li>More than one species may occupy multiple trophic levels as in case of the food web. Thus, this system does not take into account food webs.</li><li>The saprophytes are not considered in any of the pyramids even though they form an important part of the various ecosystem.</li><li>These pyramids are applicable only to simple food chains, which usually do not occur naturally.</li><li>These pyramids do not deliver any concept in relation to variations in season and climate.</li><li>They do not consider the possibility of the existence of the same species at different levels.</li></ul>