<p class="ql-block">Before entering the dairy farm, we need to put on isolation clothes.This is a disposable hat and these are disposable shoe covers.</p> <p class="ql-block">Farmers will mix hay with beans,corns as cows' food.</p> <p class="ql-block">How to milk cows?只能在外观看,进不去</p> <p class="ql-block">pick tomatoes</p><p class="ql-block">Farmers will use cow's dung to fertilize vegetables.</p> <p class="ql-block">visit dairy factory to see how to process milk</p> <p class="ql-block">喝着的牛奶就是今天看到的奶牛产的哦</p> <p class="ql-block">去奶牛场前的准备:</p> <p class="ql-block"><b>What is a dairy farm?</b></p><p class="ql-block">M:Jason.Do you like drinking milk?</p><p class="ql-block">J:Yes.</p><p class="ql-block">M:Do you know where milk comes from?</p><p class="ql-block">J:The milk comes from the cow.</p><p class="ql-block">M:Oh,yes.You are so smart.Dairy products,like milk,yogurt,cheese,cream,all these things come from the cow.People drink a lot of milk every day,so we need a lot of cows,don't you think so?</p><p class="ql-block">J:Yes.I think so.</p><p class="ql-block">M:So people will breed a lot of cows to produce more milk.Do you know where people breed cows?</p><p class="ql-block">J:The farm.</p><p class="ql-block">M:Yes.You are right.But more accurate, It's a dairy farm.</p><p class="ql-block">Dairy farm is a farm where dairy products are produced.</p> <b>What is produced at the dairy farm?</b> <b>Which of These Products Have Milk in Them? </b> baked beans<div>butter:Butter is made from cream<br><div>cheese:Cheese is a fermented[fəˈmentɪd] milk product</div><div>oatmeal [ˈəʊtmiːl] 燕麦片<br></div><div>yogurt<br></div><div>cream:Cream is the fat extracted[ɪkˈstræktɪd] from milk</div><div>ice-cream</div><div>toast:We need to use milk, butter and other materials to make toast, so toast also has milk.<br></div><div>Pork sausages 猪肉香肠</div><div>crisps [krɪsps]</div></div><div><br></div><div>Now let's have a look at these products from dairy farm.</div> <b>Types of Cow</b> There are lots of different types of cows used in dairy farming.Black and white cows are the most common.<div>Let's look at this lovely picture of body part of a cow.Do you know all the body parts of cow?</div> <b>Let's make a funny cow</b> <b>How many stomachs does a cow have?</b><div>Cows technically only have one stomach, but it has four distinct compartments made up of Rumen, Reticulum, Omasum and Abomasum. It is very different than a human stomach. That’s why people often say that cows have four stomachs.<br><br>Parts of a cow’s stomach:<br>Rumen – This is the first part of the cow’s stomach. It helps break down complex plant products like grass.<br>Reticulum – Here the food mixes with the cow’s saliva and produces cud. Cows burp up the cud into their mouths and chew it to help break it down more. When you see a cow that looks like she is chomping on bubble gum, really she is chewing her cud.<br>Omasum – Here all the water is absorbed out of the food.<br>Abomasum – Here is where the food is finally digested, similar to what happens in a human stomach.<br></div> <br><div><b><br></b></div> <b>How to Milk Cows?</b><div>Cows in the past were milked by hand, but today, most of the large dairy cattle farmers and also small scale farmers are using milking machine for milking their cows easily,the process is much easier. The cows are attached to milking units, which pump the milk out of each of the cows.</div><div>Milking machine actually helps you to collect milk from your cow, and it saves you time and labor[ˈleɪbə] 劳动.<br></div><div><b>1.Check The Machine Before Using</b><br></div><div>First of all, check the milking machine before using it. Regular[ˈreɡjələ(r)] cleaning and maintenance[ˈmeɪntənəns] is necessary for keeping your machine to work good for a long time.<br>So you must have to clean the machine before and after daily use. And maintenance on the machine should be done once a month or after every 2 or 3 months.<br></div><div><b>2.Secure The Cow And Clean Her Udder & Teats</b><br></div><div>Process of cleaning and securing the cow are same whether you milk your cow by hand or with a milking machine.</div> <b>3.Turn On The Machine</b><br>Turn on the machine before start milking by the machine. Because before you begin milking the cow, the machine will need to be running for a few minutes for building pressure[ˈpreʃə(r)] . You can secure the cow and wash and dry it’s udder during this time.<div> <br><b>4.Hand Milk</b><br>Before start milking with the machine, you need to hand milk each teat for a few times to let down the milk.<br>This process is called ‘stripping’. Stripping will not only encourage milk to flow from the teat, but also help to squirt out any dirt or bacteria that has built up in the cow’s teat.</div> 5.Place Suction[ˈsʌkʃn] Device<br>After stripping, release the machine’s pressure and place each suction device on each teat of your cow. <b>6.Keep The Machine On</b><br>Keep the machine on and leave it for around 5 minutes, and wait until the machine draws all of the milk out of the udder.<div><b>7.Turn Off The Machine</b></div>Turn of the device’s suction and remove the suction devices from the teats. You will need to maintain an order; turning off the device’s suction first and then remove it.<br>But if you try to remove the milking device while suction is on, then you risk causing pain to the cow and possibly damaging the sensitive tissue around her teats. <b>How do cows produce milk?</b><div>A cow’s special four-chambered stomach breaks down grasses she eats into things that nourish [ˈnʌrɪʃ] her and produce milk. The first chamber softens chewed plant material, which the cow burps up and chews again several times. In the next chamber, microorganisms[ˌmaɪkrəʊˈɔːgənɪzmz] feed on the plant material, making energy and proteins[ˈprəʊtiːnz]. As the material moves through the other chambers and into the small intestine, nutrients and excess water are absorbed into the bloodstream[ˈblʌdstriːm] and then circulate to the mammary gland[ɡlænd]腺 in the udder. There, special cells combine the nutrients with sugars from the cow’s liver to create milk.<b><br></b></div><div>母牛特殊的四腔胃将所吃的草分解成营养物质并产奶。第一个腔室使咀嚼过的植物材料变软,奶牛打嗝并再次咀嚼几次。在下一个室内,微生物以植物为食,制造能量和蛋白质。当这些物质通过其他腔室进入小肠时,营养物质和多余的水分被吸收到血液中,然后循环到乳房中的乳腺。在那里,特殊的细胞将营养物质与牛肝脏中的糖结合起来,形成牛奶。<br></div> <b>How to deal with the cows' dung?</b><div>Farmers can use cows' dung as fertilizer to grow vegetables.<b><br></b></div> <div><br></div>