<p class="ql-block"> 不知道为什么我们中国人比较忌讳说死,<span style="color: rgb(26, 26, 26); font-size: 18px;">大部分人都忌讳对于死亡的谈论甚至提及,甚至还忌讳“四”或者其与“死”相关的相近字。</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="font-size: 18px;"> 可是当死神突然降临到朋友或家人身上时,就会弄得措手不及,大受打击。希望大家不要谈死色变,平静地接触和谈论死亡方面的知识,让</span><span style="font-size: 18px; color: rgb(26, 26, 26);">“向死而生”观念在中国能扩散开来。</span><span style="font-size: 18px;">下面的内容摘自海德格尔的《存在与时间》。</span></p> <p class="ql-block">The meaning of being towards death is: only when you are very close to death can you deeply appreciate the meaning of life. </p><p class="ql-block">向死而生的意义是:当你无限接近死亡,才能深切体会生的意义。</p> <p class="ql-block">If I can make it in being towards death, then accept and face death, I will be able to get rid of the anxiety about death and trifling of life. </p><p class="ql-block">如果我能向死而生,承认并且直面死亡,我就能摆脱对死亡的焦虑和生活的琐碎。</p> <p class="ql-block">Only in this way can I be myself freely.</p><p class="ql-block">只有这样,我才能自由地做自己。</p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">谢谢欣赏!!!</p>