<p class="ql-block">今年的七月一日是中国共产党成立一百周年纪念日,是一个中华民族发展史上具有里程碑意义的重大日子。中国人民正在以各种形式准备礼物,要在这个隆重的日子给我们的祖国献上自己的心意。我准备的礼物之一是高唱一首《东方红》。《东方红》之歌的旋律早在1970年就已经由中国东方红一号卫星送入了太空。现在我要用英语来唱这首歌,要让全世界更多的人听。我要告诉人们,在不远的未来,在地球上,就会出现一个社会主义现代化的中国。世人已经亲眼看到了,中国共产党领导下的十四亿中国人民是如何在七十多年之前战胜世界列强,挺立在世界东方的,是如何战胜了史无前例的危机全人类生命的新冠肺炎病毒的,是如何完成了帮助一亿多人口脱贫攻坚的举世无双的任务,并且正在向着更加美好的未来阔步前进的。经过了一百年的波澜壮阔的历程的考验,伟大的中国共产党已经具备了理论自信,路线自信,制度自信和实践方法的自信。生活在如此安定的欣欣向荣的国度里的人们,怎能不庆幸,不自豪啊!</p> <p class="ql-block">July 1,2021,is the anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. It is a milestone in the history of the Chinese Nation. All the Chinese people are preparing different gifts for the coming of that important day. One of my gifts is to sing the famous song , that is < Red in the east>. The melody of this song has been sent into the universe early in the year of 1970. I will sing the song in English. I hope this song will be heard by more people in the world. I want to tell the people that a new modern China, the best country in the world will appear soon. The people in the world have seen how China defeated all foreign invaders seventy years ago and stood up in the world, how the Chinese people, under the wise leadership of the Chinese Communist Party won the battle against the Covid-19 virus, how to have fulfilled the task of helping more than one hundred million people against poverty, and continue to walk on the road towards a better life. The Chinese Communist Party has had confidence in theory, line, and method, after a hundred years’ testing. How lucky and proud to live in the peaceful and hopeful country!</p><p class="ql-block">My English translation of the song is the following: </p><p class="ql-block">1. The Sun rises, the east is bright. China has Mao Ze Dong. Living for the happiness of the Chinese people, he is our great Savior. 2. Chairman Mao loves us people, he is our wise guide. For building the new China, he leads un marching on. 3. The Communist Party is like the Sun, where it shines, it will light up. People get liberated wherever the Party comes!</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p>