

这次FT的顺利开展,特别感谢Eric妈妈的策划和组织,Eric爸爸提供的活动场地,还有其他爸爸妈妈的积极参与与配合,保证了这次活动的顺利开展。这是木棉小分队的第一次FT,初次见面,却因小西妈双语工程结缘,没有丝毫的陌生和拘谨。志同道合的一群人,聚在一起,就是一种缘分与幸运。<div>活动计划是10点集合,因为我家离活动场地比较远,晚到了10分钟,到达目的地后,就感受到了大岭村那千年历史文化底蕴的美,逃离城市的喧嚣,感受静谧的美好,这是我第一次走进大岭村。我们的活动场地安排在两塘公祠,两塘公祠始建于明朝,是大岭村陈氏八世祖祠,听说两塘公祠的外墙是密密麻麻的蚝壳墙,好想去看看,不过要赶紧去报到才行,这里特别感谢Eric爸爸提供的场地,相对封闭的环境保证了孩子活动的安全,特别好。到达两塘公祠后,爸爸妈妈们已经将活动场地布置好了,大家都特别积极。</div> 活动一:自我介绍<div>因为是第一次活动,大家都不认识,所以每个家庭做个简短的自我介绍和表演个小节目,有小朋友唱歌,有小朋友背诗。每个小朋友都表现得特别棒。</div> 活动二:新春写“福”<div>负责人:Eric爸爸</div><div>因为小朋友都比较小,“福”字难度有点大了,所以这次Eric爸爸带着小朋友们一起学写毛笔字和写了“人”字。Eric爸爸教导每个小朋友:写毛笔字需要耐心和定力,如做人,就要踏踏实实,写好每一笔,走好每一步。这是Jason第一次写毛笔字,特别认真,当写完“人”字,特别自豪。</div> 活动三:拜孔子<div>负责人:Eric爸爸</div><div>写完毛笔字后,Eric爸爸特别加了一个环节:拜孔子,Eric爸爸给我们大概介绍了孔子和教我们如何拜孔子,别说小孩了,我们大人对于这种传统文化也是知之甚少,也不懂得如何拜孔子,跟着Eric爸爸又涨知识了。很多小孩都不知道孔子是谁,相信这次拜孔子的活动,能在小孩心里种下一粒种子。</div><div><br></div> 活动四:十二生肖的故事<br>负责人:Eric妈妈<br>Hello everyone,I am the Queen Mother of the West. Today,I will have a race,The first twelve animals would be rewarded by having a year named after them.Who would like to take part in the competition?<br>(所有小动物站起来 Me me…)<br>Ok all the animals lined up beside the river.<br>(1801期Amy家扮演 rat,cat and ox)<br>Cat:Hello rat,are you good at swimming?<br>Rat:No.<br>Cat:How could we cross the river?<br>Rat:We can ask ox for help. dear Ox,can you help us cross the river?<br>Ox:Ok. Jump on my back.<br>Rat Cat:Yeah.<br>(这时老鼠把小猫推到了河里,自己跳到了牛的背上)<br>Q:Well done!The first year of the Zodiac will be named after you. the second year of the Zodiac was named after Ox. (1904期luca小朋友表演老虎游过河)<br>Shortly after, the exhausted tiger arrived on the river bank.<br>Q:Tiger, how do you cross the river?<br>T:Because I had to fight strong currents.<br>Q:Ok. The third year of the zodiac will be named after you. The next to arrive was the rabbit(1901期Eric小朋友表演兔子跳过河)<br>Q:How do you cross the river?<br>R:I hopped across on some stepping stones, and then onto a floating log<br>Q:Great. I shall call the fourth year after you. (1904期leo家扮演龙,小蝌蚪,青蛙)<br>龙飞到半空,听到小蝌蚪的哭声<br>D:Tadpole, what's the matter with you?<br>T:I can't find my mother<br>D:Don't worried,I will help you. what does she look like?<br>T:My mother has a big mouth and two big eyes on her head,she has a big white belly,four legs,she can sing a guagua song<br>D:Does she your mother?<br>T:Yes. Thank you<br>D:You are welcome.<br>Q:How come you didn’t win the race, when you could fly across?<br>D:I stopped to help some animals<br>Q:Great! (1706期Jay 家扮演蛇,马)<br>两人快到岸边时,蛇扔了一根绳子到马的脚下<br>S:Watch out the snake<br>H:Ah~<br>马往后一跳,蛇趁机游到岸边。<br>Q:You are the sixth to cross the river,congratulations! <div>(1803期Suzy家扮演猴子、鸡,小芃芃扮演山羊)<br></div>三人做划船状过河<br>Q:How do you cross the river? <br>G:We are a team,we make a raft to get across. <br><div>Q:I like your team. the goat would be the eighth year, the monkey the ninth and the rooster tenth.</div>(1910期Aimee小朋友扮演狗 )<br>D:游到中间The river was so clean,let me have a bath first. <br>游到岸上后<br>Q:What took you so long, when you’re such a good swimmer?<br>D:Because the river was so clean that I decided to have a bath along the way. <br><div>Q:So you are the eleventh year.</div>Q:There is one place left in the Zodiac,who will be the last winner? <br>(1906期Jason小朋友扮演猪)<br>All of a sudden the pig turned up<br>Q:You took a long time, what happened?<br>P:I was hungry and stopped to eat, then I fell asleep. <br><div>Q:Good. You are the twelfth year.</div><div>Q:Let me see. Who are there in the zodiac? Stand well one by one, they are…… <br></div> 活动五:去餐馆的路上参观大岭村<div>感谢Eric爸爸对大岭村的解说,特别古老的一座村落,孩子们特别感兴趣的就是蚝壳墙了,特别神奇,蚝壳居然可以用来做墙,还能冬暖夏凉,古人真的太有智慧了。</div> 活动六:手工-牛头小灯笼<div>负责人:Amy爸妈</div><div>Amy爸妈备课备得很详细,特别羡慕Amy妈妈有个Amy爸爸这么棒的好队友,Amy爸爸全程飙英语啊。太棒了。</div><div>-Hello everyone,please look at this picture. who can tell me what it is?<br>-Great/perfect! It's a picture of lantern, a red paper ox lantern. it looks so cute, right? Do you want to have your own ox lantern?<br>Good, i will show you how to make it .<br><br>To make an ox lantern, we need:<br>- some red cardboard<br>- a piece of white paper<br>- a few double sided tape<br>- a pair of scissors<br>- a paper tube<br>- some color pens or crayons<br><br>Basically, we will make a lantern with red cardboard and a paper tube, then we glue other things together to make a cute ox head lantern.<br>用红色卡纸围成个灯笼的形状,再粘上牛角,耳朵,眼睛和鼻子,就完成了一个小牛形状的灯<br></div><div>Okay, let’s do it.<br>1、 First , we cut a square shaped paper cardboard. (A thick red paper will do). The cardboard should be a litter longer than the paper tube. <br>先剪裁一张略高于纸筒高度的红色卡纸<br></div><div>2、Next,we fold the red paper in half, side to side.<br>将红色卡纸对折,两边再折出一小条空间<br></div><div>3、Then, let’s cut several lines on the red paper with scissors. <br></div><div>We need to put double-sided tape on both sides of the red paper.<br>从中间向外,剪出若干宽度相同的裂缝,再将两端贴上双面胶。<br></div><div>5、We need to glue the red paper and the paper tube together, making the red paper circling around the paper tube. Make sure we have an angle on each stripe.<br>绕纸筒一周,将红色卡纸包裹并粘在纸筒上。<br></div><div>6、And next, we draw two eyes, one nose, and one pair of horns on a white paper, paint them with colors, cut them out, then glue them on the red cardboard. We should have an ox head lantern now.<br>在白纸上画出眼睛,鼻子,一对牛角,涂上颜色剪下来,粘贴在红色卡纸上<br></div><div><br>7、Finally, we make the handle. We need to glue a long paper stripe to the top of the lantern, remember to glue both ends of the paper stripe. Now the cute little OX head lantern is ready.<br>最后 粘上提手 ,萌萌的牛头小灯笼就做好了<br></div> 活动七:猜灯谜<div>负责人:Jay妈妈</div><div>孩子们都太棒了,小小年纪就会猜谜语了。猜对了还有糖奖励,哈哈哈。</div> 活动八:年兽来了<div>Eric小哥哥主持得太好了,Eric妈妈的年兽也是耍得特别棒,小孩子都不想被吃掉,都特别兴奋。<br><div>Legend of the “Nian”<br>Long ago in China, people were afraid of Nian, the dragon beast.Do you know what does the beast look like? <br><br>Nian had a sharp horn and a huge mouth.He could eat five people in one big bite! Glump!<br><br>Yes.All year long, Nian slept deep in the ocean.By the end of winter he was very hungry.<br><br>Each year, just before the Chinese New Year, Nian would climb out of the ocean.He would look for people to eat.Nian liked to eat children best.People would run away and hide in a cave.<br><br>One New Year's Eve, a very old man came.He said he could scare away the beast.Who knows how to scare away the beast?<br><br>Nian was afraid of noise and the color of red!<br><br>So we can find red items like red shirts, red lanterns,fire crackers, tin pans and sticks…<br><br>Now, on New Year's Eve, people know how to keep Nian away. They wear bright red, light firecrackers, and make noise all night long!<br></div></div> 活动九:舞狮<div>小朋友太喜欢舞狮了,一拿出事先准备好的狮头,就完全自我发挥了。不过孩子开心就好。</div> 感谢各位爸妈和孩子们的踊跃参与。通过学习和实践,提高了孩子们对传统文化的认识,涵养了孩子们的品德和情操。大家一致认为这次活动很有意义,小孩们都特别期待着下一次的见面,希望木棉分队以后能创造出更多更好的活动。