<p><b>2021.2.4-2.6</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Retell the story</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">What is a farm?</b></p><p>A farm is a piece of land used to grow cropsand/or raise animals.</p><p>农场是用来种植庄稼或饲养动物的地方。</p><p>People who grow these plants or raise these animals are called farmers. This type of work is called farming.</p><p>种植这些植物或饲养这些动物的人被称为农民。这种类型的工作叫做耕种。</p><p>Farming is an important work , because everyone needs food and clothing to survive.</p><p>农业是一项重要的工作,因为每个人都需要衣食来生存。</p><p>Farms produce all kinds of plants, animals, wool and cotton that people eat and use throughout the world.</p><p>农场生产各种植物、动物、羊毛和棉花,供全世界的人们食用和使用。</p><p>Long years before, lots of family lived on a small farm. They raised almost everything they ate and sold their remaining crops(庄稼)or animals.</p><p>很久以前,许多家庭住在一个小农场。他们种植几乎所有他们吃的和用于出售的农作物或动物。</p><p>Farmers work long, hard hours.</p><p>农民们工作时间长而且辛苦。</p><p>The use of tractors and other modern farm equipment has sharply reduced the need for farm workers.</p><p>拖拉机和其他现代农业设备的使用大大减少了对农业工人的需求。</p><p>Today’s farmer is not just an expert in agriculture and livestock(畜牧业), but they also need to be successful businessmen.</p><p>今天的农民不仅是农业和畜牧业专家,他们更是成功的商人。</p><p>Land that is used to grow plants for food, or could be used to grow plants for food is called arable land.</p><p>用来种植植物作为食物的土地,或者可以用来种植植物作为食物的土地被称为耕地。</p><p>A life raising animals for food is called a pastoral life.</p><p>饲养动物以获取食物的生活被称为田园生活。</p><p>Many farms are very large and in some places farms are many and small. There are many types of farming. Some people farm to eat the food they produce. </p><p>很多农场都非常大,有些地方的农场又多又小。有许多种耕作方式。有些人种地是为了吃自己种植的食物。</p><p>Other farms, including large ones, sell their products to many people far away in urban areas (industrial farming). Most subsistence farms are in poorer countries, while industrial farms are in richer countries.</p><p>其他农场,包括大型农场,把他们的产品卖给许多远离城市地区的人(工业化农业)。大多数自给自足的农场在较贫穷的国家,而工业化农场在较富裕的国家。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">主题课Game1:替换 Alibaba’s Farm</b></p><p><b style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">(动物和叫声)</b></p><p>Ali Baba,he has a little farm.</p><p>On his farm he has some little pigs.</p><p>"Oink-oink"cry his little pigs, on the farm of Ali Baba. </p><p><br></p><p>Ali Baba,he has a little farm. </p><p>On his farm he has some little turkeys.. </p><p>"Gobble-gooble"cry his little turkeys, on the farm of Ali Baba.</p><p><br></p><p>Ali Baba,he has a little farm. </p><p>On his farm he has some little geese.</p><p>"Hhonk-honk"cry his little geese, on the farm of Ali Baba.</p><p><br></p><p>Ali Baba, he has a little farm. </p><p>On his farm he has some little mice.</p><p>"Squeak-squeak"cry his little mice, on the farm of Ali Baba.</p><p><br></p><p>Ali Baba, he has a little farm. </p><p>On his farm he has some little frog. </p><p>"Croak-croak"cry his little frog, on the farm of Ali Baba.</p><p>观看了一个视频,把24的种动物的叫声都拓展了一下,还按照拓展材料补充了一些。之后就花了很多时间在玩游戏记动物叫声。</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">主题课游戏10. My home</b></p><p>搭出动物的房子,并说出名字,加深记忆</p> <p><b>Ant' hill</b></p> <p><b>Lion's den</b></p> <p><b>Cow's shed</b></p> <p><b>Pig's pigsty</b></p> <p><b>Rabbit's burrow</b></p> <p><b>Hen's coop</b></p> <p><b>Mouse's hole</b></p> <p><b>Bee's beehive</b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">游戏. Animal's sound and home</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(25, 25, 25);">又复习了一天动物的叫声和家。这个游戏反复地玩了很多遍,玩得特别开心,但感觉记住得却不多。看来这么多的住所和叫声要想记住真不是一件容易的事,只能继续向前拓展了,之后再复习。</span></p>