补打卡<div>过年之写对联</div><div><br></div> 春联起源:<br>The Spring Festival couplets originated from peachwood charms in ancient times. On the peachwood charms were written the names of the two Gods “Shenshu” and “Yulu”. At the time of the Spring Festival, the peachwood charms were hung up at the doorway. Once it was generally accepted that devils would be terrified by the sight of peachwood charms so that they would be kept away from the house and from bothering people. People began to write couplets first on peachwood after the Five Dynasty(907AD----960AD), and then on paper until the Ming Dynasty(1368AD---1644AD),which bore a striking similarity to the modern practice. Quite a few regions observe the Spring Festival by pasting couplets not only at doorway, but also inside and out side of the houses. Some calligraphies and paintings are put up on the wall as well. The New Year paintings also originated from peachwood charms. The theme of the paintings also originated from peachwood charms. The theme of the paintings was merely about the Door God. It later developed into carious subjects of social conventions. The Chinese character “Fu”(meaning “blessing” or “happiness”) is usually pasted upside down (in Chinese the “reversed Fu” is homophonic with “Fucomes”). s are decorated with paper-cuts and the Chinese knots are hung to pursue fortune and avoid disasters. In the early years of the Republic of China( 1912AD-1949AD). The New Year paintings were combined with the monthly calendars, which later developed into wall calendars and became popularized throughout the country.<br>春联,起源于古代的“桃符”。古人在逃木片上写神荼、郁垒二神的名字,春节时挂在门口,以为就可以使恶鬼望而生畏,不敢进门骚扰了。这是在那个时代里人们的一种想法。五代以后,开始在桃板上书写联语。到了明代,又把桃木板改成纸,就和今天的春联很相似了。许多地方的风俗,不仅大门上要贴春联,屋里屋外凡是可以张贴的地方,新年里也都要张贴一些字画。年画的起源,也与桃符有关。先是把门神绘在桃符上,久而久之,绘画的题材趋向世俗化。还有的要倒贴一个“福”字,或是剪各种窗花来粘贴,或是悬挂中国结,说到底,都是为了趋吉避凶。民国初年,有人把年画和月历结合起来,以后就逐渐演变为挂历,风靡全国。<div>calligraphy [kæˈlɪɡrəfɪ] 书法</div><div>social conventions风俗</div><div>homophonic[ˌhɒmə'fɒnɪk] 同音<br></div><div><br> <br>During the Spring Festival period every year, almost all families handpick a pair of Spring Festival couplets to paste on their doors, adding some joyous atmosphere to the festival. The couplets are generally written on red paper and the sentences contain auspicious meanings.<br>每年春节,家家户户都会在家门口贴上一副春联来增加节日的气氛。春联一般来说都是用毛笔写在红纸上的一些祝福且对仗的句子。<br> auspicious [ɔ'spɪʃəs] 吉利的<div> <br>A couplet is composed of two lines of poetry that come next to each other, especially two lines that rhyme with each other and are of the same length. In addition, the lines should be posted vertically, with the first one on the right and the second one on the left. Some couplets also have a top scroll.<br>春联分为上联,下联和横批。上联在右下联在左。要求对仗工整,平仄协调,是一字一音的中华语言独特的艺术形式。<br> 春联:Spring Festival Scrolls/Spring Festival Couplets<br> 上联:the right scroll<br> 下联:the left scroll<br> [héng pī] 横批:the top scroll<br> Here are some examples:<br> 上联:大顺大财大吉利<br> Great peace, great wealth, and great luck.<br> 下联:新春新喜新世纪<br> New year, new joy, and new century.<br> 横批:万事如意<br> Everything goes well.<br> 上联:佳年好景随春到<br> A good year and a nice view follow the spring.<br> 下联:福乐安康顺意来<br> Happiness and health arrive as you wish.<br> 横批:辞旧迎新<br> Ring out the old, ring in the new.<br> 上联:瑞雪纷飞辞旧岁<br> The old year leaves amidst the falling snow.<br> 下联:旭日东升迎新春<br> The new spring comes with the shining glow.<br> 除了传统的楹联,还有许多不从流俗的趣味对联,也是值得一看。<br> Apart from traditional poetic lines, many people have also composed modern funny ones, which are much easier to learn.<br> 上联:吃得不错、睡得不错、天天都开心<br> Eat well, sleep well, and have fun every day.<br> 下联:努力学习、努力工作、钱越挣越多<br> Study hard, work hard, and make more money.<br> 横批:给力<br> Awesome.<br> 上联:新年好<br> Happy New Year!<br> 下联:钱来到<br> Money Comes Running!</div></div> How to make spring couplet<br> <br>工具/原料<br>ink墨汁一瓶<br>Chinese Calligraphy Brush Pen 毛笔一支<br>red pape红纸一张<br>Pencil铅笔一支、rule尺子一副<br> <br>方法/步骤<br>Use a ruler to measure the length and width of both sides of the door , as well as the length and width of the banner.<br>用尺子量好门框两边的长宽,还有挂横幅的长宽。<br><br>Use a ruler to measure the length and width on the red paper. Use a pencil to mark it.<br>用尺子在红纸上量好长宽,用铅笔作好标记。<br> <br>Use a knife to cut the paper to the right size.<br>用小刀把纸划开,把两张对联、一张横幅都划好。<br> <br>Spread the paper, press it with something heavy, and soak the brush in warm water for 10 minutes.<br>把纸展开,用硬物压住,把毛笔用温水泡10分钟。<br>Soak the brush, dip it in ink, and write.<br>毛笔泡好,蘸上墨汁,开写!<br>Use sticky tape, rice, and whatever you want, to stick couplets on the door.<br>用胶带、用米饭,随便你用什么东西,把对联粘门上吧!<br>注意事项<br>The brush should be diffused with warm water until all the hair is soft.<br>毛笔要用温水泡散,全部毫毛都要柔软为止。<br>Drain the brush with a paper towel before writing.<br>写字之前,要用纸巾把毛笔里的水分全都吸干。 Diamond-shaped Fu Characters--福字<br>Diamond-shaped fu characters, or fú zi (福字) in Chinese. It means happiness and wealth. They should be included in the spring festival couplets package as it mentioned above, but you can always get some better designed ones separately. This is the one that you may have heard of should be pasted up-side down.<br>钻石形状的福,汉语中称为“福字”。意味着幸福和财富。他们应该包括在春联里,但你也可以单独设计一些更好的。这个你可能听说过,应该倒着贴上去。<br>Why fu character has to be up-side down?<br> 为什么福字必须是倒着的<br>In Chinese, up-side down 倒 dào is pronounced similar to the word 到 dào which means arrive, therefore, do the happiness up-side down symbolises the happiness arrives.<br>在汉语中,倒 d à o 的发音类似于到d à o,意思是到达,因此,幸福“倒”了象征着幸福的到来。