<p>•<b>Game</b></p><p>《where have u been》</p><p>M: baby, where have u been today?</p><p>S: I’ve been to outside.</p><p>M: with who?</p><p>S: Amy and Emma.</p><p>M:what did u do outside?</p><p>S: we rode our bicycles quickly.</p><p>M: u know, we have been to ChangLong safari.</p><p>S: yes, we have been to Japan, Sanya....</p><p>———————————-</p><p><br></p><p>S: mommy, pls cover ur eyes and I will hide sth.......ok, open ur eyes.</p><p>S: which one is missing?</p><p>M: my iPhone was missing, where did u hide it? Let me try to find it.......ha, I find it! Now it’s my turn.</p><p>———————————-</p> <p>钢琴:1小时</p><p>围棋:1盘</p><p>贝达1节</p>