深圳湾观鸟Field Trip小西妈双语工程打卡


<h3>小西妈双语工程1706二宝Judy打卡20210125Day62<br><br> 今天和双语工程的妈妈们一起相约深圳湾观鸟🐤 。感谢Fay妈妈在群里分享了观鸟Field Trip活动方案和资料。感谢Kari妈妈带着大家组团观鸟[玫瑰]组里的妈妈们又准备了大量丰富翔实的资料,并为各自领下活动任务做好了充分的准备。</h3> <h3>红树林基金会义工的讲解:<br>主讲人:青青河边草<br>1.为什么候鸟要迁飞,为什么来深圳?深圳在东亚澳大利亚的迁飞线路上。<br>2.候鸟的食物是鱼,我们不能喂人类的食物<br>3.红树是候鸟栖息的地方,红树的特点<br>4.能观察到的鸟:黑脸琵鹭,苍鹭(也叫老等),小白鹭,大白鹭,鸬鹚,琵嘴鸭,赤颈鸭,针尾鸭<br>5.鸟类不同的脚:鸭,鸡,猛禽,鹭<br>6.鸟类不同的嘴:枝剪,筷子,夹子,长刀,筛子</h3> <h3>海边观鸟结束之后我们找了一块草地进行拓展活动。<br>破冰游戏,互相认识<br>Kari squat down, Kari squat down, then Amy squat down, Amy squat down, Amy squat down, Then Alvin squat down,Alvin squat down, Alvin squat down,then Janice squat down...这个小游戏让小朋友们很快互相熟悉活络起来.Judy小朋友开始有些害羞,后来也很快玩得很欢。</h3> <h3>Kayla妈妈和Kari妈妈轮流给孩子们做英文拓展,讨论主题:What do animals do in winter?  介绍动物的各种过冬方式之后提问孩子们,孩子们纷纷举手抢答。不得不感叹双语工程的孩子们都太牛了!<br><br>What is hibernation? <br><br>It’s a long deep sleep.<br><br>What animals hibernate in winter?<br><br>Bears, frogs, bats hibernate. <br><br>How do they hibernate?<br><br>Bears hibernate in the caves. <br><br>Frogs hibernate under the ground. <br><br>Bats hang upside down in the tree. <br><br>What animals migrate in winter?<br>Birds, monarch butterflies, elephants,whales...<br> <br>Why do birds migrate to Shenzhen?<br><br>Because it’s warm here. <br>There are a lot of foods here. <br><br>抢答的孩子都可以获得Amy妈妈分发的糖果,开心不已。<br> </h3> <h3>我负责的The  V-shape游戏:<br>Hello kids! Did you play the game “eagle catches chicks” before?  <br>Yes!<br><br>Do you like playing this game?<br>Yes, We like it!<br><br><br>  Today we are going to play another version of this game. It’s called the V-Shape game. What is a V-shape game? As you know, when some birds migrate from the North to the South, they fly in a V formation. Look at this picture, is it like a letter V?  The lead bird flies in the front to make it easier for the birds behind to fly. That’s why they can cover long distance during migration. <br></h3> <h3>In this game, you will pretend to be the migratory birds flying from the north to the south. During your journey, the eagle will try to catch birds.  The lead bird must try to protect the other birds from the eagle. And all the birds must try their best to fly safely from the north to the south. <br> <br>I need a lead bird to stand at the pint of letter V.  Who want to be the lead bird?<br><br>I want to be the lead bird!<br>I want to be the lead bird!<br><br>You may take turns to be the lead bird.This is hard work. <br> <br>Now all the other children stand behind the lead bird to form a V shape.  Everybody needs to hold on to the waist or clothes of the kid in front of you. <br><br>Are you ready? One two three go!<br><br> 孩子们跟着lead bird欢快地一起从北方飞到南方,又从南方飞到北方。第一轮之后发现Lead bird在遇到老鹰的时候容易停滞不前,于是又增加了新的规则: If the lead bird touches the eagle, the eagle needs to go back to Where he/she started. <br><br>孩子们纷纷抢着当Lead bird, 当完lead bird又想当eagle,于是大家玩手心手背或者剪刀石头布决定先后顺序。飞到南方还有贴纸和巧克力奖励,大家都玩得特别开心。</h3> <h3>带着孩子们玩得太嗨,当时都没发现自家娃摔跤了😂 回看视频才发现宝宝在快到目的地的时候摔跤了,还好CC妈妈及时把她扶了起来,感谢!</h3> <h3>最后一个游戏时Jessie妈妈带着孩子们玩拼图游戏。Jessie妈妈扮演女巫把孩子们抓到罐子里去完成拼图游戏。结果Jessie小朋友当场被吓哭,其他孩子们则四处奔跑。于是大家同心协力一起帮助Jessie妈妈把孩子们抓到罐子里。在“Hush baby, hush baby don’t go far, I will catch you I will put you in my jar”的歌声中,妈妈追着孩子们一路疯跑,大家都笑开了花。一个小意外,更让这个游戏别有一番趣味。<br> </h3> <h3>孩子们一起完成鸟类拼图并回答问题。</h3> <h3>  最后大家一起合影留念。孩子们又度过了美好的一天。Judy宝宝回家之后仍时时念叨要再去观鸟,要再和小朋友们一起玩。参加几次Field Trip之后明显感觉娃更开朗更容易融入新集体了。抱团养娃的感觉真好,感谢小西妈给大家大家搭建了这么好的平台。感恩!</h3>