<h3> 加拿大的城市里遍布着大大小小的公园。 汤姆森纪念公园就在世嘉堡的中心位置。In Canada, there are lots of parks in cities. Thomson Memorial Park is in the center of Toronto Scarborough.</h3> <h3> 这个公园不算大,但桥不少,流水就曲折蜿蜒在公园里。This park is not big but several bridges. The creek is winding and meander along the park.</h3> <h3> 一些溪流表面覆盖着白雪。另一处水面结出了薄薄的冰,中心却被一群鸳鸯戏破了冰层,荡起涟漪。Some of water is covered by snow. Some of water is covered by thin ice. The middle of the ice is opened up. A group of mandarin ducks is playing in the rippled water. </h3> <h3> 我信步前行,留意到一只孤鸭。和前面的那群鸳鸯比起来,这只孤独的鸭,有些忧郁。I walk along the road, and noticed a lonely duck. Compared with the group of mandarin ducks I saw, this duck is a little melancholy.<br></h3> <h3> 再往前走,我发现了这一对儿鸳鸯。 他们正沉浸在互相的陪伴中。 Walking further, I saw a couple of mandarin ducks. They are enjoying each other's company.</h3> <h3> 一只小松鼠忽然出现在路边。它感觉到我的逼近,急忙窜上树去。然后,炫耀地停在枝丫间,任由我给它拍照。 A little squirrel suddenly appears on the side of the road. It feels my approach and hurries up to the tree. Then, braggingly stopped between the branches and let me take pictures of it.</h3> <h3> 旁边一棵小树引起了我的注意。小小黄果生命力可真顽强,虽然树叶都落没了,可果子们还挂在树上......A little tree next catches my attention. Many little yellow fruits vitality is really tough, although all leaves are gone, they are still hanging on the tree...</h3>