浚县中小学英语教师英语秀--善堂镇一中篇 I


2020年,善堂镇一中在乔现周校长带领下 , 众志成城用心共同抗疫,齐心协力用情决胜脱贫攻坚、感恩奋进发力教育教学。坚决贯彻落实党的教育方针,牢记立德树人根本任务,推动教育改革创新,团结协作,促进教育公平共享,教育质量稳中有升。崭新的2021即将到来,“十四五”的风帆已高高扬起,处在生机勃勃的新起点,未来风光无限。让我们秉持初心牢记使命,用坚定的信心,昂扬的斗志,务实的作风,勤勉的工作,无私的奉献,谱写教育事业新篇章! 首期英语秀由我校九年级英语组承办,刘军杰、常志婷、朱晓玲三位老师参与了作品的录制。 May the bright and festive glow of New Year candle warm the days all the year through. Hoping you will have a wonderful time enjoying New Year that is happy in every way! Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening<div> --善堂一中刘军杰英语秀作品 </div> Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening<br> by Robert Frost<br>Whose woods these are I think I know.<br>His house is in the village though;<br>He will not see me stopping here<br>To watch his woods fill up with snow.<br>My little horse must think it queer<br>To stop without a farmhouse near<br>Between the woods and frozen lake<br>The darkest evening of the year.<br>He gives his harness bells a shake<br>To ask if there is some mistake.<br>The only other sound's the sweep<br>Of easy wind and downy flake.<br>The woods are lovely, dark and deep,<br>But I have promises to keep,<br>And miles to go before I sleep,<br>And miles to go before I sleep.<br> 一个人的春夏秋冬<div> --善堂一中常志婷老师英语秀作品</div> When Spring winds begin to blow <br>Singing birds fly to and fro <br>Making new homes for their young, <br>To feed and watch them grow. <br>Then Summer flowers are in bloom <br>Happy sounds of children at play <br>Sweet smell of lilac in the air <br>God’s beauty is on display! <br>Soon a gentle breeze of Autumn felt <br>Frost on the leaves made tender <br>Colors of Orange,Yellow and Red <br>A time to behold.God’s Splendor! <br>Winter comes not without it’s charm <br>As we celebrate Jesus’ birth <br>The falling snowflakes so white <br>Dusting and cleansing the earth! I love the world of it’s tenderness<div> --善堂一中朱晓玲老师英语秀作品</div> I love the world of it’s tenderness<br><br>我喜欢这个世界是柔软的<br><br>The snow will not squeeze another<br><br>一场雪不会压伤另一场雪<br><br>The first snowflake at the bottom is still pure as original<br><br>最早最深层的那些雪花也还是乍开放的完整、清洁<div>I love the world of it’s tenderness<br><br>我喜欢这个世界是柔软的<br><br>One man will not hurt another<br><br>一个人不会伤害另一个人<br><br>Under the oldest face full of wrinkles<br><br>最旧最皱的一张脸下面<br><br>There is still sincerity like leafbud<br><br>也还是叶芽一样的善良 天真......</div> 2021年,我们要抓住机遇,直面挑战,进一步开拓进取、深化改革,全面加快学校各项事业的发展,扎实提升人才培养质量,在特色学科建设、内部管理结构完善等方面下功夫、见实效,努力提升各项工作水平,用激情点燃梦想,以实干谱写前程,办人民满意的教育,为善堂教育崛起而奋斗!









