小西妈双语工程2008期66号Jacky打卡 Day86


1、Listening:<br>牛津树 L1、L1+循环播放<br>1B U1 循环播放<br>汉语(一)U1-U5循环播放<br>字母歌《ABC Song》 2、Reading: 3、Video:<br>1B U1 《Good Morning Train》<br>汉语(一)U5《五指歌》<br>字母学习<br>《ABC Song in Alphabet Water Park》<br>《ABC Song little flyers》 4、Game:<div>Game 1 : Good evening train<br>Mommy: The sun is going up, up, up, up. It's in the morning. The good morning train is coming! " The good morning train is coming , 'How are you?' Choo-choo, choo-choo."<br>Mommy(Train): Good morning, Monkey. Jacky , you are the Monkey now. Say good morning to the train.<br>Jacky: Good morning.<br>Mommy: Get on the train.<br>Mommy: Oh, look, the sun is going down, down, down, down. It's in the afternoon. This is the good afternoon train .<br>Mommy&Jacky: " The good afternoon train is coming , 'How are you?' Choo-choo, choo-choo."<br>Mommy: Good afternoon , Panda.<br>Jacky: Good afternoon.<br>Mommy: Get on the train.<br>Mommy: Jacky, look, the sun disappeared, the moon comes out. It's in the evening. This is the good evening train.<br>Mommy&Jacky: " The good evening train is coming, 'How are you?' Choo-choo, choo-choo."<br>Mommy: Good evening, Teddy.<br>Jacky: Good evening.<br>Mommy: Get on the train.<br>Mommy: It's in the evening. It's too late. We should go back to home and go to the bed.<br>Jacky: Ok.<br>Mommy: " The good evening train is coming, 'How are you?' Choo-choo, choo-choo."<br></div> Game 2 : Hula hoop train<br>Mommy: Let's make a train with the hula hoops. Do you want to ride on this train? Come on .<br>Mommy&Jacky: " The good morning train is coming, how are you? Choo-choo"<br>(Let the kids wiggle their waists while they sing the song)<br>Now, the train is coming quickly/ The train is coming slowly. <p class="ql-block">5、Daily Speaking :</p><p class="ql-block">Ball</p> <p class="ql-block">6、汉语(一)</p><p class="ql-block">U5《五指歌》</p><p class="ql-block">一二三四五,上山打老虎。</p><p class="ql-block">老虎没打着,见到小松鼠。</p><p class="ql-block">松鼠有几只?让我数一数。</p><p class="ql-block">数来又数去,一二三四五。</p> 游戏一:儿歌律动 游戏二:谜语 探索:寻找与虎有关的工艺品 手工:画老虎 <h3 style="text-align: right">2021年1月21日</h3>









