

<p>1、醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权。</p><p>Lying on the knees of a drunken beauty, waking up and holding the power of the world.</p><p>2、我自横刀向天笑,去留肝胆两昆仑。</p><p>I smile to the sky from the horizontal knife, leaving the liver and gallbladder.</p> <p>3、骨可碎,血可流,生生死死不回头。</p><p>Bone can be broken, blood can flow, life and death do not look back.</p><p>4、若能留你在我身旁,弃了这君临天下,半壁江山又何妨。</p><p>If you can stay by my side, abandon this king to the world, half of the country is no harm</p> <p>5、弃一代江山,敛半世猖狂,求一个对手,只为一战。</p><p>Abandon a generation of rivers and mountains, hold back half a lifetime of rampancy, and seek an opponent for the first World War.</p><p>6、不轻狂怎么算是年少,不放肆怎能称作天骄。</p><p>If you are not frivolous,you are young. If you are not presumptuous, you are proud.</p> <p>7、宁叫不负天下人,休叫天下人负我。——曹操</p><p>It's better not to let the world down than to let the world down.</p><p>8、有朝一日虎归山,定要血染半边天,有朝一日龙得水,定要长江水倒流。</p><p>One day when the tiger returns to the mountain, half of the sky will be stained with blood. One day when the dragon gets water, the Yangtze River will flow back.</p><p><br></p> <p>9、我命由我不由天,天欲灭我我灭天。</p><p>My life is up to me, not up to heaven. If heaven wants to destroy me, I will destroy heaven.</p><p>10、脚踩生灵,手掌生死,传说不朽,王者不败。</p><p>Stepping on the living creatures, palm life and death, legend immortal, the king is invincible.</p> <p>11、不求与天齐名,只求弑天逆命。</p><p>I don't want to be as famous as heaven, I just want to kill heaven.</p><p>12、十步杀一人,千里不留行,事了拂衣去,深藏身与名。</p><p>Ten steps to kill a person, thousands of miles do not stay line, things to brush clothes, deep hiding and name.</p> <p>13、我若成佛,天下无魔,我若成魔,佛奈我何。</p><p>If I become a Buddha, there is no devil in the world. If I become a devil, how can I become a Buddha.</p><p>14、你输,我陪你东山再起,你赢,我陪你君临天下。</p><p>You lose, I accompany you to make a comeback, you win, I accompany you to the world.</p><p><br></p>