<p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">《钟南山爷爷的故事》</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">总有一种力量,让我们泪流满面;</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">总有一种精神,能够照亮黑暗;</p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">总有一个人,能让我们敬佩不已。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">18年前他敢说真话,是我们的英雄爷爷,是我们的全民偶像。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block" style="text-align: center;">如今84岁,却一路逆行,负重冲到了“战疫”的最前线。</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <h3 style="text-align: center">这是一个钟爷爷的故事</h3><div style="text-align: center;">This is the story of Dr. Zhong</div> 钟爷爷出生在南京,一座非常美丽的城市。<div>他出生的医院,就在钟山的南面,所以爸爸给他起了个名字叫“南山”。</div><div>Dr. Zhong was born in Nanjing, a beautiful southern city. The hospital he was born in was sitting in the south of the Zhongshan mountain. That's where his name came from,Nanshan,the south of Zhongshan. <br></div> 那时候的南京还是战火纷飞。<div>小南山刚出生没多久,家里的房子就被日本的轰炸机炸塌了。他被埋在了废墟里,是妈妈和外婆冒着生命危险,把他从瓦砾堆里救出来的。</div><div>Dr. Zhong wasn't born in a peaceful time. His house was bombed shortly after he was born. Poor Little Zhong was buried under debris. Luckily, He was saved by his mother and granny. <br></div> 小南山一天天长大,他活泼好动,是个名副其实的淘气鬼。他最崇拜武功盖世的大侠,一举胳膊,一抬腿,就能飞上天!爸爸一要给他辅导功课,他就大喊:“我要尿尿”,然后一溜烟儿的就跑走了。<div>Little Zhong was growing up day by day. He was energetic and mischievous. </div><div>He loved picturing himself as one of the heroes and admired, the skillful warrior that save people out of danger. Little did he know that one day, he would save many lives. <br></div> 南山的爸爸,是一位很了不起的医生。<div>有一次为了做实验,买了很多小白鼠放在家里养。</div><div>这下可把小南山给兴奋坏了。</div><div>他每天都仔细观察:小白鼠怎么活动,怎么抢东西吃,怎么慢慢长大。他也当起了耐心、负责的白鼠饲养员,帮爸爸照顾这群机灵、可爱的小家伙。</div><div>Zhong's father was an extraordinary doctor.</div><div>There was this one time when Father Zhong had brought back some laboratory rats for an experiment. </div><div>"Laboratory rats? More like my pet rats!" thought Little Zhong.</div><div>Zhong was very attentive to the rats' needs. He spent days and nights observing and taking care of the rats. Little Zhong took the job as the rat's caretaker!<br></div> 南山的妈妈,也是一位医生。除了热爱医术,最喜欢的事就是看书。他经常陪着南山玩儿,给他讲书里各种各样精彩的故事,还有医院里那些感人的、有趣的故事。<div>这些故事,都在小南山的心里,埋下了种子。<div>Zhong's mother was a doctor and a fantastic storyteller. One of Zhong's favorite memories was listening to all the intriguing hospital stories told by his mother.</div><div>All these stories had planted a seed inside of Zhong. <br></div></div> 小学时候的南山,学习成绩可不太好,让爸爸妈妈没少犯愁。四年级的时候,还留了级,他自己沮丧极了。他知道是因为自己太贪玩儿了。妈妈并没有责备他,老师也在他的一篇作文下面,写了一大段评语鼓励他。<div>To your surprise, Zhong wasn't the top of his class. </div><div>In fact, his grades were so bad that he got held back a year. </div><div>But that never stopped his parents from loving him. </div><div>With all the supports from his parents and teacher, Zhong was determined to work harder and harder…… </div> 于是,他卯足了劲儿,开始认真刻苦的学习。<div>最终,如愿的考上了理想的中学。</div><div>妈妈还按照约定,送了他一辆梦寐以求的自行车。</div><div>小南山终于明白了,只要自己认真勤奋地做好一件事,就能赢得别人的尊重。</div><div>Finally, his hard work had gotten him into his dream school; and his dream bike, as promised by his mother. Zhong had realized that hard work does pay off. It had earned him his degree as well as the respect of the others. <br></div> 上了中学的南山不仅学习好,运动也特别厉害。<div>足球、篮球、跑步,样样拿手。</div><div>尤其是跑起步来,就像脚踩风火轮,全国比赛都能得奖牌。</div><div>中央体育学院来信说,你来国家队吧。</div><div>可他的理想却是,像爸爸妈妈一样,做一名优秀的医生。</div><div>Not only did he excel in academics, but also in sports. With all the medals around his neck. Zhong received a recruitment letter from the National Sport University. </div><div>It would be an honor to accept the offer, but Zhong wanted to follow in his parent's footsteps and become a doctor. <br></div> 长大以后,他实现了自己的梦想,真的成为了一名医生。<div>专门研究那些呼吸系统的疾病。</div><div><br></div><div>要知道,如果人的呼吸系统病了,那可就有大麻烦了。<br><br></div><div>He became a pulmonologist, a doctor who specializes in the respiratory system. <br></div> 他花了好几十年的时间,研究各种对抗呼吸疾病的方法,治好了数都数不清的病人。他在所有人都认定了一件事的时候,勇敢地站出来,发表自己的不同观点。<div>他在最危险的时候,把病得最严重的病人,接到自己的研究所治疗。<br><br><div>Zhong had dedicated himself into the medical field over the past few decades. He had helped numerous people through out his career. </div><div>He wasn't afraid of defending his opinions. </div><div>He wasn't afraid of standing up for the others. <br></div></div> 现在的钟爷爷,已经是一位很老很老的老爷爷了。<div>但是,他仍然和很多的医生叔叔阿姨一起,冒着危险,跟一种新型冠状病毒斗争。</div><div>无论什么时候,他都会出现在人们最需要他的地方。<br><br>Years had gone by and Dr. Zhong was as old as Santa Claus. Yet, at the age of 83, he fought the novel coronavirus on the frontline along with the nation's best medical team. </div><div>He was there when the people needed him most. <br></div> 很多人都觉得,钟爷爷是个了不起的大英雄。<div>但他自己却说,他只是一个看病的医生。<br><br>Now the world had known his name, </div><div>the incredible hero Zhong. </div><div>But Dr. Zhong said:" I am just a doctor. "<br><br>这就是钟爷爷的故事。</div><div>小朋友们,你们长大以后,能不能也像钟爷爷一样看事实,讲真话。</div><div>有梦想,有追求。</div><div>勇敢做自己认为对的事。</div><div>帮助那些需要帮助的人。<br><br>This is the story of Dr. Zhong.</div><div>A man who spent his life in pursuit of knowledge, truth, and righteousness. </div><div>A man who dedicated himself to the others. </div><div>Kids, what do you want to be when you grow up?<br></div>