【小西妈双语工程201910期No.24 Shawn】20220112 D163


指读:牛6 4本<div>在两个娃之间交替陪伴,陪大娃学习的时间越来越少,孩子催着我玩游戏,真是对不住娃,最近和群里妈妈集体备课,又燃了起来,布置主题角陪娃玩,做好计划,孩子竟然做事的效率也提升了,练琴也专注了,昨天练琴和我说,我没有想偷懒,就想着认真做完就可以去玩了。效率也高,效果也好。玩乐确实能激发孩子的学习力。</div><div>本周主题角:雪</div><div>在家玩了手工,制作纸雪人,玩了人造雪,做了弹弹企鹅</div> 1.剪纸雪花<div>剪纸在中国农村是历史悠久,并且流传很广的一种民间艺术形式。剪纸,就是用剪刀将纸剪成各种各样的图案,如窗花、门笺、墙花、顶棚花、灯花等。这种民俗艺术的产生和流传与中国农村的节日风俗有着密切关系,逢年过节亦或新婚喜庆,常常会贴“囍”这个字,人们把美丽鲜艳的剪纸贴在雪白的墙上或明亮的玻璃窗上、门上、灯笼上等,节日的气氛便被渲染得非常浓郁喜庆。剪纸艺术是汉族传统的民间工艺,它源远流长,经久不衰,是中国民间艺术中的瑰宝,已成为世界艺术宝库中的一种珍藏.那质朴、生动有趣的艺术造型,有着独特的艺术魅力。<br>Today we will cut a beautiful snowflake<br>We need :<br>1. Scissors<br>2. Glue/glue stick<br>3. A piece of Paper</div><div>4.laminator<br> First, Fold the corners of the square to form a big triangle, then fold up the bottom corner, and fold the other corner to form three equal parts, and finally fold in half, so that you can cut out a six-fold pattern</div><div>Second, You can draw any shapes you like on the paper. Let’s start to cut out the shapes you draw.<br>Tips: we’d better draw some simple shapes that our kids can cut the paper by themselves.<br>Last,For longer storage, we seal it with a laminator.</div><div><br></div> 为什么完美的雪花都是六角对称结构?<br><br>  这是由冰晶的空间六方晶格结构决定的,在雪晶成长过程中,水蒸气的凝华和定向迁移决定了最后形成雪晶的形状。空气里水汽饱和程度较高时,空气不断地向雪片输送水汽,六个顶角首当其冲,来不及向雪片内部输送的水汽,便在顶角上凝华结晶,这时,顶角上会出现一些突出物和枝杈,这些枝叉增长到一定程度,又会分叉。次级分叉与母枝均保持60的角度,这样,就形成了一朵六角星形的雪花。<div><br></div> 2.人造雪<div>I will show you some interesting,at first,you should answer me some questions.<br>我给你看一些有趣的,但是首先你得回答我几个问题.<br>• Do you like snow?<br> 你喜欢雪吗?<br>• Is the snow in summer or winter?<br> 雪在冬天还是夏天?<br>• Is there any artificial snow now?<br>现在咱们技术可以实现人造雪吗<br>• which place need Artificial snow?<br>什么地方需要人造雪<br>Ski Field 滑雪场<br>Snowy days are very rare so that we can't play very often.<br>下雪天比较少所以我们不能经常玩。<br>Today I prepared some snow making materials, we can try to make snow at home.<br>今天我准备了一些造雪的材料,咱们可以试试在家造雪<br> <br>• At first,we should prepare some materials,we need trays or Transparent box, warm water, snow powder, and snow decorations.<br> 首先,我们应该用纸一些材料,我们需要托盘或透明的盒子,温水,雪粉,和雪装饰。<br>• Second,find out snow powder,yes,this is a bag of snow powder,tearing it from the top of the package. pour it all in Transparent box, Spread the snow evenly in the box.<br> 第二,找到雪粉,是的,这是一袋雪粉,从包装的顶部撕下来。全部倒入透明的盒子里,在盒子里均匀地铺上雪。<br>• Third, Slowly pour in the water and stirring with a stick, When the snow powder become loose, we can stop adding water, usually the ratio of water to snow powder is 1:20. If you add too much water, you should add more snow powder<br> 第三,慢慢倒入水,用棍子搅拌,当雪粉变松时,就可以停止加水.通常水与雪粉的比例是1:20。如果加水太多,就应该多加点雪粉<br> <br>OK,now we have all these beautiful snow,you can touch it.<br>好了,现在我们有了这些漂亮的雪,你可以摸它。<br>  Now, Look for some animals to decorate our snow in your toybox.<br>现在,在你的玩具盒里找一些动物来装饰我们的雪。<br></div><div><br></div> 3.制作企鹅<div>POP UP PENGUIN CRAFT<br>This Pop Up Penguin Craft is lots of fun and easy to make with the printable template. Push the homemade penguins down and they pop right back up and wobble adorably! <br>This penguin craft is great for Winter, Christmas or polar study units. You can either trace around the template onto cardstock or color it in on both sides.<br><br></div> 【Supplies】<br>• Pop Up Penguin Craft Template<br>• Cardstock: Black, Orange, White<br>• Glue<br>• Scissors<br>• Googly Eyes<br><br>【How To Make An Adorable Pop Up Paper Penguin】<br>1. Start by printing and cutting out the two page penguin craft template .<br>2. Trace around the template pieces onto colored cardstock or color them in. (The black body and wing pieces need coloring on both sides.) Then carefully cut them out. (Orange beak/feet, black body/wings, white tummy.) <div>在彩色卡片上追踪模板,或者给它们上色。(黑色的机身和机翼两侧都需要着色。)然后小心地把它们剪下来。(橙色喙/脚,黑色身体/翅膀,白色腹部。)<br><div><br>3. Use the photo above as a guide and glue the feet to the bottom of the body. Glue a wing on either side of the body just below the head. Tilt the wings slightly upwards. </div><div>以上面的照片为指导,把脚粘在身体底部。在身体两侧头部下方粘上一个翅膀。稍微向上倾斜翼子板。</div></div> 4. To make the penguins bouncy pop up tummy ,take the four strips of white card and glue pairs of them together to make two long strips. <br>为了让企鹅的肚子弹跳起来,把四张白色卡片粘在一起做成两条长条。<br><br>5. Glue the ends of the two long strips vertical to each other. <br>用胶水把两条长条的两端垂直地粘在一起。(forming an angle of 90˚ with another line or surface; vertical and going straight up 与另一条线或面成90度角的;垂直的,直的)<br><br>6. Take turns folding the strips over on top of each other. It makes a double accordion fold. <br>轮流把带子叠起来。它可以折叠双手风琴。 7. Keep folding until your white strips are all used up, glue the ends together and trim off any excess.<br>  一直折叠,直到你的白色条带用完,把两端粘在一起,修剪掉多余的部分<br>Trim off 修剪:Trim the fat off the ham 把肥膘从火腿上切除。<br><br>8. Glue the penguin’s bouncy accordion tummy onto its feet. Let it overlap onto the body a little. <br>把企鹅弹跳的手风琴肚子粘到它的脚上。让它在身体上重叠一点。<br>Overlap 重叠 if one thing overlaps another, or the two things overlap , part of one thing covers part of the other 9. Curl the body up and over the top of the white tummy. Glue it into place at the top, letting the head hang forward and down.<br>  把身体卷曲到白色的肚子上。把它粘在顶部,让头部向前和向下悬挂。<br><br><br> 10. Finish off your pop up penguin craft's face by gluing on the paper or google eyes and the orange beak.<br>用胶水粘上眼睛和橙色的喙,完成你弹出企鹅飞船的脸。<br><br><br> 11. If you want, you can add a finishing touch by gently curling the end of the penguin’s flippers around a pen or pencil. <br>如果你想的话,你可以把企鹅的脚蹼末端轻轻地卷曲在笔或铅笔上,来增加画龙点睛的效果。<br>a finishing touch最后的润色,点睛之笔<br>Now your pop up penguin craft is ready for playing with. Just push down on the top to squash the accordion folded tummy and watch it bounce back upright again! <br>现在你的弹出企鹅船准备好玩了。只需把手风琴折叠起来的肚子压扁,然后看着它再次直立反弹!squash [skwɑːʃ] 压扁









