<p class="ql-block"> 今天我很开心,因为我已经解决了困扰我多日的在生宣纸上不能顺利地用笔墨的问题。在最近的不到两个月的时间里,我已经跟着国画老师画了二十多幅画了。这些是我从未有过的学习。我的每次作业都上传给老师,都能得到老师的简短中肯的评语。有一副图名叫《南山归来》,我的女儿的评语是:螃蟹都蒸好啦!应该加上酒壶和杯。另外一副图名叫《冰骨清寒瘦一枝》,我刚刚画完了它,给它拍了照,准备把照片上传给老师,我的儿子说:“您现在画得有模有样的了!”我高兴地说“还可以吧?”其实,我明白,我的作业画稿都是国画老师们教学有方的结果。但是我相信,待到未来的一百节课都学完了,我一定具备画我所想的能力的。在一个偶然的时间,我遇到了多年来持续获得国家大奖的《大鹏教育》,成为了它的国画班的学员。那一天,当我打开《美篇》网站,第一眼,我看到了《大鹏教育》的学国画免费十六次课的广告。喜爱绘画的我点进去一看。想不到,在接下来的五分钟内,对方的工作人员小张就与我建立了微信,并且安排好了上课时间。按照小张的建议,在画国画的工具齐备之前,可用其它工具先跟着老师画。我随手用铅笔在一张无用的A4纸的背面跟着老师画了第一张画。</p> <p class="ql-block">那个画面上是一只猫蹲在一块假山石旁边。老师的评语是猫头略微画小了一点。第二次,我用了圆珠笔学画了一只鸟和几根竹子。这些都引起我的兴趣。第三次,我用了家中搁置了多年的笔墨,在A4纸背面画,感觉纸张不适合。第四次,生宣纸的快递到了,我就用了一支新的还未完全用水泡开,笔尖还有点儿硬的毛笔,在生宣纸的毛糙的背面画了一幅画。再后来,一边学画,一边熟悉绘画工具。这时候,国画工具箱和熟宣纸的快递都送来了。我对老师们的专业水平和教课水平非常满意,就立即付费,成了一名正式学员。现在,自己像一个小学生一样地跟着老师学,深深地被国画这个中华文化中的灿烂瑰宝吸引着。最近这一次课是画雪梅。老师问“同学们想画红梅还是绿梅?”因为前两次课已经画过红梅了,大多数学员选择了画绿梅。于是老师领着大家画绿梅。等到画完成时,展现在眼前的是一幅有着神秘色彩的雪梅图,美得令人赞叹。再看看自己的画,自然比不过老师的画,但是也美。当我的孩子看见了我的墨迹未干的雪梅,他也赞叹“真漂亮!”</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p> <p class="ql-block">I am very happy today, because I have solved the problem about how to use Chinese brush going freely on raw rice paper. I have painted more than twenty Chinese paintings within the last two months with the teachers. I have never done so much drawing before. Taking the staff’s advice that other drawing tools could be used before the right tools are ready, I drew my first picture with a pencil and a waste paper. I drew a cat and a stone which was as big as the cat and looked like a dog by the side of the cat. In my second picture was a bird and three bamboos. I drew with a ballpoint pen. I drew the third picture with my Chinese brush which was put aside for many years. I felt to need right paper when the fast mail of raw rice paper arrived. My other two fast mails arrived, too. I had Chinese brushes, many kinds of colors, cooked rice paper. I got all tools ready. Each time after I finished drawing, I took a picture and sent it to my teacher with a hand-phone. I got the comments from the teacher, as well.</p><p class="ql-block">Besides, I sent my drawings to my daughter. One of my paintings was named . My daughter said, “It is a steamed crab! There should be a wine pot and a cup by the side.” Another painting was named “One branch in the cold weather”. My son said “It looks good!” when he saw that I was taking a photo of it. My teachers are excellent, I believe that I will have the abilities to draw anything I want after I finish the rest lessons.</p> <p class="ql-block"> I happened to see the advertisement by . It says to give sixteen free lessons of Chinese painting. Liking drawing, I clicked it. I did not expect that I began to attend the lessons. Finding the teachers high professional level, I decided to take the course and paid the money to be a student of the Chinese painting class. I have been attracted by the splendid Chinese treasure. Last time, we learned to draw snow plum blossom. The teacher asked “Do you like to draw red plum blossom or green ones?” Most students chose green because red color had been used in the last two lessons. The teacher agreed. When the painting of was finished, A mysterious beautiful painting appeared. Looking at my painting, I thought it was also pretty although it was not as good as my teacher’s. My son said “It’s very nice!” when my painting was still not dried yet.</p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p><p class="ql-block"> </p>