【小寒】万乐思学V-Learn小西妈双语工程1910期125号Celine打卡 D101


<p>音频:2B情景故事,Peppa pig S1 At the beach,gardening, new shoes, ORT 牛8 2,牛9 2,清汉第四册、第五册</p><p>视频:Peppa pig,暴风雪是如何形成的</p><p>理解性阅读:ORT 牛8 2,牛9 2</p><p>指读:海尼曼易+牛2,清汉第四册</p><p>中文阅读:揭秘机械、欢乐中国年</p><p>数学计算:近期开始学习100以内的竖式计算</p> <p><b>【小寒 Slight Cold】</b></p><p>Slight cold, the 23rd of the 24 <b>solar terms</b>, falls between January 5 and 7 of the <b>solar calendar</b>, and this year is on January 6. The climate is getting colder.</p><p>二十四节气之第二十三个节气,在每年公历的1月5日、6日或7日。今年小寒交节时刻是1月6日。小寒,标志着一年中最寒冷的日子开始了。</p><p><br></p><p>Solar calendar: 公历</p><p>Lunar calendar:阴历</p><p><br></p><p>As a saying goes, the <b>winter solstice</b>(冬至)is past and the <b>slight cold</b>, the <b>great cold</b> and the New year come to us one by one.&nbsp;</p><p>俗话说,冬至过去到小寒,过了小寒是大寒,过了大寒就过年。</p><p><br></p><p>PS: Slight cold,还有一个意思,轻微感冒。</p><p>eg. I have a slight cold. 我患了轻微的感冒。</p> <p><br></p><p><b>❄️⛄️Handcraft and game: 自制雪花和雪人</b></p><p><b>Fake Snow for Winter Scenes and Mini Snowmen</b></p><p>Made with two ingredients, this fake snow recipe works for mini winter wonderland scenes and little snowmen.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><b>Prep Time:</b>10 mins</p><p><b>Total Time:</b>1 hr</p><p><b>Servings: </b>8 3-inch snowmen</p><p><br></p><p><b>Supplies &amp; Materials</b></p><p>• ½ cup Hair conditioner white only 护发素</p><p>• 3 cups Baking soda bicarbonate soda 小苏打</p><p><br></p><p><b>Equipment</b></p><p>Measuring cups</p><p>Mixing bowls</p><p><br></p><p><b>Instructions:</b></p><p><u>Mixing Snow</u></p><p>• Measure the ingredients.</p><p>• Pour Baking soda into mixing bowl.</p><p>• Gradually add and combine hair conditioner until you can form balls that do not crumble.</p><p>• Adjust amounts as needed.</p><p><br></p><p><u>Make a Snowman</u></p><p>• For traditional snowmen, form 3 small snowballs (large, medium, small).</p><p>• Use small beads (black and red) to form eyes, nose, and mouth.If you like the classic look, you could also make a carrot nose with clay.</p><p>• Use twigs for arms.Anything will do</p><p>• Don't forget to make a reindeer dog!</p><p>• Create little winter wonderland scene. I used a glass pie plate, mini twinkle lights which are battery powered,(I love the mirco lights on thin copper wires.), pinecones, and pine tree greens.</p><p>• You could also create placecards for a holiday table using little snowmen in champagne glasses with tiny chalkboards .</p> <p>上海冬日的气温突然骤降到零下8度,冬日里怎么能没有雪呢?记得有一次谈论起最爱的季节,👧🏻说她最爱的是冬天,因为可以打雪仗、堆雪人☃️,南方孩子对于❄️是多么向往啊!</p><p>感谢大备课,在家轻松自制雪的场景和小⛄️,希望这个冬天和春节过的更有意义~</p><p><br></p><p>怀念四年前在北海道大雪纷飞的日子。</p>









