<p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">RainForests are thick forests in the hot parts of the world.</span></p><p class="ql-block">-It rains a lot and the ground is always wet.</p><p class="ql-block">-It’s always dark and hot.</p> <p class="ql-block">Rainforests cover 6% of the earth’s surface near the equator.</p><p class="ql-block">It is mainly distributed in Southeast Asia, northern Australia, the Amazon River Basin in South America, the Congo River Basin in Africa, Central America and many Pacific islands.</p> The Role of Rainforests <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Rainforests provide places to live for thousands of animals and plants.</span></p><p class="ql-block">-Gibbons, chimpanzees, etc. search between the canopy and the ground for food.</p><p class="ql-block">-Larger mammals such as elephants, deer, lions, leopards, etc. feed on leaves, fallen fruits or animals.</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Environmental benefits</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">-The lung of earth.The plants in the forests help to make the air fresher and cleaner.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">-Help to hold the water and keep the water cycling.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">-Play an important part in controlling the climate.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Ecological benefits</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">-Help yo keep the beauty of nature.</span></p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">Ecological benefits</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">-Rainforests give us wood,food,fruit,medicine,and many more useful things.</span></p> The Problems of Rainforests <p class="ql-block">Rainforests are becoming smaller and smaller.</p><p class="ql-block">-Deforestation(滥砍滥伐).</p><p class="ql-block">-Overexploitation(过度开发).</p><p class="ql-block">-Overfishing(过度养殖).</p> <p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(255, 138, 0);">How to pretect rainforests?</span></p><p class="ql-block">-<span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 18px;">The logging of rainforests should be combined with artificial afforestation to encourage the development of protective rainforests.</span></p><p class="ql-block"><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 18px;">合理开发,砍伐与人工造林相结合</span></p><p class="ql-block">-<i style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 18px;">Adjust the economic structure. Developed countries should help these countries develop high-efficiency industries, so that these countries can get rid of excessive reliance on rainforests for economic development.</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 18px;">调整经济结构,帮助发展中国家在经济上摆脱对热带雨林的过分依赖</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 18px;">-Strengthen environmental awareness education, make citizens realize the serious consequences of rainforest destruction and the significance of protecting rainforests, and improve citizens' awareness of environmental protection.</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 18px;">加强对公民的环境意识教育</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 18px;">-Strengthen rainforest management and protection, and establish nature reserves.</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 18px;">加强管理和保护,建立自然保护区</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1); font-size: 18px;">-Reduce the use of disposable chopsticks and toothpicks, reduce the value of trees and reduce felling.</i></p><p class="ql-block"><i style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251); font-size: 18px;">节约使用林业资源,减少砍伐</i></p>