2021.1.3打卡记录<br>--指读 海尼曼(3本),牛4(6本);<br>--复述Peppa pig-S1-E36-39;<br><br>1. Listening & Vedio:<br>--2b-unit6 Hickory dickory dock-day2<br>--清华汉语4,识字;<br>--数学: 计数器练习,加减法练习。<br>本单元重点:本单元重点:儿歌(替换动物),认识时间(整点,半点,刻),方位<br><br>2. Reading:<br>牛9-3本,好奇猴故事。 <b>3. Supplementary</b><div><b>(1) What is time?</b><br>Physicists define time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future. Basically, if a system is unchanging, it is timeless. Time can be considered to be the fourth dimension of reality, used to describe events in three-dimensional space. It is not something we can see, touch, or taste, but we can measure its passage. 物理学家将时间定义为事件从过去到现在到未来的发展。 基本上,如果系统不变,那将是永恒的。 时间可以被认为是现实的第四维度,用于描述三维空间中的事件。 这不是我们可以看到,触摸或品尝到的东西,但是我们可以衡量它的通过。<br></div> 了解时间记录工具。 先讨论如果去到野外,没有表的情况下如何知道时间,自由发挥了一段,我也没搞明白他怎么办,有点类似日晷的意思。<div><br></div><div><b>(2) Time measurement</b><br>Time can be considered an abstract measurement. You can't see it, and it can only be perceived through specialized means (such as a sundial). In today's world, the concept of time dictates when we eat, when we sleep, when we work, and even certain activities such as personal relations with a loved one. For many centuries, time has been thought of in imprecise term. 时间可以被认为是抽象的度量。 我们看不到它,只能通过专门的方式(例如日晷)才能看到它。时间的概念决定了我们何时吃饭,何时睡觉,何时工作,甚至某些活动。 许多世纪以来,人们一直以不精确的方式来考虑时间。<br></div> 画日晷想要给我表达意思,加入现代元素,我说那时候没有电池马达,他说这是他长大以后要发明的,这还需要发明么。 <b>Sundial日晷</b><br>As mentioned before the easiest way to track time is to record the movement of the sun across the sky. This is most easily done by measuring the shadow cast by a vertical stick. This tool is called the sundial. Sundials make it possible to make elaborate calculations. Early examples of the sundial can be tracked to Egypt around 800 BC. The main shortfall of the sundial is that it could never give a truly accurate reading of the time of day because the sun's journey across the sky can shorten or lengthen with the change of the seasons.最简单的时间跟踪方法是记录太阳在天空中的运动。 通过测量垂直杆所投射的阴影最容易做到这一点。 此工具称为日晷。日晷的早期例子可以追溯到公元前800年左右的埃及。日晷的主要不足在于,它永远无法真正准确地读取一天中的时间,因为随着季节的变化,太阳在天空中的行进会缩短或延长。<br><div>Today, people use clocks or wristwatches, as well as clocks on the computer and cell phones to tell the time.<br><b>1) Watch</b></div><div>A Watch is a type of clock that is small and can be carried. Watches are usually worn on a person's wrist. At one time, watches were commonly kept in the person's pocket.<b><br></b></div> <div><ul><li><b>Mechanical watch</b><br></li></ul></div> 拿爸爸的机械表讨论,后来被爸爸收走了,不让我们糟蹋了。 A mechanical watch is a watch that uses a mechanical mechanism to measure the passage of time, as opposed to modern quartz watches which function electronically.It is driven by a spring(called a mainspring) which must be wound periodically.Its force is transmitted through a series of gears to power the balance wheel.<div><b><br></b></div><div><b>2) Clock</b><br>A clock is a device that tells the time. Some clocks can give the date as well as the time and a few give other information. There are different types of clocks.<br></div> <b>* Cuckoo clock</b><br>A Cuckoo clock is a pendulum based clock which makes a sound each hour on the hour. They often also have a small door. When the clock makes the sound, the door opens and a small toy bird or other item usually comes out of the door. <b>* Digital clock</b><br>Digital clocks use numbers to show the time. Digital clocks are usually smaller and easier to both use and read than analog clocks but they can also be made much larger. New digital clocks can even correct themselves using the internet or radio signals. <b>* Grandfather Clock</b><br>A grandfather clock, sometimes referred to as a long case or the all case clock.It can make an elegant statement in any room of the house. While there are many clock designs to choose from,most of them have a pendulum.<br> <b><br>*Alarm clock</b><div>Alarm clocks help you start your day off the right way.<br>A clock with an alarm can wake you up, get you out of bed, and ensure you are never late.<br></div> <b>4. Games:<br>(1) Analog clock and digital clock</b> Let your baby compare the watch and the digital watch. Let him know both of them can express time.<br>M: Eric, look at this watch. What time is it? The hour hand is pointed to 12, the minute hand is pointed to 12 too. It is 12 o'clock. How about the digital watch? It shows 12 and two zeros. It is 12 o'clock too.I will give you a time on this watch. Can you make the same time on the digital watch? Let's have a try.<div><br></div><div><b>(2) How to read a clock</b><br>Reading a clock is a skill that's easy to master with a little time and effort. Clocks are divided around a circle and reading the minute and hour hand individually helps you tell time. With a digital clock, you simply read the hour and minutes.<br></div> <div>尝试自己认时间,整点半点没问题,其他时间还有点不熟悉。</div>Learn how a clock is divided. A clock is divided into 12 sections. On top of the clock, you will see a "12." To the right of the "12," you will see a "1." If you follow the numbers, going right or "clockwise," they will move from "1" to "12."<br><br>The numbers marking each sections are the hours.<br>① Use the hour hand (big hand)to read the hour. <br>Clocks have 2 hands: a little hand and a big hand. The little hand marks the hour.so it is called hour hand,another one is minute hand.<br>For example, if the hour hand is pointing to "1," it's in the 1 o'clock hour.<br>If the minute hand is pointing to 12. it is called 1 o'clock. We can write it in this form:“1:00”,<br><div>Now I'll dial the hand and you write the time.<br>I write the time, can you dial the hands?<br><br>②Use the minute hand to read the minutes.<br>The numbers have double meaning, number 1 also means 5 minutes and that the number 2 also means 10 minutes can be quite confusing.<br>Make sure to point out that you are counting by 5s. Go over each number’s secret identity by singing your special “Count by 5s” song.<br>For example, point the minute hand at 2 and say, “It is 10 minutes now.”<br>Then point the minute hand at 3 and say, “It is 15 minutes now.”<br><br>③ Put these together to get the time .<br>Once you have the concept of the minute hand down, we can read the hour and minute hands together. Start with simple times such as 1:30, 2:15, 5:45, and so on. Point the hour hand at a number, then point the minute hand at a number. Then say what time it is.<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>(3) Dice game</b><br></div> <br>M:Eric, see what's this?<br>E:this is a dice<br>M:What is written on each side of it? Let's read it. <br>“Go forward 2 hours”. “Go back 1 hour. ”“Throw it again. …”<br>M:Let's play the dice game. <br>First, let's put hour hand and the minute hand towards to the 12. So what time is it? <br>E:Twelve o'clock. <br>M:Throw the dice, What does it say? <br>E:Go forward two ours.<br>M:We should move hour hand clockwise by two squares.<br>How about the minutes hand? <br>E:It doesn't move,still stand there. <br>M:Do you know how to play? Who points the hour hand to 12 again who win. <div><br></div><div><b>*Fun facts about time</b><br>There are 365 days in a year,that are divided into twelve months.<br>Each month has 28 to 31 days.<br>Seven days make a week.<br>24 hours make a day<br>Sixty minutes make an hour. Sixty seconds make a minute.<br></div><div><br></div><div><b>(4)Practice about AM PM</b><br></div> 搞清楚什么是AM和PM,典型的日常生活拿来区分下发生时间。 <b>AM:</b><br>The time before noon. Common activities that happen in the A.M. are breakfast, getting dressed, go to school,etc. <b>PM:</b><br>The time after noon, Common activities that happen in the P.M. are lunch, having a nap,english class,dinner,reading,go to bed, etc.<div><br></div><div><div><br></div><div><b>5. LC</b></div></div> M:What can you see in this picture?<br>B:I can see a clock in the picture, The clock looks like a small house. A mouse holds the pendulum['pendjʊləm]钟摆 and shivers ['ʃɪvər]发抖, It is almost eight o'clock, the clock will strike soon.<br>M:Let's read the words under the picture, Point at the words as you read them.<div><br><div>M:Look, what a beautiful clock. What does it look like?<br>B:It looks like a pink flower.<br>M:What can you see in this picture?<br>B:I can see the minute hand pointing at twelve,and there are some numbers.<br>M:How many?<br>B:Let me count.<br>M:Where is the hour hand? The clock lost it's hour hand.Can you draw the hour hand on the clock?<br>B:Ok.<br>M:The hour hand should fat and short.<br>B:I know Mom.<br></div></div><div><br></div><div>M:Look at this picture carefully,find the same time on the watch and the digital watch. Then match them.<br>Look at the first watch on the left side. what time is it?<br>B:it is seven o'clock.<br>M:Which digital watch shows the same time<br>B:The last one on the right side.<br>M:Let's match them.<br></div><div><br></div><div>M:Listen what time is it?<br>B:One o'clock.<br>M:But it only has one hand,another hand is missing,do you know which hand is missing?<br>B:The hour hand.<br>M:Can you draw the hour hand in the right place?<br></div><div><br></div><div>M:What can you see on this page?<br>B:There is a delicious cake on the table,and there's a mouse it's hole.<br>M: Can you guess why the little mouse peeking through the hole?<br>B:Maybe the mouse smells the cake, he will run up to get a piece of cake. Then he will carry the cake and run down to go back to his home.<br>M: What else can you see on this page?<br>B:I can see a cane and a stool near the table.<br>M:So if the mouse wants to take the cake,What route will the mouse take?<br>B:It can climb the table leg to take the cake.<br>It also can climb onto the stool and jump to the table.<br>M:That's great!<br>B:Ok.The hour hand is short and fat.<br></div>