<p class="ql-block">年末寒冬,我们穿越时空对视经典,一场酣畅淋漓的戏剧表演正在悄悄上演。</p><p class="ql-block">2020年12月30日18点30分,高中部“海外英语戏剧节”在南校阶梯教室隆重举行。</p><p class="ql-block">“台上十分钟,台下十年功”,功夫在平时。为了最后演出的效果,这两个月以来,同学们利用课余时间反复排练,自觉严格要求自己,在英语老师的耐心指导之下不断地磨合、改进剧本。经过初赛的比拼,最终共有6个精彩节目杀入决赛。</p> HW Senior English Drama Show was held at 18:30 on December 30, 2020. "Ten minutes on stage, ten years off stage" Practice in spare time. For the effect of the final performance, the students have been rehearsing repeatedly in their spare time these months, consciously and strictly demanding themselves, and constantly running in and improving the under the patient guidance of the English teacher. After the preliminary competition, a total of 6 wonderful programs reached the final. <p class="ql-block">伴随着同学们高涨的热情,高一的俊男靓女们为大家带来舞蹈《Love Sick Girl》,他们动感的舞姿与激昂的音乐瞬间燃起全场气氛。精彩的表演结束后,本次英语戏剧大赛正式开始。</p><p class="ql-block">With the enthusiasm of the students, handsome boys and pretty girls from Senior 1 brought the dance "Love Sick Girl", their dynamic dance and passionate music instantly ignited the atmosphere of the whole audience. After the wonderful performance, the English drama competition officially began.</p> 主持人团队❤️Host team 第一个节目是高一4班同学们带来的戏剧表演:The Necklace《项链》。经过一番精心准备,演员们衣着华丽,表演投入,在短短的时间内用戏剧的方式向观众们了一个精彩纷呈、悬念迭生的故事,令人印象深刻,也为戏剧节汇演开了一个好头。<div>People are fragile, passive, always under the control of fate. A little thing can make people non-existence. Things are changeable. And Matilde can't escape it too. Now let's immerse ourselves in Mathilde’s story, which is acted by Class 4 Senior 1.</div> 第二个节目是由高二“荣誉班”同学们带来的原创英语剧:3 idiots。该剧意为三个“神经质”去选秀,各自发挥了自己的特长去争取角色。演员们的表演诙谐幽默,让观众们捧腹大笑,给我们展现出荣誉班同学们不一样的一面。<div>If you think the students of honor class are the smartest in the grade, then you are wrong. In our class we have 3 idiots and a bunch of neuropathies. Today they are going to an audition for a new movie. What kind of situation will they meet? Will they succeed in getting the role? Now, let’s welcome honor class to give us their wonderful performance!</div> <p class="ql-block">第三个节目是由高一1班同学们带来的歌舞剧:What goes around comes around《因果轮回》是一群曾失败过的魔法师扭转乾坤的故事。历经二个多月艰苦排练,1班同学为我们奉献出了一部表演极具张力、内容神奇有趣、参与人数最多的英语话剧。 </p><p class="ql-block">Is there anyone who knows Tough Love? It is an episode of the series Villains made of Disney, which tells a story of Princesses’ enemies. And next performance is the first episode of this series; the villains made a plan to revenge their enemies for the insults in an old castle. Now let's welcome class 1 senior 1 to bring us “What goes around comes around”</p> 第四个节目是由高一2班同学们带来的歌舞剧:Dream is on the way。女孩的心中一直有个音乐梦,但追梦的路上却困难重重,太多否定的声音让她退缩了。在她收拾行李准备放弃之时,外婆小时候常给她讲的故事书掉了出来,里面勇敢追梦的公主们再次唤醒了她沉睡在心底的勇敢…<div>Long time ago, there were three princesses. Although they lived in different countries and periods, they all came together for the same purpose to solve the problems on the way of their dreams. Please enjoy the show acted by class 2 senior 1 “dream is on the way”<br></div> 第五个节目是由高一3班同学们带来的经典剧目:The million pounds note《百万英镑》。如果一个穷人误打误撞得到一张百万英镑,那么他会经历哪些有趣的事情?看3班同学们如何把当时英国民众拜金主义的丑恶嘴脸,淋漓尽致地演绎出来。<div>Henry Adams, a poor guy who first arrived in England, suddenly got a million pound note. What will he do? What others do before and after they knew the truth? You will see all of these through the performance. Now let's welcome class 3 senior 1 to show us “the million pound note”<br></div> <p class="ql-block">紧接着,高一两位同学为大家一展歌喉,一首经典曲目“The Monster”,令人为之动容。</p> 第六个节目是由高二2班同学们带来的经典剧目:The Dawns Here Are Quiet《这里的黎明静悄悄》。演员们把二战期间苏联女兵,英勇抗击法西斯侵略者的故事,展现得精妙绝伦,让人无一不为之动容!<div>Girls are supposed to be the symbol of happiness, beauty, innocence and youth. But when they are facing the war, the guns and the enemies, they will step forward firmly to fight for their country, their motherland. Lets welcome Class 2 Grade 2 “The Dawns Here Are Quiet”<br></div> <p class="ql-block">最后,随着高二同学的一曲热舞,晚会也接近了尾声。</p> 英语戏剧节为同学们深度接触西方文化提供了一个绝佳的平台,从最初剧本的选择与改编到最终舞台的呈现,同学们以英语为媒介将自己的理解思考与经典原著相结合,最终予以呈现。在这两个月的编剧彩排和道具准备过程中,知识与创意、自信与合作缺一不可,更重要的是同学们的那份匠心精神。本次英语戏剧节汇演活动已经完美落幕,但是同学们对待学习、对待生活的匠心精神将会继续延续下去!<div>The performance is over but their story is about to start!</div>