Listening 清华幼儿英语0b CD熏陶;<br>清华幼儿汉语牙牙学语2 CD熏陶;<br>睡前听清华幼儿英语0b第6单元Dinosaur;<br>清华幼儿汉语牙牙学语一第14单元小猴骑车、第一册第6单元找妈妈CD。<br> Reading Video Mommy: Yeefay. Let’s watch a cartoon through mummy’s phone, Okay?<br>Yeefay: Okay.<br>M: Mummy will turn it on. Today we are going to watch an interesting cartoon-Witch in Jar. Hush baby, hush baby. <br>Y: Don’t go far. <br>M: I will catch you. I will put you in my Jar. Here it comes. <br> Game Time <p class="ql-block"><b><u>1. Observing a Turtle</u></b></p><p class="ql-block">Self- study:</p> Different Parts of a Turtle <br>Head 头<br>Eye 眼睛<br>Nose 鼻子<br>Mouth 嘴巴<br>Mandible /ˈmændɪbl/下颚骨<br>Neck 脖子<br>Front leg 前腿<br>Tail 尾巴<br>Pygal shield /ˈpaɪɡəl/ /ʃiːld/ 臀的盾<br>Claw 爪<br>Marginal shield 边际臀<br>Hind leg 后退<br>Costal /ˈkɑːstl/ shell 肋壳<br>Vertebral shell /ˈvɜːrtɪbrəl/椎骨壳<br>Nuchal shell /ˈnuːkəl/颈背的壳<br> 爸爸养了小龟,爷爷奶奶家也养了小龟,所以观察小龟也成了Yeefay日常生活中的一个小乐趣。之前,家里的大龟和小龟为了抢食打了一架,恰好被Yeefay看到了,导致直到现在Yeefay都不敢靠近家里的龟缸。今天来爷爷奶奶家,Yeefay表现出了对小龟的喜爱。原来只是害怕家里的小龟,老母亲这下就放心啦。<br>Turtle and Snail又是0b第9单元的内容,了解一下乌龟的相关内容,可以提前备备课。<br> <p class="ql-block"><b><u>2. Throw and Catch</u></b></p> Yeeefay在很小的时候就很喜欢扔球,今天在爷爷奶奶家看到乒乓球,别提有多高兴了,几乎扔了一天的球(捂脸)。老父亲和老母亲也趁机锻炼了一下身体,陪着宝宝左颠右跑,玩得不亦乐乎。 总结 今天又开启了新的单元——Witch in a Jar<br>Yeefay对这个单元的儿歌很熟悉,得益于牛听听的熏陶的。<br>今天的小惊喜是:看到动画的某处,音效很像打嗝,于是Yeefay对着我说Hiccup。动画最后,witch在抓小猪的时候,小猪吓得直跑。Yeefay笑着说:pig is running。<br>小宝贝慢慢的有意识的输出,真的会让老父亲老母亲感到无比的欣喜。这也是我们坚持的动力。<br>加油!加油!<br> 口语词汇 目前Yeefay的口语词汇有(183个):<br>疑问词:what, where<br>代词:here, there, me, you<br>介词:on, up, in, out, under, down, by, away<br>数词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten<br>车辆相关名词:car, bus, wheel, truck, train, digger<br>动物相关名词:hippo, moose, puppy, pig, duck, bunny, giraffe, fish, squirrel, bear, crocodile, donkey, rabbit, cat, zebra, sheep, marmot, ladybug, butterfly, cow, bug, leopard, panda, horse, bumble bee, spider, dinosaur, wolf, praying mantis, scorpion, dragonfly, centipede, turtle<br>蔬菜相关名词:carrot, tomato<br>水果相关名词:apple, pear, orange, pomelo,<br>其他食物名词:cookie, lollipop, milk, meat, bread, yogurt, cake, popcorn<br>人物相关名词:grandma, grandpa, mommy, daddy<br>家居相关名词:bottle, floor, box, stool, sofa, table, room, carpet, kitchen, chair<br>其他名词:bubble, moon, star, cloud, ball, year, foot, tail, lantern, water, merry-go-round, house, flower, scissors, tape, diaper, outside, puzzle, grass, rain, tree, pool, marker, roar, mitten,boot,<br>动词:hop, doing, pop, zoom, help, come, fix,hello, roll, stand, are, wave, turn, line, wait, thank, sleep, sit, crawl, play, smile, laugh, eat, cry, go, miss, walk, pur, draw, run, ride, take,hiccup<br>形容词:yummy, high, low, big, small, dark, round, sorry, long, short, ready, happy, new, hungry, empty, heavy, new, bad, great, more<br>颜色:yellow, white, purple, red, blue, green, orange, black, grey, brown<br>副词:no, Yeah, hooray, around, Ok, only, slowly<br>另外,Yeefay 还会说几个小短语:Mommy, get down. /Thank you./Peppa Pig/ Mommy, help me./Come on/ Happy New Year/Rolling, rolling, stand up./Moon, where are you?/Line up./Thank you./ Go away/It’s so great. /It’s here./Pop out./ Go outside.<br>