1. Hurt 受伤的统一说法<br>Don't jump on the sofa.<br>别在沙发上跳。<br>If you fall off, you could get hurt.<br>要是从上面掉下来,你会受伤的。<br><br><br>2. Burn烫伤<br>Don't play in the kitchen while I'm cooking.<br>我做饭的时候别在厨房里玩。<br>The stove is extremely hot, and you could get burned.<br>灶台很热,你会被烫到的。<br><br>3. Cut划伤<br>Be very careful when you use scissors.<br>用剪刀的时候要格外小心。<br>You don't want to cut yourself.<br>千万别剪到自己。<br><br><br>4. Bump撞<br>When you're in your crib, be careful not to bump your head on the rail.<br>你在小床里的时候,小心脑袋别撞到栏杆上。<br><br><br>5. Slam砸<br>After you finish playing the piano, close the lid slowly.<br>弹完钢琴之后,要慢慢地合上琴盖。<br>You don't want to slam it on your fingers.<br>小心别被它砸到手指。<br><br>6. Pull拉伤<br>Sprain扭伤<br>Always remember to warm up before you exercise.<br>运动之前,一定要记得热身。<br>Otherwise, you could pull a muscle or sprain your ankle.<br>不然容易拉伤肌肉,或者扭伤脚踝。<br>Sprain your ankle<br>崴脚<br><br>7. Prick扎破<br>Don't play with the needle and thread.<br>不要玩针线。<br>You might prick your finger.<br>会扎手的。<br><br><br>8. Bruise淤青<br>Oh no, how did you get a bruise on your knee?<br>哎呀,你的膝盖上怎么青一块?<br>Did you fall off your bike?<br>从自行车上摔下来啦?<br><br>9. Scrape擦伤<br>Are you feeling okay after that fall?<br>摔了个跟头没事吧?<br>Let mommy check.<br>让妈妈看看。<br>Do you feel any pain anywhere?<br>你觉得哪里疼吗?<br>Oh, you scraped your knees.<br>哎呀,你把膝盖磕破了。<br><br><br>10. Bleed流血<br>Your nose is bleeding.<br>你流鼻血了。<br>Let me get you some tissues to help stop it.<br>我给你拿点纸巾止血。<br><br><br>11. Numb麻<br>Are your legs numb?<br>你的腿麻了吧?<br>You were playing on your knees for too long.<br>你跪着玩太长时间了。<br><br>12. Swollen肿<br>You have a toothache?<br>你牙疼啊?<br>Open your mouth wide.<br>张大嘴。<br>Oh, your gums are swollen.<br>哎呀,你的牙龈有点肿。<br><br>13. Sharp Pain剧痛<br>Dull Pain隐隐作痛<br>You look pale.<br>你的脸色不太好。<br>Do you have a stomachache?<br>肚子疼吗?<br>Is it a sharp pain or dull pain?<br>是剧烈的疼还是隐隐的疼?<br>Do you feel sick?<br>觉得恶心吗?<br><br><br>14. Throbbing Pain跳痛<br>Your head hurts?<br>你头疼啊?<br>Can you describe the pain to me?<br>能告诉我是哪种疼吗?<br>Are you feeling dizzy?<br>觉得头晕吗?<br>Or, is it a throbbing pain?<br>还是一跳一跳的疼?<br><br><br>15. Hoarse Throat嗓子哑<br>Your voice sounds a bit hoarse.<br>你的声音有点哑。<br>You probably have a cold.<br>你可能是感冒了。<br><br><br>16. Sore酸疼<br>I have been working in front of the computer for too long, and my back is sore.<br>我在电脑前工作太长时间了,背有点酸。<br>Can you help mommy rub it?<br>你能帮妈妈揉一揉吗?<br><br>17. Splinter刺<br>There's a splinter in your finger.<br>你的手指上扎了个刺。<br>Let mommy remove it with the tweezers.<br>妈妈拿镊子把它夹出来。<br><br>18. Bump撞的包<br>Oh, there's a bump on your forehead.<br>哎呀,你的额头上撞了个包。<br>Let mommy blow on it to make it better.<br>妈妈给你吹吹,会好一点。<br><br>19. Canker Sore口腔溃疡<br>You have a canker sore in your mouth.<br>你长口腔溃疡了。<br>Please eat more fruit to help it heal faster.<br>吃点水果好得快。<br><br><br>20.Cold Sore疱<br>You have a cold sore on your mouth.<br>你的嘴上起了个疱。<br>Don't pick at it.<br>别抠它。<br><br><br>21. Itchy痒<br>Sore疼<br>Does your throat feel itchy or sore?<br>你感觉嗓子是痒还是疼?<br>Do you have phlegm?<br>有痰吗?<div style="text-align: right;">【来源:你和宝宝说英语】</div>