

<p> 新年的钟声即将敲响,时光的车轮又走过了一圈。送走了坎坷的2020年,在这一刻,又迎来了崭新的2021年。今天,才儿坊普罗园的所有小朋友们相聚在一起,用歌声迎接元旦的到来,用舞蹈跳出新年的喜悦。让我们一起走进普罗园,欣赏小朋友们的表演吧!</p><p><br></p><p> The bell of the New Year is about to ring,the wheel of time across again,off the bumpy 2020, at this moment, 2021 is coming.Today, all the children in The Garden gather together and greet the New Year's Day with songs and dance out the joy of the New Year.Let's walk into The Garden together and enjoy the children's performance</p> <p> 跟着屏幕倒数十个数后,精彩的开场舞表演开始啦!欢乐的音乐旋律和丰富的舞台道具让人眼前一亮,很快就浸入美妙的新年活动中啦!</p><p><br></p><p> Follow the screen after a few dozen, the wonderful opening dance performance began! The joyful music and rich stage props will brighten your eyes and soon immerse you in a wonderful New Year activity!</p> <p> 才儿坊普罗园园长Bella也给大家送来了美好的新年祝福。</p><p><br></p><p> Bella, the principal of Childfirst also sent a wish to all of us.</p> <p>1、香梨班—舞蹈《新年乐淘淘》</p> <p>新年到,真热闹,香梨班的小朋友们手拿喜庆的中国结给大家拜年了。</p><p><br></p><p> New Year is really lively, the children of pear class take festive Chinese knot to everyone.</p> <p>2、甜橙班—话剧《疫情防控在身边》</p> <p>2020年是特殊的一年,因为新冠疫情,我们的生活发生了很大的变化。从疫情爆发以来,新冠病毒一直存在于我们身边,所以一定要坚持疫情防控。</p><p><br></p><p> 2020 is a special year, our lives have changed a lot.Coronavirus has been around us since the outbreak of the epidemic.So it is important to stick to epidemic prevention and control.</p> <p>3、舞蹈延时班(小)—舞蹈《猪猪侠》</p> <p> 今天来了一群人见人爱,花见花开,怪兽见了就悲哀的可爱的猪猪侠们。</p><p><br></p><p> Look.There are some pig men.How cute they are.</p> <p>4、菠萝班—亲子舞蹈《过年啦》</p> <p>托班的妈妈们也带着可爱的宝贝们跟大家一起过年啦。</p><p><br></p><p> The mothers from pineapple also brought their lovelybabies to celebrate the New Year with us.</p> <p>5、蜜桃班—英文话剧《小红帽》</p> <p> 英文教学是才儿坊幼儿园的教学特色之一,蜜桃班的大哥哥大姐姐们带来了精彩的英文话剧表演。</p><p><br></p><p> English teaching is one of the teaching characteristics of childfirst.the brothers and sisters of peach class brought a wonderful English drama performance.</p> <p>6、樱桃班—舞蹈《One or A Kind》</p> <p> 樱桃班的小朋友们手拿三角形、圆形、正方形的形状宝宝,配合着多样的舞蹈动作与队形,超可爱哟!</p><p><br></p><p> The children from Cherry class holding triangle,circle, square shapes with a variety of dance movements .Super cute.</p> <p>7、葡萄班—话剧《我选我自己》</p> <p> 动物园里的小动物们也来参加我们的新年活动了,他们要选出新的国王哦!一起跟着葡萄班的小记者去看看这场盛大的选举吧!</p><p><br></p><p> The animals in the zoo also come to join us in the New Year. They want to choose a new king! Follow the grape class reporter to see the grand election!</p> <p>8、芒果班—《我和我的机器人</p> <p> 机器人编程也是才儿坊教学特色之一,今天一群机器人朋友也来参加我们的新年活动,展示了机器人的风采。</p><p><br></p><p> Robot programming is also one of the teaching features of Childfirst.Today, a group of robot friends also came to participate in our New Year activities, showing the elegant style of the robot.</p> <p>9、保育老师—舞蹈《风的季节》</p> <p>  保育老师在日常的生活中全面细致的照顾每一位幼儿。不仅像春风一样为祖国的花朵们保驾护航,而且还站上了舞台,展示了风一般的美妙舞姿。</p><p><br></p><p> The teachers taking care of the children not only like the spring breeze for the motherland as the flowers escort, but also stood on the stage, showing the wind general wonderful dance.</p> <p>10、全场互动</p> <p>  休息一下,一起来一个轻松愉悦的英文互动吧!</p><p><br></p><p> Let’s take a break and have an English interaction!</p> <p>11、舞蹈延时班(大)—舞蹈《星星的眼睛》</p> <p>  “星星的眼睛眨呀眨...依然相信美丽的童话”童真的歌谣配合着孩子们整齐动作,别有一番风味呢!</p><p><br></p><p> "The eyes of the stars blink... Still believe in the beautiful fairy tale "childlike innocence of the ballad with children neat movement, have a flavor of it!</p> <p>12、教师诗朗诵—《因为有你》</p> <p> 2020的春节,新冠疫情时,大家都待在家里,不能外出。但是有一群人,他们逆行而上,绝不让病毒藏匿,构筑起一道道坚固的防卫线,他们就是最美的逆行者们。才儿坊老师饱含激情的话语下是感动是赞美,园长Bella也给四位抗战在一线的最美逆行者送上鲜花,感恩他们的付出。</p><p><br></p><p> In the Spring Festival of 2020.Beause of the virus,we must stay at home.But there is a group of people, they do not let the virus hide, build up a solid line of defense,they are the most beautiful retrograde. All the teachers were touched and praised by their passionate words.Bella,the principal of the school, also presented flowers to the most beautiful travelers on the front line of the Anti-Japanese War to thank them for their efforts.</p> <p>13、柠檬班—《印第安的鼓声</p> <p>印第安的鼓声,空灵飘扬;印第安的舞蹈,姿意奔放。奥尔夫乐器与舞蹈的完美融合也呈现了一场超美的视听盛宴。</p><p><br></p><p> The Indian drums are fluttering in the air; The Indian dancing is bold and unrestrained. The perfect fusion of orff instrument and dancing also presents a super beautiful audio-visual feast.</p> <p>14、芒果班—《Open your dream》</p> <p> 才儿坊幼儿园以多元智能发展理论为核心,旨在培养孩子们多元智能的平衡协调发展,身体运动智能也是其中的智能之一。看,芒果班的小朋友带来了充满活力的花式篮球和啦啦操。</p><p><br></p><p> Childfirst takes the theory of multi-intelligence development as the core and aims to cultivate the balanced and coordinated development of children's multi-intelligence,among which the body movement intelligence is also one of the intelligence. Look, the kids in Mango brought lively fancy basketball and cheerleading.</p> <p>15、家长节目—舞蹈《桃花依旧</p> <p>  古诗是中国古代文化中的精粹,是华夏礼仪的结晶。古诗的芬芳,在几千年文化长廊里弥漫缭绕,给生命渗透了情思绵绵的诗意。我们一起跟随美丽的家长们穿越时空,去感受古风的美吧。</p><p><br></p><p> Ancient poetry is the quintessence of ancient Chinese culture and the fragrance of Chinese etiquette crystal ancient poetry.We follow the parents to feel the beauty of the ancient st</p> <p>16、葡萄班—《Bye Bye Bye</p> <p> 香梨班的小可爱们化身为一群可爱的小蝌蚪们也来这里凑热闹了,他们想趁此机会去寻找到自己的妈妈,快看,他们来了!</p><p><br></p><p> Pear class incarnated as a group of cute little tadpoles also came here to join the fun.They want to take this opportunity to find their mother.Look, they are coming.</p> <p>18、甜橙班、蜜桃班—《1997遇上2021》</p> <p> “有一个姑娘,她有一些任性,她还有一些嚣张……”一群任性嚣张的姑娘俏皮又可爱,还有一群潮流激情的男孩也带着酷酷的墨镜给大家带来了动感的舞蹈。</p><p><br></p><p> There's a girl who is headstrong and brash. A group of arrogant girls and boys also wearing cool sunglasses to bring a dynamic dance.</p> <p>19、教师节目—舞蹈《闹新年</p> <p>  福到了,大街小巷,喜庆新春新气象;福到了,万民同欢,家家户户喜洋洋。才儿坊的老师们也带着最美好的祝福,舞动新春,一起闹新年。</p><p><br></p><p> The teachers of Childfirst also bring their best wishes, dancing and making fun of the New Year together</p> <p>20、神秘惊喜—Sam的新年祝福</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">最神秘最惊喜的环节到来了。中国的春节是大年三十,而国外的春节则是12.25圣诞节。伴随着“happy new year”的歌声,将最美好的祝福送给了我们普罗园最可爱的外教老师Sam,Happy new year!</p><p style="text-align: justify;">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Here comes the most mysterious and surprising part. The Spring Festival in China is on the 30th day of the lunar New Year, while the Spring Festival in foreign countries is on the 25th Day of Christmas. With the singing of "Happy New Year", we send my best wishes to our most lovely foreign teacher Sam.Happy New Year!</p><p><br></p> <p>  欢乐的时光总是短暂的,很快活动就接近尾声了。本次活动孩子们载歌载舞,欢聚一堂,亲身感受到了热闹的春节氛围,收获了喜悦与欢笑。</p><p><br></p><p> 最后,才儿坊普罗园祝所有大朋友们和小朋友们新年快乐!</p><p><br></p><p> The happy time is always short, and the activity comes to an end soon.The children singing and dancing together to feel the lively atmosphere of the Spring Festival.Finally, I wish all of the friends and children happy New Year!</p>









