<p class="ql-block">2020岁末,南部海边小镇的阳光沙滩海鸟伴着两小孩儿嬉笑两小狗儿打闹,病毒笼罩中的我们,这算不算是个正确关合2020的方式?</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">话不多说,原汁原味的照片简单粗暴的记录一下……</p><p class="ql-block"><br></p> <p>Padre Island National Seashore</p> <p>Quiet morning by the place we stayed </p> <p>Beautiful Whooping Crane</p> <p>Goose Island State Park</p> <p>The Big Tree (1000-yr old oak)</p> <p class="ql-block">Sunrise - Ray of hope</p> <p>Library by the street</p> <p>Rockport Harbor </p> <p>Rockport Beach</p> <p>Downtown Rockport </p> <p>USS Lexington - Commissioned in 1943 and a major player in the Pacific theater of WWII, the massive aircraft carrier USS Lexington is now a naval museum. </p> <p>Corpus Christy downtown seawall </p> <p>One of the favorite parts of the trip for kiddos </p> <p>Back to Padre Island Beach</p> <p>Fulton Mansion - The 1870's French Second Empire structure is the former home of cattleman George W. Fulton. </p> <p>Birds at Fulcon beach</p> <p class="ql-block">圣诞一过,转角处就是新年了。 希望用阳光海浪沙滩送走2020后,我们不再为中美关系忧心忡忡为世界格局辗转反侧😂😂,为憋坏了的娃焦虑或是为明天的菜式犯愁。 </p><p class="ql-block"><br></p><p class="ql-block">2021,我们换一种方式打开……</p>