

<p>Happy Winter Solstice!</p><p>冬至快乐!</p><p><br></p><p>今天是二十四节气中的冬至(Winter Solstice),是中华民族的传统节日。冬至,又称日短至、冬节、亚岁、拜冬等,兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是二十四节气中一个重要的节气,也是中国民间的传统节日。冬至是四时八节之一,被视为冬季的大节日,在古代民间有“冬至大如年”的讲法,所以古人称冬至为“亚岁”或“小年”。冬至习俗因地域不同而又存在着习俗内容或细节上的差异。</p><p>冬至在太阳到达黄经270°时开始,时于每年公历12月22日左右。</p><p> 冬至过节源于汉代,盛于唐宋,相沿至今。《清嘉录》甚至有“冬至大如年”之说。这表明古人对冬至十分重视。</p><p><br></p><p>Ancient china did pay great attention to this holiday, regarding it as a big event. There was the saying that "Winter solstice holiday is greater than the spring festival".</p><p><br></p> 冬至 Winter Solstice<div><br><div>从冬至以后,中国的绝大部分地区都会经历最寒冷的时期,中国人叫它”数九“。这一共有九个时期,每个时期分别有九天。在”一九“和”二九“,手放口袋就能避寒;”三九“和”四九“,路上会结冰;”五九“和”六九“,可以看到河岸边柳树抽芽了;在”七九“和”八九“,燕子回归,在最后的”九九“,牛开始犁地。<br><div>After this day, many places in China go through the coldest period, which is called in Chinese, “Shu Jiu”. In total, there are nine periods with nine days for each. In the first and second nine days, people keep their hands in pockets; in the third and fourth nine days, people can walk on ice; in the fifth and sixth nice days, people can see willows along the river bank; in the seventh and eighth nine days, the swallow comes back and in the ninth nine days, the yak starts working.<br><br></div></div></div> <p>❄️冬至的传统习俗</p><p><br></p><p>Winter Solstice is a time for the family to get together.One activity that occurs during these get togethers (especially in the southern partsof China and in Chinese communities overseas) is the making and eating of Tangyuan or balls of glutinous rice, which symbolize reunion.</p><p><br></p><p>冬至是家族团聚的一天。在这天,中国南方的家庭会包汤圆、吃汤圆,以象征团圆的意思。不过在中国北方,似乎更多的人会吃饺子。比如说会有“冬至到,吃水饺”这样的谚语。</p><p><br></p><p>尤其是在中国北方,人们通常在冬至那天吃饺子,这是一个意味着温暖冬天的习俗。大家庭的成员可以聚在一起包饺子。在中国北方,饺子通常是蘸醋、辣油或酱汁吃的,有时还会加点酱油。</p><p>Particularly, in Northern China, people generally eat dumpling on the Winter Solstice , a custom signifying a warm winter. Extended family members may gather together to make dumplings. In Northern China, dumplings are commonly eaten with a dipping sauce made of vinegar and chili oil or paste, and occasionally with some soy sauce added in. </p><p><br></p> <p>❄️中国人为什么重视冬至</p><p><br></p><p>其实,从中国文化方面讲,“冬至”这个日子还可以翻译成“Dongzhi Festival”,中国人为什么比较重视这个节气?</p><p><br></p><p>The origins of this festival can be traced back to the yin and yang philosophy of balance and harmony in the cosmos. After this celebration, there will be days with longer daylight hours and therefore an increase in positive energy flowing in.</p><p>原来是和“阴阳”相关。人们认为,过了这一天,白昼一天比一天长了,是一个节气循环的开始,“阳”气逐渐回升,因此算是个吉利的日子。</p> <p>❄️关于冬至的相关英语</p><p><br></p><p>【习俗】custom /ˈkʌs.təm/ 习俗 [n.]</p><p>【饺子】:Dumplings , Chinese meat ravioli, Jiaozi;</p><p>【馄饨】:Wonton, dumplings in soup;</p><p>【米团】:Rice dumpling;</p><p>【长线面】:Long noodle ;</p><p>【冬至】winter solstice / Dongzhi</p><p>【汤圆】 Tangyuan Glutinous rice ball / rice ball</p><p>【二十四节气】 24 Solar Terms</p><p>【冬至祭祖】:Offering a Sacrifice to the Ancestors on the Winter Solstice。</p> <p>❄️关于中国24节气的英语表达</p><p><br></p><p>立春 start of spring 雨水 The rains 惊蛰 Insects awaken春分 Vernal Equinox 清明 Clear and bright 谷雨 Grain rain</p><p>立夏 Summer begins 小满 Grain buds 芒种 Grain in ear</p><p>夏至 Summer solstice 小暑 Slight heat 大暑 Great heat</p><p>立秋 Autumn begins 处暑 Stopping the heat </p><p>白露 White dews 秋分 Autumn Equinox 寒露 Cold dews</p><p>霜降 Hoar-frost falls 立冬 Winter begins 小雪 Light snow</p><p>大雪 Heavy snow 冬至 Winter Solstice 小寒 Slight cold</p><p>大寒 Great cold</p> <p>  国宝级纪录片:Seasons of China《四季中国》二十四节气纪录片--冬至</p> <p>冬至来临,我们一起来学包饺子吧!</p>