<p>20201219-1220 Saturday-Sunday</p><p>主题:1b Unit 7 Where is thumbkin & 汉3 U5 小鸟小鸟你真好</p><p><br></p><p>🍄听音频</p><ul><li>汉3 U4,U5和U6</li><li>1b U6,7,8</li><li>牛5-32,33</li><li>海尼曼</li><li>Peppa pig S105-106</li></ul><p><br></p><p>🍄看动画</p><p>(今天忙了一天,午觉也没睡,还真是没时间看动画了!)</p><p><br></p><p>🍄玩游戏</p><p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">FT Making sugar cookies</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">(今天是跟2017期Joy一起相约的烘焙趴,哈哈,两个小白妈妈带着两个性格迥异,性别不同的宝宝一起做圣诞饼干,下了决心开心那就好好开始吧!只是过程中状况越来越一发不可收拾,孩子们自己的状况频发,妈妈们的情绪也慢慢上涨,是一个逐渐修炼的过程啊!妈妈们加油!)</span></p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">(本文借鉴了小红书作者@有猫的唐七七的方子和图片,特别感谢!虽然烤的不太好看,但是香味和口感还是相当棒的!)</span></p> <p><b>Ingredients </b></p><p><b>Cookies </b></p><ul><li>unsalted butter 90 g </li><li>low-gluten flour 187 g</li><li>Powdered sugar 53 g</li><li>Milk 23g </li></ul><p><b>Frosting </b></p><ul><li>Powdered sugar 120 g </li><li>Egg white 18g</li><li>Lemon juice/Water 5-15g </li><li>Food coloring </li></ul><p><b>Bakeware</b></p><ul><li>Scale </li><li>Bowl</li><li>Spatula (/ˈspætʃələ/ )刮刀</li><li>Hand mixer 手持搅拌器</li><li>Sifter 筛子</li><li>Cups</li><li>Baking paper 烘焙纸</li><li>Rolling pin 擀面杖</li><li>Cookie cutters 饼干模型切割刀</li><li>piping bag/Pastry bag 裱花袋</li></ul><p><br></p> <p><b>Directions </b></p><p><b>Step 1 Mearsure the ingredients</b></p><p>First, you need to turn on the scale. Then put a bowl on the scale (press the zero to reset the scale to zero and zero out its weight. ). Next, use this spoon scoop flour into the bowl slowly. Don't spill the flour. Notice the number here. It' s 65g, ok, it's enough. </p><p><br></p><p> </p><p><b>Step 2 Soften the butter. (90g)</b></p><p>Chop butter into smaller pieces and measure the amount of butter we need. Cut the butter into cubes. Put the butter cubes into a bowl and soften them. You can use hair dyer to help softening. The butter is ready until you can press it easily.</p> <p><b>Step 3 Sift powdered sugar into butter. (53g)</b></p><p>Mix the powdered sugar with butter well. Then beat butter and powdered sugar with a blender on medium speed until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes. And add milk in three times to the mixture.</p> <p><b>Step 4 Sift flour in the butter.(187g)</b></p><p>Mix the low-gluten flour in the butter and stir them well. Don't stir in a circle. Shape the flour into a dough with our hands.</p> <p><b>Step 5 Flatten the dough.</b></p><p>Flatten the dough between baking paper with rolling pin. Then wrap in plastic. Refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour or overnight. </p> <p><b>Step 6 Cut the dough.</b></p><p>Roll out dough to 0.5 centimeter, adding more flour as needed to keep dough from sticking. Cut out cookies using desired cutters or templates. Roll out scraps, and repeat once. Repeat with remaining disk of dough. Transfer to baking tray as you work. </p> <p><b>Step 7 Bake cookies.</b></p><p>Preheat oven to 165 degrees. Bake cookies, switching positions of sheets and rotating halfway through, until edges turn golden, 15 to 18 minutes. Let cool on sheets on wire racks. Decorate with Royal Icing. </p> <p><b>Step 8 Make Royal icing.</b></p><p>Combine the pasteurized egg whites and powdered sugar in a large bowl. Beat the ingredients together with a blender on low to medium speed. And add lemon juice into the mixture. Continue to beat until the mixture appears frothy(/ˈfrɔːθi/ 气泡沫的 ) and light. </p> <p><b>Step 9 Decorate cookies with Royal Icing. </b></p> <p><b style="color: rgb(1, 1, 1);">Step 10 Wrap the cookies</b></p> <p>(星期天把糖霜干了的饼干包装起来,顺便让宝宝帮忙分类,计数,包装~一袋三块饼干,保证每袋里面饼干的形状都不同,分饼干~把饼干分成Joy的和Damon的两份。然后询问要不要送给自己的朋友,首先想到了仔哥哥,然后家里的兄弟姐妹都有了,哈哈!包装的时候,我们分工合作,我来绑扎带,宝宝来装饼干,还问我,妈妈,我的动作快吧!哈哈,合作愉快!)</p> <p>(哈哈,好可爱啊,好像雪人要坐着雪橇出发的感觉,快要到小朋友的嘴巴里了!看得老母亲我都好想吃啊!)</p> <p>🍄陪读书</p><ul><li>周天继续读书!早上起来给宝宝讲了100层的房子,里面真的好多知识点,不是对生物的特性很熟悉,作者还真是画不出来!特别讲到了蚂蚁与蚜虫的共生关系,还有海底还有一种会发光的鱼叫鮟鱇鱼,老母亲也是涨姿势了!</li></ul><p><br></p> <p>🍄总结</p><ul><li>今天两小只玩得很开心,老母亲也算是今年第一次烘焙,也很开心。当然累是肯定的。相比去年的圣诞做饼干,Damon用糖霜画饼干的手法更熟练了,对手的控制更强了,能连着拉出一条糖霜线,还能画点,画交叉线条。就这样每年都记录一次,感觉孩子就慢慢长大了,想着还挺感慨的!下午都没有午睡,陪着小朋友一起完成了饼干,棒棒哒!晚上撑不住了,8点就自己把自己放倒在床上睡着了!哈哈~老母亲可以偷下懒了~</li></ul>