<p>Music is a kind of charm which can soften hearts for good. When music sounds, happiness flow to the face. Music plays a vital role in our life since it is the language of the human.</p> <p>为了丰富学生的校园生活,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,感受英语文化魅力,提升学生英语口语表达,同时给学生提供一个展示自我的平台,2020年12月14日下午,东海小学在体育场隆重举行了英语歌曲展示活动。</p> <p>What wonderful performances !</p><p>经过赛前的积极备战,同学们在台上的表现收放自如,整个四年级的表演可真是生动有趣、精彩纷呈。下面就让我们一睹风采吧!</p> <p>Next , let's welcome Grade 4!</p> <p>首先四班同学为大家演绎的《We have a music room》收放自如,生动有趣~</p> <p>How wonderful !</p><p>五班的同学也毫不逊色,他们带来的歌曲是《This is Jenny》。活泼的旋律和动情的表演赢得观众连声赞叹!</p> <p>六班的同学们演绎的《It’s time for lunch》。稚嫩的嗓音,唱响了动听的旋律;优美的舞姿,演绎着动人的故事。</p><p>Beautiful songs sing the children's childhoods voices and the heart of children 's dreams .</p><p>The tender voices show the beautiful melody .The graceful dancing postures explain the moving stories.</p> <p>一班同学演绎的《Let’s all go to the zoo tomorrow》美妙的歌声,唱出了孩子们童年的心声,唱出了孩子们心中的梦想。</p><p>The tender voices show the beautiful melody .The graceful dancing postures explain the moving stories.</p> <p>二班的同学们为我们带来的是《Family》。每一首歌曲背后都承载了他们对英语学习的热爱以及努力的付出。为你们点赞👍</p> <p>最后是三班的同学们演唱的歌曲《Days of the week》 。他们活泼生动的表演展现了我们东海小学积极向上的精神风貌。</p> <p>本次英语歌曲展示活动,不仅让孩子们接受了更多的英语文化熏陶,感受到"爱英语、学英语、用英语"的校园英语学习氛围,还为孩子们提供了一个展示英语才艺的舞台,把孩子们从有限的英语课堂引领到无限广阔的英语文化殿堂。在活动中,每一个孩子都感受到了英语的独特魅力,体验到了学英语的别样乐趣。愿每一个孩子都能用自己动听的声音,叩响通向世界的大门。</p><p>The English song show not only makes the children accept more English culture, feels the atmosphere of "love English, learn English, and use English", but also provides a stage for children to show English skills and leads children from limited English classes to infinite English language. In the activity, every child feels the unique charm of English, and learns the special pleasure of learning English. I wish every child could use his own voice to ring the door to the world.</p>