Get together one day!Youth is surrounded by sunshine!相聚会有时,青春进行时


开篇语 <p><span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">  安康市第二届高中生英语风采大赛如期而至!大赛旨在打造安康市高中英语教学成果特色展示平台,丰富师生英语教与学的形式,为安康市高中英语人提供相聚在一起共同交流的机会。我们很荣幸代表平利中学参与此次盛会,展现自我风貌。经过校内初赛,大赛组委会初选,我校共16名同学成功入围。他们是个人赛选手齐文靖,团体赛选手王梓铱,陈彦宇团队!经过紧张激烈的角逐,我们荣获团体赛二等奖,个人赛三等奖,歌伴舞荣获优秀奖,优秀组织奖。邓小康,刘芳梅,吴金花,张琼,哈安珍,刘娟荣获优秀指导教师奖!</span></p> prepare <p>  市教研室下发大赛文件之后,学校教研室第一时间传达文件精神,落实活动方案。我们的英语老师们集思广益,带动激发学生积极准备。在最终确定了参赛队伍后,我们便开始了更加紧张有序的准备工作。情景独白的内容我们选取了四位在疫情期间的平凡英雄,用第一人称讲述他们的故事,合唱选择了one day,借以表达对爱与和平的态度。个人演讲突出作为青少年的一份责任!接下来确定队伍的队形变化,道具制作,服装统一以及合唱需要的乐器伴奏。还有为了更好的烘托独白和演讲的气氛,我们选择了相得益彰的背景音乐和主题PPT。</p> <p>我们出发啦!</p> 演讲稿 <p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Rise to Responsibility and Bear a Glorious Youth</b></p><p> Respected teachers, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, my name is Qi Wenjing from Pingli Senior High School. It is my great honor to be here. The topic of my speech is <span style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Rise to Responsibility and Bear a Glorious Youth.</span></p><p> During the Chinese Spring Festival of the year 2020, the whole country was hit by the corona virus disease, which disturbed everything and ended the holidays for reunion. In this epidemic, with the joint efforts of our whole country and the implementation of great measures, China managed to get rid of the difficulties, survived the epidemic and assisted other nations. Chinese government put their people’s interests first-- nothing is more precious than people’s lives. So we became the lucky ones in face of the global epidemic. The medical workers from the very young to the very old rose to the challenge without any hesitation. No one is born a hero, yet selflessness made them fearless. All citizens share a responsibility for the fate of their country. So as teenagers, I think, we should do something. As Mr. Lu Xun said, “ may all Chinese youth rid yourselves of indifference and unconcern and just move forward. Just do what you can and voice when it’s necessary. With a tiny spark, you can still light up the sky. As a single person, you also have a role to play. So as teenagers we can make a difference through little deeds and single effort. For example, be a vigorous and ambitious person or make every day as full as possible. I believe we teenagers shall have a glorious youth as long as we undertake everything we can for the sake of ourselves, our nation and even the world.</p><p>Finally,I sincerely wish everyone of you could seize the day and live it to the full. Thank you.</p> <p>个人演讲PPT</p> 情景独白 <p>A: I’m in! My name is Li Baoming(李保民). I’m a driver and farmer. </p><p>B: I’m in. My name is Zhu Haixiu.(朱海秀) I’m a nurse. </p><p>C: I’m in. My name is Fan Shunzhen. I’m a cleaner. </p><p>D: I’m in. My name is Wang Yong.(汪勇) I’m a courier. </p><p>E</p><p>A: In my hometown, we are so worried about people in Wuhan. We are all farmers. We don’t have much money, but we can still help. After harvesting vegetables, I arranged for my villagers to send cabbage to Wuhan. We spent almost 20 hours on the way. We know this isn’t worth too much, but it is the only thing that we can offer. What is devotion? We never talk about it, instead it’s evident that we must unite together when facing any danger. I’m so proud that we made it.</p><p>B:People regard me as the youngest warrior in the fight against the epidemic. I didn’t hesitate to go to the front line. I was afraid that my parents worried about my safety, so I secretly came to Wuhan. When my family knew what I was doing, they burst out crying. I am a communist and also a nurse. When my country and people needed me most, I must save lives with my professional knowledge. I treated every patient as my family, and I healed them with my passion and patience. Working day and night gave me heavy black circles. It's all worth it. I will try my best to be an excellent nurse and warm more people with my enthusiasm.</p><p>C: I'm an ordinary cleaner , 62 years old. This is my 11th year to serve in the Central Hospital of Wuhan. Ever since the outbreak of COVID-19, I have been working with other cleaners in the isolation zone without resting one day. Every day, I started to work at 4:30 am and never went back home before 1:00 pm. Every day, I must correctly and carefully collect and classify all the medical waste in order&nbsp;</p><p>to make sure each inch in the hospital is safe. I have seen lots of patients suffered a lot. I have seen doctors and nurses worked day and night. I have seen the whole nation fought together. Although I'm not rich, I'm not knowledgeable, and I'm not even young any more, I still want to do something. I'd like to do everything to help to the best of my abilities. Because I strongly believe we will defeat this disease eventually as long as we fight together.</p><p>D: As a courier, I kept asking myself:”What can I do during the pandemic?” I have a car, so at first, I started to pick up the doctors and nurses. Honestly, I was scared. But when I saw the exhausted faces, I made up my mind. I made up my mind to do something for them, for the city and for my beloved country. And I'm really proud of what I did when the city was fighting against covid-19, hustling between hospitals, pharmacies and residential complexes to deliver medicine and medical supplies to people, probably the most precious things during that time. I played my part in this war, and I'm glad to see our hard-won victory.&nbsp;</p><p>E: What is a hero? How to be a hero? I believe everyone has a dream of being a hero since childhood. Roman Rowland once said, “The real heroes are those who see the truth of life, but still love life.” Heroes can refer to those who can fight bravely, those who have heroic qualities, who are brave in fighting for the interests of the people and who are admirable. If so, the word hero is so far away for us. But what I want to tell you today is that it’s not really hard to be a hero. You just need to have an important spirit-dedication. Just like in this epidemic, countless angels in white signed letters of invitation to help Wuhan and launched the strongest challenge to the virus. Workers dedicated their strength and sweat to build hospitals. Street sanitation workers disinfect every corner of every street... It’s all of us. It’s all of us. Each of us has given a part of ourselves in exchange for a better life of others. We stay strongly together. And we praise the heroes with the spirit of dedication around us. I’m in! I’m in! I’m in! I’m in! We are in!</p> <p>合唱的背景PPT</p><p>Sometimes in my tears I drown</p><p>But I never let it get me down</p><p>So when negativity surrounds</p><p>I know some day it'll all turn around</p><p>Because</p><p>All my life I've been waiting for</p><p>I've been praying for</p><p>For the people to say</p><p>That we don't wanna fight no more</p><p>There'll be no more war</p><p>And our children will play</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>Sometimes in my tears I drown</p><p>I drown</p><p>But I never let it get me down</p><p>Get me down</p><p>So when negativity surrounds</p><p>Surrounds</p><p>I know some day it'll all turn around</p><p>Because</p><p>All my life I've been waiting for</p><p>I've been praying for</p><p>For the people to say</p><p>That we don't wanna fight no more</p><p>There'll be no more war</p><p>And our children will play</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>One day this all will change</p><p>Treat people the same</p><p>Stop with the violence</p><p>Down with the hate</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>All my life I've been waiting for</p><p>I've been praying for</p><p>For the people to say</p><p>That we don't wanna fight no more</p><p>There'll be no more war</p><p>And our children will play</p><p>One day one day one day</p><p>One day one day one day</p> 比赛进行时 颁奖 After the competition <p>齐文婧 赛后感想: 学无止尽,通过比赛自己真的提高了许多,特别是心里变得更加强大,不再畏惧跟害怕。同时,给自己的英语学习带了新的启示,比如今后要注重积累,注重知识的牵引,注重对中西方不同文化的了解和认识等等。相信我会越来越好!加油💪!</p> <p>  王子恒 我们帅气的子恒,对待英语学习态度认真,在网课期间非常自律,坚持英语书写练习,注重积累和运用。 </p><p>赛后感想:亲身体验,感触颇多。最为印象深刻的是个人赛演讲的选手们,他们充满自信,思维敏捷,表现得十分精彩。希望我能从他们身上学到这种自信,用于今后的英语学习。鲁迅先生说过:“自信即巅峰!”</p> <p>王若熙</p><p>赛后感想:</p><p>这次去安康比赛,我获益颇多。在那里,我看到了不一样的表演,那些同学都是学校中的佼佼者,在很多人面前表演也十分自信。我认为这次比赛对我来说是一个看见优秀同龄人的机会,让我明白了学习英语的重要性。</p> <p>顾方瑜 </p><p>赛后感想:本次比赛我的收获颇多。首先,这次比赛拓宽了我的视野,我看到了许多口语好的同学,而我自己的英语水平还有待提高。 我了解到学习提高英语并不仅仅局限于课堂,还可以通过各种形式来提高英语。其次眼界也要更开阔,不能做井底之蛙,要积累课外知识。最后,我懂得一定要自信和冷静,然后尽已所能。</p> <p>汪姝筱 </p><p>赛后感想:这次去安康参加比赛,感受到了那种热忱的氛围,所有人都是有备而来,用英语展示自己的风采。比赛中,有一个演讲的男生让我印象深刻,他在台上闪闪发光,口语流利,问答环节自如应对,条理清晰,值得我学习!</p> <p>王梓铱 生活中活泼的小姑娘在舞台上非常沉稳大气,从容不迫!相信随着英语学习的深入,会有更广阔的舞台等着你绽放光彩!</p><p>赛后感想:通过比赛,我真切的感受到了同场竞技的选手们的多才多艺和对英语的热爱,重视,他们的自信,爆发力和控场能力也给我留下了深刻的印象。包括在问答环节,他们可以随机应变,快速地思考出不同的细节。在今后的英语学习中,我会多多练习口语和发音。其次,多积累,训练自己快速阅读的能力和理解能力。最后,不能惧怕,be confident.敢于表达,敢于直面错误并尽快改正。I promise I will try my best.</p> <p>吕仁艺</p><p>比赛感想:这次比赛我的感受颇深。可以看得出来,大家都很优秀,竞争力很大。但是,我们也很厉害。这次收获很多,增加了我对今后英语学习的兴趣与热情,也拓宽了我的视野,真正体验到了“人外有人,天外有天”。有很多人都比我们更努力,也更厉害。我们也知道了自己的不足。总而言之,这次比赛可以说令我永生难忘。</p> <p>李梓龙 文能吉他弹唱 武能驰骋赛场!</p><p>赛后感想:很幸运,能代表学校参加此次英语风采大赛。我从这次比赛中受益匪浅,也开阔了自己的眼界。我们本次比赛机会真的十分难得,大家都很珍惜。为我们操心最多的是两个带队老师,我们上台后,他们比我们还要紧张。我们的节目一直都在调整,包括比赛前一天晚上。他们两个老师为我们不停地操心。当然,我们也很紧张。同学们压力都很大,谁都怕表演会出错。老师也在不停地开导我们,终于,节目成型,掌声响起,那时我们已经赢了。大家脸上又洋溢起那天真的笑容。感谢所有美好事物,我们也有了自己的真挚回忆。继续努力,没有最好,只有更好!加油!&nbsp;</p> <p>陈红宇 </p><p>赛后感想:在参加完比赛后,觉得收获良多。首先,我积累了一些经验并且这是一次全新的体验。站在舞台上演出与练习时是不一样的,面部表情、站姿等都有讲究。也欣赏了他人的表演,学到了许多技巧,比如答题时应注意重点等。其次,这次演出拉进了同学之间的关系,让团结与友爱洋溢在大家心间。最后,阳光学校的同学们给了我很大触动,在心疼之余,更是敬佩,敬佩她们的乐观与开朗, 希望她们的未来一片光明。</p> <p>  向爱乐 勤于思考,做事踏实认真!难能可贵的是知识面也非常广博!</p><p>赛后感想: 大赛期间,我参与其中,也欣赏了其它的节目,为我今后的英语学习带来启示。首先,我们要练习好口语。其次,广泛阅读,拓宽视野。最重要的是我们要怀着积极的心态去学习英语,热爱英语!</p> <p>邓代淞 机灵可爱中有些调皮!我们的代淞平时热爱唱歌,所以唱英语歌也可以融入英语学习当中。 </p><p>赛后感想:经过这一次的风采大赛,自己的眼界开阔了不少,也感受到了自己的差距。但自己在赛场上我也尽力了,争取做到了不留遗憾。在今后的英语学习中,更加努力,更多参与英语活动,提高口语能力!</p> <p>陈彦宇 可爱勤学的双胞胎姐妹!对待英语学习充满热忱。</p><p>赛后感想:当帷幕拉开的一瞬间,之前辛苦的练习,一整天的惶恐,一个早晨的忙碌,都化作释然的笑,坚定的眼神和激昂的Together. 今后,我会从各个方面提升英语,特别是口语和阅读能力,向着更高的台阶奋进,珍惜机会,锻炼自己。</p> <p>宋秋怡 赛后感想:赛后感想</p><p>“One day, One day,One day…”</p><p>“I am a driver…”</p><p>随着一句句清脆、流利的英语,响亮优美的合唱,作为半个压轴节目的我们在第二届英语风采展示的舞台上,展现出了属于我们的最美好的一面。</p><p>“深呼吸,别紧张,我相信你一定可以的!”我们相互打气,尽管每个人的手心都已经出汗;“加油,加油,加油!”我们互相鼓励,尽管双腿害怕到发颤;“胜利在此一举,全力往前冲吧!”我们互相加油,尽管每一个人心中都很恐惧。近了,近了,近了,随着主持人的报幕,我们心中的信念又仿佛愈加的坚定 。尤其是当幕布拉开的时候,注视着台下的观众,我忽然放下了心中所有的杂念,内心变得平静无比,我冲着人群粲然一笑,然后不慌不忙的开始了我的表演。</p><p>接着便有了开头的一幕。值得高兴的是,通过我们的不懈努力,获得了比赛的二等奖。</p><p>说实话,作为平利中学的代表,去安康参加比赛,不紧张那是假的。 但是望着那些在舞台上镇定自若的学长学姐们,望着铺着红地毯的舞台,我心中的那些紧张 、恐惧 …一下子就烟消云散了。那些压力都化为了“我要在舞台上好好表演”的动力。 当然我们能取得二等奖 ,这其中离不开老师对我们的教导和我们在课后的排练。尤其是邓老师, 他每天会抽出他的课余时间为我们进行排练 。尽管已经感冒了很久, 尽管嗓子已经哑了, 但他依旧扯着发炎的嗓子,不辞辛劳的指导着我们。如果没有邓老师我不知道我们会不会站在这个舞台上表演 ,不知道我们会不会表演的这么好 。所以在这里我真的很想感谢一下辛勤付出的邓老师,“ 邓老师您辛苦了 谢谢您!”</p><p>当然 ,作为这次比赛的观众之一,好多选手令我印象深刻,我认为无论是他们英语的发音还是控场能力都是无可挑剔的,并且都很幽默、 临场发挥能力特别强 。这次的比赛提高了我的眼界,拓宽了我的视野,更让我深刻的认识到什么叫做山外有山,人外有人。</p><p> 正如鲁迅所说,人生并没有失败,如果真要说,那么只有一种失败,那就是半途而废。 虽然我没有拿到一等奖,但是无论是在平时的排练还是在比赛中的表演,我们都在不断坚持,并且也在比赛中学到了很多、看到了很多、听到了很多。这大概就是我们最大的收获吧!</p> <p>周鋆楷 </p><p>赛后感想:通过风采大赛,让我更加喜欢英语,对自己的英语学习有了更高的追求。我学习了各种各样的英语学习方法,比如唱英文歌,演讲,配音等等,既有趣又富于挑战性。我想尝试,也想做到最好!我需要锻炼自己的胆量,让自己变得更好。</p> <p>何馥均 </p><p>赛后感想:通过这次特殊的经历我有了前所未有的体验,也使我感触颇深。令我印象最深</p><p>的两个节目先是乐队的三首歌曲串烧,整体非常流畅且准备充分,三首歌曲积极而又有很强的带动性,主场落落大方,放得开。我想这是值得我们学习的。第二个是以《流浪地球》为素材的演讲。无论是此次活动中的小品,配音,演讲还是情景朗诵,大家都是有备而来并且非常出彩。收放自如,节奏和感情也恰到好处,这些都是我从中学到的。</p> <p>蔡玲玲 </p><p>赛后感想:首先,十分荣幸能够参加安康市第二届英语风采大赛。在老师的带领下,我真切地体会到了这里每一个人莫大的勇气与激情。不论是个人赛,还是团体赛,不论是那娓娓动听的歌曲还是富有情感的演讲,所有人有能够大胆展现自己的英语水平,自信、大方。更值得一提的是,每一位主持气场十足,发音也十分的标准,他们也是学生,但十分沉稳。我想,他们身上的自信与大胆,对英语的热爱与追求,都是值得我们学习的。其次,当我们的节目上演,我们虽然都十分紧张,但却始终目视前方,面带微笑,努力完成台上的七分钟。最后终取得了较好的成绩。从开始编排节目到表演,我们每一天都在练,只为了这短短几分钟。或许我们付出的每一分辛苦都是为了把最好的展现给别人。但更重要的是“Practice makes perfect.”我们不但在那里学习到了英语知识,还使我们的视野拓宽,得到了锻炼自己的机会。最后,希望我们每一个人都能朝着更好的目标奋进。</p> Be grateful <p>  感谢安康市教研室提供这样一个展示学生英语能力的平台。感谢学校的大力支持,作为我们坚实的后盾,为我们解决了后顾之忧。感谢汪建群老师全程为大赛保驾护航。感谢我们的指导教师刘芳梅,吴金花,音乐指导孔繁静,我的学生吴水艳,朱鸿伟,感谢甘旭航精彩的ppt卡点制作,我的同学孙文钰,带队教师之一高友英老师。任何的成功离不开一个团队,感谢我们这样一群努力的孩子们为留下了最美好的回忆。</p> 教师寄语 <p>  作为英语学习者,希望大家有广阔的胸怀和国际化的视野!我们不崇洋媚外,但是我们可以更多地了解中西方文化,作文化的传播者,用英语讲好我们自己的故事。我们不眼高手低,但是我们可以站在更高的角度,用不同的形式体会英语的魅力,感受英语带给自己的冲击和收获。学习不是比赛,但是通过比赛提升自信心,查缺补漏正是我们迫切需要的,所以抓住每一次锻炼的机会,认真投入,创新学习方能有所斩获。一首英文歌送达大家</p><p>My heart beats like it's on fire.</p><p>And everything is alright,as long as I am inspired.</p><p>I stitched together my life from hand-me-downs.</p><p>And good advice that finally fit me.</p><p>I put My heart where my head should be.</p><p>And light up the rest of me.</p><p>Cause my dreams,they won't fall apart through the stops &amp; starts</p><p>When The life is a work of art.</p><p>I found this door to my inside.</p><p>I flung it open.</p><p>So dreams could rush in like the high tide.</p><p>I learned I'm not an island, or a fairy tale.</p><p>Cause in the end I'm not pretending.</p> 番外篇 抓紧扣细节 <p>反复强调表情要自然,要有笑容!大家都很拘谨,只能不断地鼓励他们,用笑话活跃气氛。微笑就是最美的。</p> 第一次化妆的男生 美美 全程都在吃 丰富的校园活动









