[1bU6 Here is the beehive]万思乐学小西妈双语工程1909期Damon 打卡 Day 258

Super Damon

<p>20201210 Thursday</p><p>主题:1b Unit 6 Here is the beehive &amp; 汉3 U4 猴子捞月</p><p><br></p><p>🍄听音频</p><ul><li>汉3 U3,U4和U5</li><li>1b U5,6,7</li><li>牛5-30,31</li><li>海尼曼</li><li>Peppa pig S105-106</li></ul><p><br></p><p>🍄看动画</p><ul><li>How Grinch steal the Christmas(感觉看了一点,宝宝看不太懂,因为没有字幕,老母亲也看不太懂,最后宝宝提出不看了,老母亲也如释重负!哈哈~)</li></ul><p><br></p><p>🍄玩游戏</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Game 1 Write a letter to Santa</b></p><p>(提出要给圣诞老人写信,宝宝很开心,选了一张信纸,结果一张写不下,把两张都用了。宝宝很着急要告诉圣诞老人他想要的礼物!还让我提醒圣诞老人吃东西前要洗手!哈哈~)</p> <p>强调了下写信的步骤:</p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">1.敬礼</span></p><p>Begin your letter with “Dear Santa”. This type of greeting is called a salutation(/ˌsæljuˈteɪʃn/). You should always start your letters with a salutation, so writing to Santa is really good practice.</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">2.向圣诞老人介绍自己</span></p><p>Tell Santa who you are. Santa knows you of course--He's been watching you all year! However, he gets lots and lots of letters, so he needs to know which one is yours. Include your name and add your age if you want.</p><p>For example, write, “My name is _____. I'm __ years old.”</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">3.问候圣诞老人</span></p><p>Ask Santa how he's doing. It's always polite to ask the person you're writing to how they are, and Santa is no exception. You could ask him how the weather's been up in the North Pole, how Mrs. Claus is doing, or if the reindeer enjoyed the food you left out for them last year. Showing your manners will boost your chances of being on the Nice List!</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">4.这一年的进步和表现</span></p><p>(问到这个时,宝宝不知道自己都做了什么好事,然后妈妈从昨天帮着打扫卫生开始回忆,告诉宝宝他能自己做好多好多事,是个棒棒哒好宝宝。此时宝宝也很自豪的告诉我自己还会把弄洒的水给拖掉!👍)</p><p>Tell Santa the good things you've done this year. Santa is a busy guy, so he may need a little reminder about how good you've been. Tell him about your accomplishments at school, the nice things you've done for your family and friends, and how well you've listened to your parents. Remember to be honest! Santa had his eye on you, so he'll know if you're not being truthful.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">5.告诉圣诞老人自己的礼物清单</span></p><p>(本来以为宝宝会说一长串自己的礼物,结果就说了自己最想要的两个,相机和大号,哈哈~)</p><p>Ask Santa nicely for the things on your list. Let's write a letter to Santa to tell him the gifts you want now. What do you want for Christmas?</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">6.告诉圣诞老人会给他留什么吃的?</span></p><p>(宝宝第一想到的是cupcake,a bottle of juice,一说到rindeer就想到carrot,哈哈,看来peppa的动画没白看!)</p><p>We should also share some food with Santa. What food would you like to share with Santa?</p><p><br></p><p>Well done! You should sign your English name at bottom right. Yes, write your here.</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">7.信的结尾</span></p><p>Finish up by thanking Santa. It's a lot of work delivering millions of presents to kids all over the world in a single night, so thank Santa for his kindness.</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">8.署名落款</span></p><p>Sign your letter. Use a closing statement like “sincerely,”“love” or “best wishes.”Then, sign your name underneath.</p><p>For example, you might sign your letter,“Love, Abby.”</p> <p>(写信由妈妈代劳,希望圣诞老人能看懂我写的字,哈哈~)</p> <p><b style="color: rgb(22, 126, 251);">Game 2 Learning center</b></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Page 1</span></p><p>Teddy bear is hungry. He wants to eat honey.</p><p>Look, what's this? This is a beehive. The honey is in the beehive.</p><p>But look carefully, what are those over there? Yes, they are little bees.</p><p>Do you think the bear can eat the honey?</p><p>How does the bear eat the honey in the beehive?</p><p>Can you help the Teddy bear?</p><p><br></p><p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Page 2</span></p><p>Look, I see a little bee.</p><p>What's this? This is the beehive.</p><p>The little bee wants to go to the beehive.</p><p>Pencil please.Trace the way back to the beehive.</p><p>Baby can you help the little bee go back home?</p> <p>(今晚宝宝愿意回答我的问题了,刚开始宝宝拿着笔在书上乱画,有点生气,刚想说不要乱画。结果宝宝说,他画的是ladder.妈妈问,What do the ladder do?宝宝答,help the bear get the honey.哈哈,幸亏老母亲忍住了,不然就听不到宝宝这段很棒的描述了!)</p> <p><span style="color: rgb(57, 181, 74);">Page 3</span></p><p>Look, what's this? A beehive.</p><p>And where are the bees? Can you find them?</p><p>How many bees are there? There are 5 bees.</p><p>These two bees don't have any color. </p><p>Get your crayons please. Let's make them beautiful. Very nice.</p> <p>🍄陪读书</p><ul><li>今晚老母亲情绪低落,努力让自己心情平复之后给宝宝讲书,糟糕的情绪在跟宝宝在一起的时候慢慢被治愈了!读完书,老母亲心情平和了很多,谢谢我的宝宝!</li></ul>









